News of Nashville Technology. Founded July 8,
2003. |
Nashville Technology
CouncilOct. 4 - NTC-ISSA INFOSEC "Security in Real
Time," with Keynote Speakers Gov. Phil Bredesen and the
Hon. Howard H. Baker Jr., former U.S. Senator and
Ambassador to Japan, details here.
| |
TN Biotech,
rural health comms, HCA, VUMC, Passport,
Carespark, e-Health, Healstream, digiChart,
Bearingpoint, Qualifacts (again)
and More...
Galen, VC and Angel forums, Nashville Capital
Network, Ingram Micro, First Data, Magazines.com
dispute, Investment Scorecard, Passalong,
Goldleaf, Central Parking and
CIO: Spheris
Inc.'s Joseph M. Degati is the CIO of the hour, here.
Comdata, Digital
Reasoning, Axis Accounting, Acxiom, Secure Status,
Merasys, EFC, HMS, LBMC, Crowe Chizek, Dell Inc.,
O'Charley's Emma and More...
Nashville-based Bank of New York's VP/GM
Donald Enfinger, right here.
Innovation Valley, Angieslist, ORNL,
Chattanooga Biotech, Memphis workforce, new
leaders at Chatta. Transportation
institute ...and More...
Update on U.S. vs Al Ganier, Bredesen supports
Metro database, probs in Metro IT contracting,
Supreme Court database, update on high-tech
economic initiatives in Tennessee, a contracting
coin toss and
Idea incubators,
education, research and development, a
leading education software leader return to
Vanderbilt's Peabody
College...and More...
RESOURCES: Charlie Martin donates, Al
Gore initiates in Nashville, the IT talent debate,
technology for the disabled, and more,
State Broadband Task Force meets
September 28, 10 a.m. til Noon, Room 12,
Legislative Plaza. Earlier
NashvillePost.com story on industry
reluctance to provide data, April 20.
Chairman Martin circulating argument for approval
of BellSouth - AT&T merger, p. 1E, AP
via Tennessean, Sept. 23. BellSouth agreed to
stop collecting controversial regulatory fee from
DSL Internet customers, AP via Wash. Post, Aug. 26. FCC vote on merger
could come as early as Oct. 12. Consumer groups
are voicing complaints (e.g., here and here), Cox News Svc.
via Tennessean, p. 2E, Sept. 26, not on web.
Related, Wall St. Journal, Sept. 23. MarketWatch, Sept.
Center for Public Integrity
sues FCC for failure to disclose data related to
deployment of high-speed broadband
Internet services, despite FoI request, wire
report via Tennessean, 2E, Sept. 26, not on web.
Release, Sept.
Equinox IS sells ShowCDR
usage-reporting product to Sierra Tel in
California, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
American Fiber announced
expansion of fiber network in Nashville,
Aug. 28 release. Completes acquisition
of USCarrier Telecom, Sept. 13.
broadband: Nashville's Telecommunications
Innovation Task Force submitted to Metro Council
staff its report on how best to approach
improvement of local broadband infrastructure and
services, essentially hewing to relying on the
private sector to deliver, in keeping with a draft
reported in July. No word yet on when or
whether the report might be officially addressed
by Vice Mayor Howard Gentry, who chartered the
task force, or by Metro Council or Mayor
Purcell. Metro broadband report, City Paper, Sept. 1. Tennessean,
Sept. 2. NashvillePost.com, July 21.
After-action: ISDN-Net Inc. Co-Founder Ken
Russell laments lack of more time and resources in
formulating plan to address Nashville's
"desperately urgent" broadband deficiencies, p.
47, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 8, not on web.
Russell was a member of the Metro
Council-sponsored Telecommunications Innovation
Task Force, the charter for which ended Aug. 31.
Task Force Chair Darrell Freeman has called for
Nashville Technology Council to take a role in
advancing the broadband agenda, but no one has
provided a scenario for such an effort.
Editorial urges further exploration of
public-private strategies for expanding
Nashville's broadband resources, Tennessean, Sept.
The Federal Communications
Commission's (FCC) next wave of "media-ownership"
hearings begins Oct. 3, here. FCC's
first auction of Advanced Wireless Service (AWS)
spectrum licenses ended September 18, 2006.
A total of 1,122 licenses were offered in the
auction, and 104 bidder won 1,087 licenses.
Release, Sept. 18. Bidding in
latest round of wireless-spectrum auctioning may
end with few new entrants, as bidding surpasses
$13 Billion, NY Times, Aug. 28.
lands deal for System5 residential broadband in
Franklin development, Nash. Bus. Journal,
p. 3, Sept. 1. Company has
attracted Clayton Associates investment.
Rowland, the CEO of
Lafayette-based rural telco for north central
Tennessee, says the Universal Service
Fund is threatened, and must be
maintained to ensure equitable access to
affordable telephone service among elderly, rural
and other high-cost, low-income groups, op-ed,
Tennessean, Sept. 8.
County board wants more funding from cellular
providers for E-911, Knox. News Sentinel,
Aug. 30.
enters local internet phone market,
Tennessean, Aug. 28. Comcast will
deliver Williamson County's first dedicated
government-access cable channel for City of
Brentwood, Tennessean, Sept. 3. Comcast, CBS VOD will
now be free, Wash. Post, Sept. 15. Comcast takes more
space at Two Rivers, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 25.
Wireless Assn. and Verizon legal counsel speak in
opposition to Williamson County restricting number
and location of cellular towers,
Tennessean, Sept. 3.
phones with GPS-features let Nashville parents
tracks kids' whereabouts, Tennessean, Aug.
Knoxville-based Scripps
Networks is teaming with Amazon.com to offer Unbox
digital video downloads, Knox. News
Sentinel, Sept. 12. Amazon.com
moving in step with Apple on dowloads, Wash. Post,
Sept. 13.
Chattanooga, Airnet's Campbell extolls city's
advantages for fiberoptic communications and role
as Internet hub, thanks to railway
infrastructure, Chattanoogan.com, Aug.
Silicon Valley to receive
'vast' wireless network for multi-city area, with
IBM and Cisco playing big roles, NY Times, Sept.
Broadband overtakes dialup,
perhaps driven by bundling of services,
InformationWeek, Sept.
Tennessee Biotechnology Assn.
annual meeting is later this week (Sept. 28-29),
details here. A VC panel, review of
Biotech in Tennessee are among highlights.
Nashville biotech plays forced to look beyond
Nashville for VC; Pathfinder Therapeutics cited as
a company finding it tough slogging to raise a
middling $7 million. p. 45A supp., Nash. Bus.
Journal, Sept. 22.
Rural health
care funding programs that could help improve
providers' access to advanced telecom and
info services will be the subject of a Federal
Communications Commission hearing, this morning in
Washington, DC. Related document, here.
shakeup at Bredesen-controlled Qualifacts;
Klements now president, NashvillePost.com, Sept.
12. Release, Sept. 13. Qualifacts recognized
for community development for the company's recent
move to SoBro downtown, from farther out.
Tennessean, Sept. 25.
SVP for Quality Jonathan B. Perlin, who joined HCA
in July, was on Sept. 19 named a commissioner of
the Certification Commission for Healthcare
Information Technology (CCHIT). Story on Perlin
joining HCA, NashvillePost.com, July 12.
Vanderbilt Medical Center's 5-year
strategic plan relies heavily on biomedical
informatics to achieve leadership
internationally, according to Keckley, head of
Vanderbilt Center for Evidence-based Medicine. p.
34, BusinessTN, Sept. 06, not on web.
"Most Wired" list of healthcare
systems effectively employing information
technology now includes Vanderbilt
University Medical Center, Sept. 06.
Dept. of Health rolls-out Hospital Resource
Tracking System, State release Sept.
Telemedicine: VU
Ophthalmic Imaging Center using e-mailed images,
produced via digital-imaging camera, to
serve patients in less-developed nations,
Tennessean, Sept. 13.
Scientific's Crook discusses the Biotech
executive-recruitment industry in
Nashville, City Paper, Sept.
Passport Health Communications
adds Loop to board of directors, release
Sept. 11. Tennessean, Sept. 12. Names Rinck to head
client reimbursement services, Tennessean, Sept. 10.
22 veteran of VU Medical Information Services,
garners eHealth Information Management
Triumph Award from AHIMA, Tennessean, Sept.
Brailer's interim successor
is VA informatics officers Kolodner,
GovHealthIT.com, Sept. 20.
announces VerusMed, medical information provider,
names Jack Angel to its board of
directors, release Aug. 24. Mattioli
joins VerusMed as vp-sales, from HealthLeaders
Inc., Tennessean, Sept. 24.
to HealthStream board of directors, release Sept. 12.
NashvillePost.com, Sept. 12. Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 12. Healthstream
signs Cedars Sinai Medical Center in So. Calif.,
release Aug. 29. Nash.Bus. Journal, Aug. 29. Tennessean, 3E, Aug.
Rick Oliver says healthcare
providers and institutions should get 'socially
networked' to serve the "MyGeneration,"
which is accustomed to customized online services,
Nash. Medical News, Sept.
Transparency: HHS Scty.
Michael Leavitt met with VUMC officials Sept. 14
to discuss creating a database to enable
consumers to learn of hospitals' and
physicians' success rates in providing services,
City Paper, Sept. 15.
Related: HHS and transparency, here.
Carespark RHIO announces
ActiveHealth joins ranks, release Sept.
Henry County Medical Center
adopts McKesson Paragon community hospital
information system for EHRs. Release Sept.
Blue Cross, Caremark
continue pressing iScribe e-health
initiative, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 12.
IT adoption gap and costly admin drag down health
system performance, GovHealthIT, Sept. 21.
of Memphis' BioWorks Foundation wants to see more
science-based businesses, particularly
building on city's orthopedic medical-device
industry that blooming there, Comm. Appeal, Sept.
National Alliance for
Health Information Technology named Spellman vice
president of strategic initiatives and member
relations. Release NAHIT, Sept.
Update on SharedHealth's
efforts to push EMRs in Tennessee and beyond the
state, p. 41A supp., Sept. 22, Nash. Bus.
Journal, not on web. "Health Care 100"
movers and shakers are presented in a supplement
to Nashville Business Journal, with trend reports
on healthcare transparency, e-Health and other
topics, Sept. 22. Not on web.
digiChart, Inc., a national
provider of OB-GYN-specific technology
solutions, announces digiChart Practice,
an integrated, Web-based Electronic Medical Record
(EMR) and Practice Management System (PMS).
Release, Sept. 6.
Healthcare Management
Systems software to Val
Verde RMS, Del Rio, Texas.
Tennessean, 3E, Aug. 30.
E. TN's Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinics
adopted Medical Present Value Inc.'s MPV
Phynance contracts and
audit-reimbursement technology and
Tennessean editorial
supports Bush push for more "health
transparency," editorial, Tennessean, Sept.
BearingPoint wins $13M
contract to assist HHS Office of National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, Wash. Post, Aug. 28.
Health leads E. TN hospitals in posting healthcare
quality data online, Knox. News Sentinel,
NetAlliant Technologies
(Medical Technology Sales) offers Chattanooga-area
providers tools for transforming to
digital records, from paper, Times Free Press, Aug.
Erlanger, Memorial and
Parkridge hospitals in Chattanooga adopt new
technology to track available beds during
disaster response, Times Free Press, Sept.
19. Erlanger signs with Kodak Health for
PACS system and IS management, release Sept. 20.
Federal rules change facilitate
providers giving technology to physicians as
incentive to adopt EMRs, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug. 25.
remote patient monitoring expands, telemedicine
experts mull what must be monitored and by
whom, given that insurers often don't pay
for suchvigilance, NY Times, Sept.
Nashville's Pathfinder
Therapeutics and the Discovery Channel are among
16 presenters during the
Tennessee Valley Venture Forum in
Knoxville, convening
Vanderbilt University has
adopted direct-to-cell-phone text messaging
services from Dobie Media LLC , the
Nashville firm founded by Bruce Dobie, the
long-time Nashville Scene editor who stepped away
from the alternative weekly nearly two years
ago. NashvillePost.com , Sept.
Nashville Capital Network panel
discussion on "Organizing Your Company,"
Tuesday, Oct. 3, 5:30-7 p.m. Panel:
Page Davidson, Bass Berry & Sims; Alston
Hamilton, Miller & Martin; Rob Smith, Petra
Capital Partners; Steve Simpson, president/CEO,
Spheris Inc.; Joe Hutts, former CEO of Surgis;
Michael Devlin, co-founder and managing partner,
Pharos Capital Group; Moderator, Tim Petrikin,
president/CEO, e+healthcare. Averbuch Auditorium,
Owen GSM, Vanderbilt. No charge, no advance
registration required. For further information, visit here or phone (615)
Companies that want to
present Jan. 31-Feb. 1 during first Southeast
Venture Conference must submit applicaitons by
Oct. 15, details
Angel investor and
LinkedIn CEO Hoffman discuss high-tech angel
investing, GigaOm.com, Sept. 19.
Cumberland Emerging Technologies
expands Nashville biotech incubator,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
Customers of Ipix Corp.,
now in bankruptcy, hope that someone buys the Oak
Ridge-developed software to enable 360-degree
views on web and other applications,
Knox. News Sentinel, Sept. 18.
Dialogic Communications Corp.
sells to PlantPMC, after holding out for sale to a
public company, NashvillePost.com, Sept. 12; Tennessean, Sept. 13
Adrenaline Nation Entertainment
relocates from Clearwater to Nashville, leases
from Film House on Dominican Dr., p. 5,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 15. Release, Sept. 7. Tennessean, Sept. 13.
Gateway, Inc. deflects Hui offer
for retail unit, statement Sept. 1. Related,
article on Harbert/Firebrand approach to
Gateway on 'sharedholder value', here.
Magazines.com chief Clarke says
Goldstein inflated value of firm he sold to
Magazines.com, Goldstein denies it
through his lawyer, Tennessean, Sept. 13.
Six-month-old Fident LLC
consulting group (3200 West End) is touting its
new website, here. The FTE
complement is the three original founders: April
Aden, Joey Dunagan and Larry Powell. The three
were previously with North
Viisage, Identix merger
could expand IBT employment in Nashville,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 30.
Marks rolls-out OneApp Agency insurance software
product, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
Profile: Art
Rebrovick and NMG Advisors, p. 17, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Sept.
Printronix and Ingram Micro
in distribution deal for printing supply chain
technology, Aug. 30
Patrick Vaden, founder of Nashville-based First
Data Systems, has been named president
and CEO of PropertyInfo Services Corp., a
real-estate information services holding company
within Stewart Information Services Corp. of
Houston. Vaden will remain in Nashville, and will
travel to PropertyInfo portfolio companies in
Texas, Arkansas, Illinois and elsewhere.
First Data is located on Vultee Blvd. Release Sept. 6.
NashvillePost.com, Sept. 6.
Partners adds six associates and analysts,
NashvillePost.com, Sept. 6. Former Investment
Scorecard project manager Coppeans joins Avondale
Partners LLC, Tennessean, Sept.
Landstreet departs Avondale
Partners for newly relocated companies controlled
by Arthur Laffer, who recently
transplanted from San Diego. Tennessean, Sept.
Investment Scorecard
wealth-management offering rolled-out,
Tennessean, Sept. 15. Release, Sept.
Automation of ticket-paying
is helping Central Parking Corp. cut
costs, Tennessean, Sept.
Nashville's Bass Berry &
Sims PLC provided legal counsel in Intergraph
Corp.'s $1.3 billion sale to Hellman
& Friedman LLC and Texas Pacific Group,
release Aug.
Performance: Dollar
General inventory management must become more
efficient, says Lehman Bros. analyst
Adler, p. 2, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
PassAlong Networks creates
PassAlong Mobile, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 1. Related release, Sept. 14. Oppenheimer joins
Passalong, NashvillePost.com, Sept. 15.
Oppenheimer to PassAlong Networks as chief
scientist, guiding licensing and acquisition of
new technologies, Tennessean, Sept.
Goldleaf Financial
Solutions shares move from Small Cap to NASDAQ
Global Market, Tennessean, Sept.12. Goldleaf amends credit
line, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 5.
Shop At
Home broadcast affiliates are still on the sales
block, p. 11, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 8.
Ventures joins investors in High-G for active RFID
technology for control of physical assets
and sensitive materials, release Sept.
Galen Capital Group LLC
(McLean, Nashville, LA) names new director of
investment banking on W. Coast, release
Sept. 14.
Silicon Valley Leadership
Group says valley in trouble, ranks hubs,
Mercury News, Sept. 1. Report and survey.
firms' often foster 'illusion of success' to woo
investors, Wash. Post., Sept.
Publicly held Google is on
an acquisitions spree, Wash. Post, Sept. 14.
Inc.'s Degati has key role in
Despite losing money on
operations and $200 million in corporate
debt, Spheris Inc. is pinning its hopes
for future profits on improving its technology,
writing more profitable contracts with customers
-- and, possibly, enlisting further help from
investor Warburg Pincus LLC to establish a role in
the emerging electronic health records (EHR)
arena. Earlier report on Spheris'
finances at NashvillePost.com, here.
Chief Information Officer Joe Degati
(above, left) explained in an
interview with NashvillePost.com Aug. 7
that in October during an AHIMA event, Spheris will
roll-out a new suite of technology tools under a
new product brand, complementing efforts to meld
Spheris' tech platform with that of Vianeta
Communications, a provider of
clinical-documentation technology that Spheris
acquired, earlier this year.
Degati, 42, joined Spheris about
16 months ago. He manages a 120-person
group of IT professionals, including more
than 30 dedicated to applications.
Focal-points include workflow improvement,
integration of acquired companies and application
development. Spheris employs a wide range of
tools, including .Net, SQL Server and Oracle, and
C++. Spheris maintains data centers in
Franklin and in Sterling, Va. Degati did not
provide information on his IT operating budget or
capital expenditures.IT staff are based primarily
in Franklin, Tenn.; Sterling, Va.; and, St.
Petersburg, Fla. Only eight Spheris employees
reside in India.
Degati said
Spheris seldom employs IT consultants or staffing
firms on a long-term basis, but has used
several firms, including CORE BTS, for specific
assignments. Spheris plans to relocate its
headquarters to Primus Building C, 9009 Carothers
Pkwy., Cool Springs, not later than Dec. 31.
Related stories: Spheris Inc. wins
University HealthSystem Consortium contract for
more than 200 potential users of
clinical-documentation technology, release Sept. 11. Robert
Z. Hensley named to Spheris Inc. board of
directors, release Aug. 21. Tennessean, Aug. 27.
Bank of New York Nashville IT exec
keeps low profile
Relatively few locals are aware
that Donald Enfinger, 50, is vice president and
general manager of the Tennessee Processing
Center of The Bank of New York,
Inc. (BNY), the 120-year-old Wall
Street institution, which here in Nashville
employs about 145 FTE professionals and five
administrative staffers.
(at right) says that the TPC
supports the entire BNY enterprise, and
"was created to enhance the geographic
diversification of The Bank of New York's
worldwide operations. It is one element of a
global support structure that is considered a
model without financial services for
BNY's estimated $120 million
investment on Brick Church Pike in Nashville
has a strong logic behind it, it seems:
NONT's research shows that just months after the
infamous 9/11 Attack, The Bank of New
York in 2002 provided comment to the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank System on
reducing bank data center vulnerability,
particularly threats against telecommunications
resources. Nashville is mentioned. A federal
interagency report on diversity of location of
assets and other factors in security and
resilience was produced in 2003.
Notes on local ops: Enfinger
indicated that national agreements
satisfy most of BNY's needs, including
multiyear arrangements with IBM, HP, Sun, Cisco
and EMC, among others. All vendor sourcing
is coordinated through corporate purchasing
office. Note: BNY Senior Executive Vice President
and CIO is Kurt D.
Online jobsites
suggest a steady stream of hiring for BNY in
Nashville. Enfinger says he views
the local talent pool as well stocked, though the
company has also recruited from Atlanta, Memphis,
Cincinnati and Louisville "for some specialized IT
Prior to joining BNY
in 2005, Enfinger was vice president-IT technical
services for Fifth Third Bankcorp, based
in Cincinnati. Earlier, He was vice
president-IT operations for Checkfree Corp., in
Norcross. From 1976-2000, his IT posts
included such employers as Vanstar/Inacom Corp.,
Businessland/JWP, Kroy Inc., Computerland of
Phoenix and Computer Management Systems. He was
recently named a member of Tennessee's OIR
Information Systems Council.
and reared Pensacola, Fla. He studied
computer science for more than two years
at Pensacola Junior College. Hobbies include
travel, digital photography, golf, DIY projects,
He and wife Sonya live in Fairview. Two adult sons
and their families live in the Cincinnati area.
♦ |
Brentwood-based Comdata Corporation
has named Rod Katzfey senior vice president and
general manager for Comdata Processing
Systems, which issues payment cards and provides
payment-processing services for transportation,
retail, service, restaurant and hospitality
industries. NashvillePost.com, Sept.
Digital Reasoning Systems
(Brentwood) names Jensen to head federal
marketing, release Sept.
Duncan joins Fleet One LLC
as Webmaster, Tennessean, Sept. 25.
Accounting Systems added Whitfield and Saunders as
consultants, Tennessean, Sept. 24. Release Sept. 14.
will supervise all programming and systems
engineers at Insequence Corp., Smyrna. Tennessean, Sept.
Secure Status LLC
(Hendersonville), with IT Director Jim Porter and
four FTEs, has released SecureStatus.net,
a secure platform intended for those who want to
communicate with less fear of spam, phishing,
System Improvements has named
Edward J. Skompski as vice president of Software
Development. Skompski has been with the
firm for more than 10 years and is a partner. He
will manage software project development,
technical support,Wweb development and e-commerce
activities. Knox. Bus. Journal, Sept.
Nashville-based Acxiom
Direct has named Senior Strategist Larry Martin to
lead Acxiom's fresh push into
Sports-Entertainment markets, with new
joint offernig with Turnkey Sports Alliance meant to
provide leverage. Release Sept. 20. Martin is
Merasys LLC announced
yesterday Matthew Wiley, a 2004 Lipscomb grad,
will lead a new strategic accounts
division. While in college, Wiley
interned with Trifecta Entertainment and Universal
Records. He wrapped up his internships with
Birdwell Insurance Group, earning his Life and
Health Insurance license, and continued with the
company as an employee. After graduation, he
was employed by Netstreet Brokerage as an Internal
Marketing Representative. Earlier
NashvillePost.com story on youthful
Merasys, here.
Cold Feet
Creative rebrands as Emma, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug. 25.
Kritsch, former Shop at Home
operations chief, is now in charge of broadcast
operations for Great American Country,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 25.
EFC Systems made Mason and
Danser vp's of sales, with emphasis on pushing
payments and remote-deposit capture
products, including RDC 30(TM) and
RDC:Enterprise(TM) for banks, corporate depositors
and third-party processors. Release, Aug. 28. Tennessean, Sept. 3.
Financial in Brentwood named Farmer to IT
team, Tennessean, Sept. 17.
Center's board appointments included tech
execs: Jason Dinger, VP of St. Thomas Health
Services, is now Oasis board
past-president; and, Carl Grimstad, president of
iPayment Inc. Tennessean.
Management Systems announced appointments in
software development, application
analysis, technical implementation, support and
related functions, Tennessean, Aug. 27.
Kenneth Raetz joined LBMC
Technologies as manager-software
development; he was previously with Shop
At Home, p. 17, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 15, not
on web.
Future50 honorees include
Tech execs from Altair Data, ASE Technology,
Avankia, Cabedge.com, Concept Technology,
Cybera, Digichart Digital Connections, Emma, ESS
Inc., Freedom Communications, Optimum Technolog
Sols., Paramore/Redd Online Marketing, Passalong
Networks, PokerOutlet.com, Puresafety, Rustici
Software, Snappy Auctions, Sysgenix Resources,
Rehab Documentation -- Tennessean, Sept. 14.
Wright promoted by Parthenon Publishing to
director for Web development, and Greg
Siedschlag joins from Synaxis Polk & Sullivan,
handling Web content. BusinessTN, p. 23, Sept. 06.
Confirmation and AuditWatch team to offer CPAs
account-balance information during
audits, Tennessean, Sept.
Carrier-neutral G Squared
Wireless stresses asset management, bill
optimization, procurement and other
sources of savings, p. 13, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 15. Duckworth joins
G Squared Wireless as account manager, Tennessean,
Sept. 17.
NBC and
its new National Broadband Company (NBBC) wade
into on-demand video market, NY Times, Sept.
Lightning Source Inc.
(LaVergne), names former McGraw Hill and Ingram
Book exec Powers VP-sales-service, Tennessean, Sept. 12.
On-demand printing counts Nashville companies
among its pioneers, p. 6, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
Ozburn-Hessey Logistics has
added an executive position for oversight of its
information technology and integration
strategy on mergers and acquisitions. Supreet
Manchanda has been hired as executive vice
president and chief technology and corporate
development officer. Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 28. OH release, Aug. 30. Tennessesan, Sept. 3.
'MySpace' for Christian Music set:
myCCM.org, for sharing music, photos,
etc. Tennessean, Sept.
Community Federation of
Middle Tennessee named to its board of directors
Linda Rebrovick, Dell Inc. vice
president-healthcare sales and immediate
past-chair of Nashville Technology Council,
Tennessean, Sept. 17.
Technology Advisor names Brian Fox, of
Brentwood-based Capital Confirmation Inc.
to its first 40 Under 40 list, Tennessean, Sept. 17.
Chapter of Microsoft Certified Partners named
officers, including Ed Carnes, president
(Carnes Group); Sanford Comeaux, VP (Journey
Team-Nashville); Jan Perry, secty. (Core BTS);
Steve Miller, treas. (CIO Office); LeiannCohen,
at-large dir. (BCG Sys.); Jim Jamieson, at-large
dir. (Axis Accounting Sys.); Gerald Branim,
at-large dir. (iNet Strategy). Tennessean, Sept.
Crowe Chizek's Enterprise Sols.
Gp. announced promotion to IS senior staff for Kim
Victory and Jimmy Poynter, Tennessean, Sept.
3. Tennessean Reader
Editor Gibson invites online comments on stories
and explains more demographic information
will be required for free registration to
Tennessean online, Tennessean column, Sept. 17.
Transcore ITS LLC of Memphis is
upgrading Fog-warning system on I-75 near
Hiwassee, Tennessean, Sept.
ModusLink gets state grant
for worker training; firm provides supply-chain
and "kitting" services to technology
players, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 1
DELL: Michael Dell
shoulders some blame for Dell's troubles,
NY Times, Sept. 13. Dell Inc.
announces new manufacturing plant in India,
Houston Chron., Sept. 14. Dell Inc.
announces delay in filing quarterly earnings,
citing ongoing SEC investigation into accounting
practices, release Sept. 11. NY Times, Sept. 12. Dell's
computer-recycling effort net 80 tons of
equipment, including about 1,200 computers,
Tennessean, Sept. 10. Results of Dell job
fair, Tennessean, Sept. 12. As Dell Inc. sales
slow, customer service gets more attention,
Bloomberg via Tennessean, Sept. 10. Editorial calls
attention to model of Dell Inc. recycling of
electronics, Tennessean, Aug.
PureSafety now offers more
than 100 online courses for Spanish-speaking
workers, release Sept.
Nashville Electric Service
partners with Exxon and TIO Networks Corp. to
accept payments for instant posting,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 5.
Centresource has launched new
websites for both Qualifacts and Digital Reasoning
Renewal, phoneset refurbisher, takes space in
Berry Hill, p. 8, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
Profile: Network
Solutions Group's Mike Finlin, p. 12,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 1.
Reasoning Systems, which provides technology for
intelligence analysts with Army's National Ground
Intelligence Center and other agencies,
moves its Nashville headquarters from West End to
Maryland Farms, p. 14, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 8. De
Wet named CIO at O'Charley's, succeeding retiring
CIO Jim Gray, effective Sept. 25.
Release, Sept. 7;
NashvillePost.com, Sept. 7. Tennessean, Sept. 9 and Sept. 17.
named senior account executive for
ISDN-Net, Tennessean, Sept.
Brentwood-based Tallent
Communications deploys its "screenserver"
technology in partnership with Sports Illustrated
to launch "mySI" -- mag site's 1 million+
users per month can set up free desktop
application that brings sports news from across
the web, customized to focus on favorite
teams. Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 7. Tallent also offers
MercurySports Network to push content to fans, here.
Innovation Valley
Technology Council's (formerly the East TN
Technology Council) "Navigator" awards include
five technology firms in E. TN, Knox.
News Sentinel, Sept.
Angieslist.com begins in
Knoxville, for locating and rating contractors and
service companies, Aug. 29, OakRidger.com.
Ridge Innovation Valley -- the Jobs!Now campaign
-- is getting increasing national and local
attention, Oak Ridger, Sept.
Memphis-based Translators
Inc.'s eMorph software provides translated and
tested for accuracy for websites,
packaging, purposes, Comm. Appeal, Sept. 5.
Shop-At-Home is increasing live sales to
men, Tennessean, Sept. 5.
or lost USB device could compromise health and
employment data at Erlanger Med Center in
Chattanooga, Times Free Press, Sept.
Knoxville Area Transit's
General Manager Mark Hairr is leaving his post to
manage programs for the Advanced
Technologies for Transportation Research
Program in Chattanooga. Hairr, who has held his
current position at KAT since July 2001, submitted
his resignation effective Sept. 15. Frierson now
executive director of ATTI, Chattanoogan.com, Sept. 26.
Chattanooga should make Biotech
push, says eSpin Technologies' Doshi,
commenting on TVA study emphasizing the
opportunity. Times Free Press, Sept. 10. Study of Chattanooga
workforce, education and need to attract or grow
higher-paying tech jobs, Times Free Press, Sept. 18.
Kingsport-based ProtoKraft LLC defense contractor
leads the pack on BusinessTN's Fast 50
list, Aug. 2006. Protokraft release.
Corp (25) and St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital (43 and highest in healthcare) are ranked
among 500 most innovative users of IT,
according to Information Week.
Information International
Associates has appointed new leaders for its
Biodiversity Informatics Group, which
will oversee IIA's major biodiversity informatics
contracts with the U.S. Geological Survey.
Knox. Bus. Journal, Sept. 20.
Technology takes Innovation Drive space in
Knoxville for development, manufacture,
marketing of license-plate recognition technology
and related services for
intelligent-transportation and law-enforcement
sectors, Knox. News Sentinel, Sept. 20.
(Memphis) sees hardware and cabling business
booming, Memphis Bus. Journal, Aug.
Columnist Courtney
discusses online real-estate information,
City Paper, Sept.
Memphis-based Packrat is
providing data-backup and security to growing
number of hotels, Memphis. Bus. Journal,
Aug. 25.
sites: JewishNashville.com includes among
other content an "Ask Moses" guidance
feature; not affiliated with
Jewish-Nashville.org. Related, Tennessean, Sept.
Truck-driving simulator
begins operations in training center in Davidson
County, Tennessean, Sept.
Chattanooga-based Kenco
Group seeks to evolve business by reaching
"further into the supply chain for
existing customers" while adding global
partnerships, BusinessTN, p. 14, Sept. 06.
Touchstone Wireless in Bristol
will add 100 and second shift for cellular repair
and remanufacturing, BusinessTN, p. 18,
Sept. 06, not on web. Memphis
Chamber establishes database for workforce
data, Memphis Bus. Journal, Sept. 15.
Alexander International Logistics is one of the
Top 100 Third Party Logistics companies,
according to Inbound Logistics magazine.
Comm. Appeal, Sept.
Saratoga Technologies names
radiologist Johnson to chair
information-technology firm, Knox. News
Sentinel, Sept.
KnoxViews blogger reports
on visitors' opinions, demographics in E.
Tn., Knox. News Sentinel, Sept.
Reference databases and
online reserve system are changing operations of
Knox County Library, Knox. News Sentinel,
Sept. 12.
closes Spring Hill call center and lays-off
47, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 28.
HS gets interactive-learning grant from
UT-Battelle, Tri-Cities Times News, Sept. 5.
Blend coffee shop in Dickson introduced
Wi-Fi, Tennessean, Aug. 30.
changing retailing in Knoxville, Knox.
News Sentinel, Sept. 1.
Data Corp.'s Money Network signs with
ADP, Memphis Bus. Journal, Sept.
Tennesseans' automobiles
increasingly equipped with 'event-data
recorders', Times Free Press, Sept. 5.
West Tennessee Industrial
Assn. creates online inventory of industrial
sites, Memphis Bus. Journal, Sept. 8.
spreading in Birmingham, B'ham. Bus.
Journal, Sept. 8.
Update on U.S. vs
Al Ganier: On Wednesay, Sept. 20, members of
the U.S. Attorney's Nashville office and attorneys
defending Sundquist-era contractor Albert
Ganier III were allotted 15 minutes each before a
panel of three judges in the 6th Circuit Court of
Appeals in Cincinnati to present arguments pro and
con the Feds' petition to include potentially
incriminating evidence against Ganier. As of
Friday afternoon, the judges had not ruled in the
matter. The wait could be days or months.
Related: Education Networks of America
CEO David Pierce notes company never accused of
wrong-doing and has Ganier long departed, City
Paper, Aug. 28. BusinessTN
magazine, April 2006. Background on Ganier
trial, NashvillePost.com, Aug. 2, 2005.
Metro Dept. of Gen. Services audit
says computer-services contracting not adequately
rigorous, editorial, City Paper, Sept. 8.
Supreme Court uphold DNA database of
felons, AP via Tennessean, 6B, Aug. 31, and Sept. 6. TN Supreme Court will
ask F&A OIR to issue RFP for bids on pilot
E-filing systems for appellate courts, Aug. 1.
website promotes constitutional amendment to
provide a tax break to older residents,
Tennessean, Sept. 26.
317.15-040 issued for CoverRx TennCare
pharmacy-assistance program includes broad
information systems components, due Oct.
Tennessee victims of
identity theft have no government agency to which
they can plea, Times Free Press, Sept.
BellSouth exec says action
is needed on "caller ID" spoofing, which is now
legal, and over which telco has no power,
Comm. Appeal, Sept. 7. Related story, Sept. 6.
Nashville's Historic Renovated Court House will
have a high-tech multimedia conference
room, in keeping with this request for proposal.
Project details, here.
Bredesen supports Metro Sheriff's request for
access to immigration-data system and
staffing, Tennessean, Sept. 6. Opinion:
editorial in favor of supporting data access,
Tennessean, Sept. 6.
state and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
partnered to launch a new Micro Loan
Program for micro-enterprises, during the
state's first-ever Tennessee Entrepreneurship
Conference at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville.
Tri-Cities Bus. Journal, Aug. 30.
million in additional grants for Tennessee State
University Avon Williams Campus downtown mean,
among other things, new concentrations in
e-Business, Supply-chain methodology and
MIS. Release Sept. 21. Tennessean, Sept. 22 and 21; City Paper, Sept. 22; Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 21.
Evolving government: IBM
Center for the Business of Government, "Six Trends Transforming
business winning significant share of federal IT
contracts, Memphis Bus. Journal, Aug. 25. Will more
contractors target State of Tennessee government
IT contracts? As Federal spending decelerates, big
contractors will be looking to make their nut
elsewhere. Wash. Post, Sept. 11.
lobbyist and former 3Com exec named nation's first
assistant secretary for cybersecurity and
telecommunications, Wash. Post, Sept. 19.
Frist allied with prominent bloggers on Left and
Right to force Sen. Stevens to acknowledge
blocking legislation to make federal
contracting more transparent, Kansas City Star, Aug. 31. (Synd.
version, 6A, Tennessean, Aug. 31.) Related blog
posting, Aug. 30.
Frist says he will push Internet-gambling ban when
Congress reconvenes, AP via Knox. News
Sentinel, Sept. 1.
State Economic and Community
Development Commissioner Matt Kisber told
NONT Sept. 14 that final arrangements for
operational launch of Innovation Tennessee, the
organization that will push for growth of
technology and other higher-paying jobs, is still
weeks away, given that ECD has yet to "design what
it is we want Innovation Tennessee to accomplish"
and then translate that mission "into a proposed
contract between [ECD] and Tennessee Tomorrow, the
likely host organization, led by a former ECD
deputy, Joe Barker. No agreement has been
reached, either, regarding whether Eric Cromwell,
Kisber's director for tech-sector development,
will take the reins of Innovation Tennessee; and,
Kisber's still not sure when the long-awaited
strategic assessment of the state's greatest
knowledge-driven opportunities will be released.
Related story: State's research institutions
would get better fiber-optic infrastructure
through Bredesen 'Next Steps' jobs-creation and
innovation program, Comm. Appeal, Sept. 20.
See earlier reports regarding Innovation Tennessee
funding and background. Gov. Bredesen
outlines Four-point economic development plan,
including provision for support of
broadband-infrastructure development, Shelbyville
Times-Gazette, Sept. 14. Related
NashvillePost.com coverage: State may
propell new tech ventures, here. Tennessee Technology
Development corp. approves $100K grant for
"Innovation Tennessee," here.
Irrera, a Brentwood IS director sounds-off on
paperless voting technology and its risks,
Tennessean, Nashville Eye, Aug. 30. Lawsuit by former
candidate for Shelby County office seeks to
invalidate August elections in Memphis due to
alleged malfunctions in Diebold systems,
Tennessean, Sept. 6. Voting:
More trouble may lie ahead in 2008, as states
continue to grapple with counting votes, NY Times,
Sept. 5.
Bredesen is accorded an 'A' in Science and
Technology in BusinessTN magazine's report card on
his first term, p. 47, BusinessTN, Sept.
Chattanooga Metro getting
more SmartWay Internet-linked traffic-surveillance
cameras, Sept. 20, Times Free
Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center provides
technology-centric training,
UTDailyBeacon.com, Sept.
Internet could help break
down "racket" of exhorbitant pricing of
textbooks, says author, Comm. Appeal, Aug. 31. Sen. Frist is
empaneling study group on text books
Franklin school board
votes budget and tax increase, partly to cover
technology, Tennessean, Aug. 31.
Leaders Council support drive for computers for
Jere Baxter Alternative Learning Center,
Tennessean, Sept.
McGavock Elementary
upgrades computers, Tennessean, Sept. 15.
and Granbery Elementary Schools win Dell computers
through PTO/PTA membership, Tennessean,
Sept. 20.
to improve technology and transportation in City
of Hendersonville introduced, Tennessean,
Sept. 6.
million in IT services contracts -- in one case,
two years after RFP bids submitted -- now
up in the air at Oak Ridge NL for public/private
organizations, Knox. News Sentinel, Sept. 4. NOLA Computer Services
is incumbent for the smaller
contract. Tennessee Emergency
Management Agency takes next step toward high-tech
operations, Tennessean, Sept. 7.
Dickson County police departments get small grants
from State, partly to add technology,
Tennessean, Sept. 6.
Homeland Security gets "fusion center" for melding
vital intelligence, Tennessean, Sept.
Franklin municipal radio
will cost more than previously estimated,
Tennessean, Sept. 8.
Angel III Exercise: Disaster response
training for IT included industry
cooperation, wireless-network data-jams
and more, NY Times, Aug. 28.
for next-gen Federal IDs may spur boom in
biometrics, Wash. Post, Aug.
Billions moving in security-technology
realm, Wired News, Sept.
How police emergency staff
handle 911 calls from cell phones,
column, Comm. Appeal, Sept. 3. Chattanooga and
Hamilton County integrate their 911 systems, Times
Free Press, Sept. 7. Chattanooga 911
operations unification update, Times Free Press,
Sept. 14.
selected Lockheed Martin Corp. to build $8 billion
Orion spacecraft, aiming for Moon landing
by 2020, and Mars missions beyond, NASA release Aug.
Germantown decided on
winning bidder for computer technology on the
basis of a coin toss, after vendors came
in with identical bids, Comm. Appeal, Aug. 31. Venture
Technologies was winner, So. Computer Warehouse
the loser.
Metro police cleared in
e-bidding probe, but Chief urged to incorporated
prohibitions into policy, Tennessean, Sept. 5.
Research, Commercialization and
In cities that
become Biotech hubs, labs play a vital role in
culture, students show deep enthusiasm for
learning, Wash. Post, Aug.
Vanderbilt School of
Engineering Professor of Computer Science Douglas C. Schmidt has been
appointed to a committee of the National
Academies' Computer Science and Telecommunications
Board project, studying "Advancing
Software-Intensive Systems Producibility." The
committee will assess national computer software
research needs.
VU Engineering
Professor of Electrical Engineering Jimmy L. Davidson co-chaired the
Conference on Nanocarbon and Nanodiamond
Technology Sept. 11-15 in St. Petersburg,
Russia. The event attracted more than 100
specialists from 20-plus nations. Study
says U.S. has the lead in nanotechnology,
need for more educated students and workers cited,
NY Times, Sept.
Nashville Technology
Council President Jeff Costantine reports that
Jere Baxter Alt. Learning Center's Computer
lab has new Dell computers and Cisco
wireless access points, thanks to those companies.
Vanderbilt engineering researchers shaping the
future of smart systems for spacecraft, Aug. 28.
Chattanooga professor wins grant to look for water
on Mars, Times Free Press, Sept. 25.
VU bio
sciences prof Catania wins MacArthur Foundation
'Genius' Award of $500K, Tennessean, Sept. 19. VU release Sept. 18. U.S. News &
World Report, Sept. 24 online.
Physicists express further concern
about shortage of American students entering
physical sciences, American Institute of
Physics, Aug.
Yesterday, Oak Ridge NL
announced the official completion of its Oak Ridge
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences,
release here.
Insitute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering
(VINSE) aims to carve leading role in nano
sector , Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 3, Sept. 22. State's Kisber
says State ECD wants to see VU, ORNL and other
instate research institutions collaborating more,
Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 3, Sept. 22. Haglund's work
on vanadium may yield faster optical switches,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 22. Work on Quantum
dots could yield better lightbulbs, NBJ here; and,
faster virus detection, here.
MTSU adopts
Thunder Virtual Flip Chart
System on campus, release Sept. 20. RedHerring.com, Sept.
Stratford High School
Information Technology Academy gains
supporters, while challenging
students. Tennessean, Sept. 1.
Enterra Solutions, LLC,
and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) announced
Sept. 5 Enterra CEO Stephen F. DeAngelis
has been named a visiting scientist with the
Laboratory, exploring among other things advanced
information technologies and knowledge management
Dell Inc. "Connected
Community" grants go to Nashville Public
Television for online education, as well as to
Oasis Center, St. Luke's Community House
and Girl Scouts Council of Cumberland Valley. Release Sept.
Hamilton County school system
deploying SPSS Predictive Analytics
software for student information, release Aug.
Nashville-based High-School Interns program has
begun its collaboration with Metro
Nashville Public
Schools. Jaguar/Baker
advance: Oak Ridge supercomputer speed
slated to rise manifold, on its way to Petaflop
status in 2009 (1,000 trillion calc. per
sec.). Oak Ridge NL release, Aug. 25.
Technology Center at APSU may get more
construction funding from state, Leaf
Chron., Sept.
Educational software
pioneer Ted S. Hasselbring returns to
Peabody, VU release Sept. 11.
on the UT-Battelle partnership and the huge asset
that is Oak Ridge NL, UT Alumnus
Magazine, Fall
Atmospheric Glow
Technologies wins prestigious Tibbetts awards
through SBIR, release Aug.
UT Space Institute added Scott
W. Van Zandbergen as special assistant to UTSI
COO Donald Daniel, Tennessean, Sept.
Chattanooga-area faculty
consider pros and cons of technology in
teaching and learning in Wi-Fi Times,
Times Free Press, Sept. 1.
Learning Initiative expands at UT-Martin,
The Pacer, Sept. 5.
Williamson County Schools' podcasting resulted
from a student's class-project idea, Tennessean,
Sept. 5. Related,
Tennessean, Aug. 31.
Tennessee State University will use a $700,000
grant from NASA to complete enhancements
at the university's new observatory. Tennessean, Sept.
Oak Ridge Micro-Energy says it's
proceeding to partner with Euro firm on thin-film
battery, as Colorado's Infinite Power
Sols. announces investment and plant plans, NY
Times, Sept. 6.
High-Flux Isotope Reactor: The world's
scientists are impatient for resumption of HFIR
isotope production for materials
research, cancer-fighting applications, Knox. News
Sentinel, Sept. 4.
Avon Williams Campus gets new computer lab,
e-trading room, multimedia facilities,
Tennessean, Sept. 4.
will manage private-sector
development: Oak Ridge nanotechnology
park taking shape on national lab land,
Knox. News Sentinel, Sept. 7. Rogers explains
business-building role of Tech2020, with emphasis
on Nano, OakRidger.com, Sept. 8.
Ridge NL computer scientists among those working
on Petascale Data Storage, UC Sta. Cruz
release Sept. 11. AP via
OakRidger.com, Sept. 12. Supercomputer center
at ORNL now being used to predict weather a
century from now, WBIR TV Knox., Sept.
Regional technology
alliance spans Oak Ridge to Huntsville and
beyond: Rutherford County:
Chamber, Tenn. Tech., MTSU, UT Space
Institute, Williamson County, Oak Ridge NL are
among participants, p. 1, Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept. 8.
Ridge National Laboratory has the lead on five
projects funded through the Department of Energy's
Scientific Discovery through Advanced
Computing program and has supporting roles in
seven other projects. Release Sept. 7. Related DOE
release, Sept. 7. Related,
predictions of increased precision in modeling,
ORNL release, Sept. 7. Knox. News Sentinel, Sept. 11. Oakridger.com, Sept.
NY Stock Exchange Survey of CEOs
shows belief in growing impact of technology for
efficiency and effectiveness, NYSE
magazine, Aug-Sep
Entrepreneur Charlie Martin's donation, plus
moneys from the Ingram and Turner
foundations translate into
state-of-the-art teacher training center for
Metro, City Paper, Sept. 7. Tennessean, Sept. 7.
UP A LIFE: the Technology Access Center has
gained support of Caterpillar Financial
Services, HCA Foundation, Nashville Gas,
Fox 17 News, the Nashville Scene and the Predators
for "Light Up a Life," fundraiser to use tech to
"help people learn, communicate, carry out
activities of daily living, control their
environment and work." During the Light Up a
Life fundraiser, Nov. 21-Dec. 31, candles are lit
in Caterpillar office-tower windows on West End,
as donations are received. Contact: (615)
2006-07 Membership Directory will roll out in
November, after a pilot in October. For
information, write
YW ACADEMY for Women of
Achievement, with Oct. 17 awards banquet, included
FCC Commissioner and former TRA Director
Deborah Taylor Tate among honorees. Dell Inc. has
been named the YW Academy corporate honoree for
2006. Tennessean, here.
universities see sharp drop in CS majors; some see
glut, some see shortages that prompt IT-sector
concerns about furether offshoring. Companies
cited include Optimum Technologies Solutions,
Robert Half Technology, Ignify, others.
Tennessean, Sept. 25.
Nashville-based nonprofit The Climate Project --
in which Al Gore is the driving force -- this week
begins training 1,000 or more volunteers to
conduct educational presentations centered upon
global warming and Gore's documentary, "An
Inconvenient Truth." Related story,
Washington Post, Sept. 20. Jenny Clad, wife
of Roy Neel, former Gore chief of staff, is the
Nashville-based Climate Project director. The
project is apparently supported via a fund set up
in association with the Community Foundation of
Middle Tennessee, but operates independently of
the foundation. About 50 trainees (most from
out of state) are due here for the pilot two-day
session, to prepare them to lead sessions on
global warming around the nation. Other
sessions are to be held in Nashville through the
winter. (The documentary's DVD release is
set for November, and Gore's CurrentTV recently announced a
YouTube-type initiative with Yahoo.)
Related, Climate Crisis site. AP via
Tennessean, Sept.
Postpone computer
maintenance at your own risk, column by
Butera of ITS Techs of Hendersonville, p. 13,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
15. Local bankers discuss
how law and regulation are driving technology
adoption, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
25. BMI sues Portland
(Me.) nightclub, Tennessean, Sept. 3. BMI
revenues from new media increased 35 percent to
$16 million, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 28.
NY Times
uses technology to exclude terrorism story from
British website, to avert sanctions under
British press law, NY Times, Aug. 29.
massive multiplayer "Warcraft," born in the USA,
ontrack to earn $1 billion from millions
of worldwide subscribers, NY Times, Sept.
Westburg Inc.'s Shapiro sees
RFID penetrating more of the packaging business
as costs come down, City Paper, Sept.
Sharepoint Solutions is expanding Microsoft
training offerings, release Sept. 5, background
Braithwaite on making
smart IT spending decisions, Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 11, Sept.
* (
Sept. 28-29) Tennessee Biotechnology Assn. annual
meeting, Union Sta. Hotel, Nashville, details here (scroll down for
link to agenda).
(Oct. 4) NTC-ISSA
InfoSec Information Security Conference. Details
here. (Oct.
13) Software developers and other converge for
DevLink 2006 at Lipscomb University, details here.
* (Oct.
19) InfraGard General Chapter Meeting at
Cisco at Brentwood, 11:30 a.m. Details here.
2) NTC Tech Roundtable: Business
Intelligence / Data
(Nov. 2-3)
Business and Technology Expo and business
matchmaking scheduled in Knoxville, sponsored by
Chamber and Greater Knox. Business Journal
* (Nov. 9) AITP Nashville, "Healthcare and
IT Trends at Vanderbilt," Nancy Proctor, CIO and director
of information systems, Vanderbilt University
TBA) NTC Holiday party, details to be announced.
Hon. Phil
Bredesen Governor
State of
Hon. Howard H.
Former U.S.
Senator, UN Delegate, Ambassador and White House
Chief of Staff.
Donelson Bearman Caldwell &
Spheris Inc.
in this
Sustaining Sponsors:
BTS ComFrame
Caterpillar Financial
Emdeon HCA
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Published by
NashvillePost.com Industry News Services
Division Milt Capps, INS Editor & Assoc.
Publisher 3401 West End Ave., Suite 685 | Nashville,
TN, 37203 Phone: (615) 250-1540 Email: milt.capps@nashvillepost.com | | |