News of Nashville Technology. Founded July 8,
2003. |
Nashville Technology
CouncilOct. 4 – NTC-ISSA INFOSEC "Security in Real
Time," details here.
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Fall 2006 schedule is just heating up, get the
details, right here...
BellSouth gets a bigger contract, ENA is wary, WV
Fiber sold, Comcast increasing space and speed,
and More...
Healthways deal
on hold, SyMplify, Ardent, MedAssets, Biotech,
Qualifacts, HealthStream, Capstone, Albion,
Earmarks ...and More...
companies erupting in Nashville — as in today's
Rezoom.com announcement, plus leadership changes
and where the money's going and
Tom Wiese is a former Nightstalker, and still
using technology to thwart terrorists, through his
new firm, High-Ground Corp. of Nashville. Learn
more here.
on Dell, Smart Data, Goldleaf, InfoSystems, new
hires and More...
RESOURCES: Buffett's billions, Wiffiti,
IBM strategy, marketing technology, music tech and
more, all...right
Wednesday, the General Assembly 's Fiscal
Review committee voted to support the
Finance & Administration Department's request to extend by three years
the state's contract with BellSouth for support of
the state's primary information infrastructure
(TNII). The original contract was worth
about $134 million, and Wednesday's action
virtually assures BellSouth and its partner, Qwest
communications, an additional 2 to 3 years without
rebidding, earning an additional $16 million or so
per year, in the process. Some observers believe
this week's action further strengthen's F&A's
hand in trying to combine the TNII and ConnecTEN
(ENA) contracts, in an RFP contest that will
culminate in 2007. Although ConnecTEN
contractor ENA is not directly affected by this
week's committee action, ENA's President and CEO
David Pierce told NONT that if F&A does, in
fact, eventually combine the TNII and ConnecTEN
contracts, ENA will "aggressively" compete for the
business, including the portion now held by
BellSouth and Qwest. In an earlier
interview, Pierce explained that in preparing for
such a contest, ENA would partner-up with another
provider. Earlier NONT coverage,
here. BellSouth's noncompetitive
contract extension was provided by F&A OIR CIO
Bill Ezell, in apparent response to an unsolicited
proposal by BellSouth/Qwest for a five-year
extension, with discounted rates; and, in
recognition of omissions in the earlier contract
and amendments regarding needed vendor transition
time between contracts.
Former Tennessee TRA director and current FCC
Commissioner Debi Tate announced
appointment of Chris Robbins, 34, (Princeton, VU
Law '97) as her point-person on media and related
issues, release Aug. 3. FCC may
have split between Dems and Republicans on
AT&T-BellSouth merger issue, due to former
Comptel exec McDowell's need to recuse himself
from voting as FCC commissioner, Tennessean 2E,
Aug. 9, not on web. USA Today, Aug. 8. Related McDowell release.
Nashville's Wilhagan Ventures '
Peter Marcum sells WV Fiber to Integrated Media
Holdings, NashvillePost.com, Aug.
Education Networks of America
(ENA) commits $6 mil 3-year contract with
AT&T - release Aug.
Nashville's Digital
Connections Inc. buys into Florida market via
purchase of Nortel and other business
from Nashville's Southeast Telecommunications, release July 10; story in
Jacksonville Bus. Journal, July 24.
partners to study improving use of high-speed
networks: Data depots will help speed huge
volumes of scientific data along the
Internet, VU release, Aug. 15. Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug.
Comcast's mid-Tennessee GM
Gauder says Comcast Digital Voice and PowerBoost
for still-higher download speeds will
soon be introduced to Nashville, City Paper, July 31.
Comcast doubles call-center space at new location
near Opryland, Tennessean, Aug. 25.
adds cells in Davidson and Marshall Counties of
Tennessee, release Aug. 21. Tennessean, Aug. 24. Cingular building more
infrastructure in E. Tenn., release July
Tennessee wireless service
from Nextel will continue, for now, to be provided
by iPCS Inc., a Nextel affiliate, after
an Illinois judge ruled in its favor. Wall St.
Journal, Aug.
Broadband over Power Lines
(BPL) gambit is among ventures benefiting from
latest surge in DC-area VC investment,
Wash. Post, July 31.
is teaming up with Broadstream Communications, the
industry leader in IPTV content transport
and management services, to provide a complete
end-to-end IPTV solution that now includes both
video infrastructure and television programming.
Release Aug.
VOD: Verizon, Comcast,
Adelphia moving on new content, NY Times,
July 31. Time Warner buying
Adelphia, NY Times, July 31. AOL expanding
online video, NY Times, July 31 and Wash.
Post, July 31.
its own network, Earthlink struggling to evolve
into telecommunications role, NY Times,
Aug. 18.
its Bay Area initiative, Google says it has no
plans to provide Wi-Fi, nationally, NY Times, Aug.
Country Music Television (CMT,
owned by MTV) has launched CMT Loaded broadband
network, Nash. Bus. Journal, July
Broadband network enables
Chattanooga physicians to study medical images,
via PACS systems. Times Free Press, Aug. 12. See also
Healthcare section, below.
Note: See item on broadband
for telemedicine, in Connections,
The future of Nashville-based
Emdeon Business Services (sub of Emdeon) remains
uncertain, with an announcement of sale
or strategic plan anticipated within 30 days, release Aug. 8. Sage Group
announced acquiring Emdeon Practice Services, Aug.
Healthways and Lifemasters
merger on hold, Healthways release Aug. 25. Healthways CIO
Bob Chaput addresses building trust within the
value chain, and the role of technology, streaming video, July
Tennessee award for Dept. of
Health Patient Tracking and Billing MIS seems
bound for best offeror Symphony Corporation,
Madison, Wisc. (RFP
Cymetrix announces
revenue-cycle outsourcing center in Nashville
area, Aug. 15
WebMD's improving
financial performance and Pew report on Americans
using the Web for health information
seems to be spurring investors into the space, Wash. Post, Aug.
Capstone Govt. Sols. will use
Trizetto personal health management software in
pilot, release Aug.
Healthcare Management
Systems (HMS) issues so many
announcements of staff appointments, we
wondered whether this was expansion or
turnover. Co-founder and Vice Chairman John
Doss tells us it's both, and they've taken steps
to mitigate turnover among their very mobile
workforce. Doss notes the company is
on-track for $50 million in 2006, and since 2000
has been entirely employee-owned.
Company aims for 15-20% annual revenue increase,
annually. Company headcount is now about 310
persons. Newest clients include Miller
County (Ga.) Hospital; and, several facilities
owned by Healthcare Partners Investments (HPI,
Okla. City). Among the folks recently noted
in HMS press releases: HMS taps Wilkerson as
documents coordinator and Maccagnone as
financial-implementation specialist, City Paper,
p. 10, Aug. 8, not on web. Here are names of HMS
application-support, project-management and
related staff, Tennessean, Aug. 6. And, Bivens now
provides desktop ASP engineering services to staff
and clients, Tennessean, Aug. 20.
Technologies, a division of Sy.Med Development Inc.
(Brentwood) named Jim Marks vice president
and product manager, with primary
responsibility for developing a new software
product for the insurance industry. Marks was with
NMG Advisers, with which he retains an
affiliation, according to NMG President Art
Rebrovick. Rebrovick told NONT Marks had
worked on the SyMplify account for several months,
as part of his duties with NMG. Related:
Tennessean, Aug. 8.
Health Services made several appointments,
including Howard Coles to senior system engineer
(from Digital Connections) and Mark
Medlin to data-warehouse analyst (from Vaco
Resources). Tennessean, Aug. 6.
says Chattanooga's Erlanger Health System adopted
Chargemaster, CrossWalk, and related
tools. Release Aug.
Joe Rolwing of Tenn.
Biotechnology Assn. provides an overview of
Tennessee biotech sector, including
comments on investors, research institutions as
leverage, Nash. Med. News, Aug.
Reportedly, in the mind of the
Bredesen Administration, medical research may be
the niche for E. TN. State University;
university celebrates its gains in sponsored
research, Johnson City Press, Aug. 24.
Bioworks and Memphis Leadership Academy team to
create biotech internship programs for
young students, Memphis Bus. Journ., July 28.
Technology Access
Center is key resource in
promoting use of assistive technologies,
such as a home-environment automation system for a
youth with cerebral palsy. Hendersonville Star
News via The Tennessean, Aug.
Qualifacts Systems among new
SoBro-2nd Ave. denizens, Tennessean, Aug.
Chattanooga hospitals
increasingly adopt PACS for image archiving and
transmission, Times Free Press, Aug.
HealthStream added
consultant Gerard (Gerry) M. Hayden Jr. to its
board. Hayden is former CFO for Private
Business (now Goldleaf) and Envoy (now
part of WebMD). He's also a former Audit
Senior for Arthur Young & Co., and is also a
board member with Nashville's Sy.Med Development
Inc. HealthStream release, Aug. 15. Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug. 15. NashvillePost.com, Aug.
Nashville's X-Ray Services
Inc. adopts Evolved Digital Systems' RadWeb
radiology information system, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug. 18.
(Tenn.) Medical Associates adopted MYSYS EHR
system, Tennessean, July 28.
At helm
of Inspiris Inc. two months, John Lehman aims to
unveil an EHR platform in 1QCY07, and to
develop suite of clinical systems to support
nurses serving frail elderly in senior-living
facilities. Lehman was previously with Gordian
Health Systems. Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 3, Aug. 11.
Govt. Solutions has partnered with Shared Health
to test feasibility of populating Personal Health
Records, release July 24. Related:
Capstone and Medicare processing, release Aug.
In Knoxville, University
Health Systems anticipates migration of e-mail to
new release of Exchange, and adopts DYS
Analytics' Email Control! Release Aug.
Nashville's Neurosurgical
Anesthesiologists, PLC outsources revenue-cycle
management to Per-Se Technologies,
release Aug. 23.
(Cambridge Sols.) says its Vantage Rules Engine,
in use in Tennessee, can determine complex
Medicaid eligibility queries in average
1.8 seconds, release, Aug.
HealthSpring names Andy
Flatt, 44, new CIO, NashvillePost.com, Aug. 10. Flatt was
previously CIO for AIM Healthcare
Services. No word on Flatt's successor at
State launches medical-transcription education
program, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
Outpatients Imaging
Affiliates, LLC announced opening Florida Hospital
Imaging, LLC, a joint ventured outpatient
imaging center with Florida Hospital Memorial
System, a division of the Adventist Health System,
Inc. Release Aug.
Memphis' MetroCare and
Methodist Healthcare (partners in HealthChoice)
partner with Greenway Medical Technologies, for
ambulatory software suite, release Aug.
Chattanooga hospitals moving
toward EHR. Tenn. Hospital Association will
support Bredesen e-Health Advisory
Council efforts to determine extent of adoption of
EHRs in the state. Times Free Press, Aug. 14.
Hospital Association, eTransX and LBMC
Technologies collaborate to provide
decision-support technologies to rural
hospitals, release Aug.
Evolved Digital Systems
(U.S. offices in Brentwood) reports 1st Half
losses, release Aug.
HCA goes into
damage-control mode in wake of computer
theft, 2theadvocate.com, Aug. 19. HCA computers
with patient billing info stolen, Tennessean, Aug. 11.
Initiative reports on rampant growth in States'
legislation supporting Health IT for patient
care, GovHealthIT.com, Aug.
Congressional earmarks for
7th and 8th Congressional Districts, submitted by
7th Dist. U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn
(R-7-Franklin) and 8th District U.S. Rep. John
Tanner (D-8-Union City), AP via Jackson Sun, Aug. 20. The
article suggests that Blackburn's requests in HR
5631 for $2.4 million and HR 5647 for $275K would
benefit Metadata in Brentwood, and Wayne Medical
Center in Waynesboro.
Inc. network manager Cassada questions Microsoft
policy on patch releases, underscoring
need to stay ahead of exploits, SMB News, Aug.
Update on Health IT
implementation in Memphis hospitals,
Memphis Med. News, Aug. 06.
KnowledgeQuest Institute at Cool Springs Life
Sciences Center meets needs of biotech and
healthcare, Nash. Med. News, Aug. 06.
Medical (Murfreesboro) offers hospitals mobile
technology, Nashville Medical News, Aug. 06.
Butler joined Net-Rx, provider of pharmacy
solutions, as VP-sales/marketing. Tennessean, Aug.
Jeff Dorris is now director-IS
for NorthCrest Medical Center,
Tennessean, Aug.
Pharmacists' view on
e-prescriptions are mixed, Kingport
Times-News, Aug. 20.
could actually contribute to greater healthcare
costs, NY Times, Aug. 20.
Internalized computer chips may
soon help delivery anti-cancer therapies,
like a "pharmacy on a chip," Comm. Appeal, Aug.
Vanderbilt's vice chancellor
for investments and treasurer — and the
cabinet-level executive overseeing the
university's office of tech transfer and
commercialization — announced his retirement
plans, NashvillePost.com, Aug.
21. Release, Aug. 18. Related:
Tennessean, Aug. 22. City Paper, Aug. 22.
Capital Co-founder Don Mundie plans to relocate to
Nashville after $50M 3rd fund closes in early
'07. NashvillePost.com, Aug. 17.
Burch still innovating: Smaller,
high-potential businesses get financing help from
Collateral Plus and Collateral Guaranty
funds, Tennessean, Aug.
Luminetx's Jim Phillips, who's
pressing Snowflake vein-ID technology into many
sectors, contends his firm holds patent,
while admirers say Luminetx is putting Memphis on
the international biotech map. BusinessTN,
p. 36, Aug.
One-third of TN stocks
rated "high risk" by David Trainer's firm:
Nashville-based New Constructs LLC scrubs
financials' footnotes, looking for telling
distortions in reports vs GAAP policies, p. 43, BusinessTN, Aug.
Pharos Capital Group (Dallas
and Nashville) joined Fujitsu Siemens Computers in
raising $26 million for Egenera, Inc.
(Marlboro, Mass.), a player in virtual data
centers, blade computers and other fields, release Aug.
Wilhagen Ventures sells
struggling WV Fiber to Atlanta-based I-Media;
ISDN-Net among beneficiaries,
NashvillePost.com, Aug. 1.
Nashville Capital Network
announced additions to its full slate of sponsors,
NashvillePost.com, Aug. 11.
Middle Tennessee Entrepreneurs
apparently didn't get the word: Only
two turned out for a UT-driven workshop
at Cool Springs, Aug. 22, on how to submit
competitive grant requests via the federal Small
Business Innovation Research and Small Business
Technology Transfer programs. To participate
in another workshop, next spring, visit here and register to
receive notices.
ARTE Center for
advancement of research, technology and
entrepreneurship will resume facility
remodeling for incubator on Foster
Avenue, thanks to $4.5 million from government and
from Wilson Bank & Trust, Nash. Bus. Journal,
Aug. 18. Nashville's ARTE
Center for life-sciences startups announces
financing package for incubator on Foster Avenue,
Nash. Bus. Journal, July 31. Earlier: $1.2
million federal grant to help the incubator on
Foster Avenue begin operations, Tennessean, June 30. Release, June 29.
Lebanon-Wilson County Chamber,
Cumberland University and TN. Small Bus.
Development Cntr. collaborate to launch
small-business incubator in Lebanon, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug. 18.
Annual Southeast BIO Investor Forum, Nov. 8-10 in
Atlanta, includes BioDtech, Inc. (Nashville,
TN) as an early-stage participant, details
Tennessee Valley Venture
Forum (TVVF) announces companies that
will present Sept. 27-28 at Knoxville Convention
Center. Presenting companies:
BBR Wireless Management Louisville;
The Documentary Channel, Nashville; Epic
Secure Solutions, Inc., Bristol; Filekeeper, Inc.
Knoxville; InRAD, LLC Knoxville; Jenkin
Biosciences, Inc., Research Triangle; NC
LiveCargo, Greensboro, NC; Pathfinder
Therapeutics, Nashville; PetroGreen, Athens,
Tenn.; Piedmont Pharmaceuticals, Greensboro, NC;
SemiSouth, Starkville; Signal Mountain Networks,
Alpharetta; Sunlight Direct, Oak Ridge;
Telesensors Knoxville; Tier 1 Performance
Solutions, Covington, KY; Vanick Group,
Memphis. Related coverage, Tennessean Aug.
Chattanooga Technology Council
Capital Connection invites early-stage companies
to apply for possible attendance of a
4th Qtr 06 forum that will bring
together investors and entrepreneurs. $300
nonrefundable fee required. Details here. Related
coverage, Chattanoogan.com, July 31.
named head of Harpeth Consulting LLC, Tennessean, July 29. Nash. Bus.
Journal, July 31.
posts continuing losses,
NashvillePost.com, Aug. 14. Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 14. Tennessean, Aug. 15. Spheris adds
Hensley to board; he'll head audit commmittee. Release Aug. 21. Nash.
Bus. Journal, Aug. 21.
sells to Peak10, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 4. Release Aug. 4. NONT
Spotlight profile of RenTech entrepreneur Ken
Nelson, July 2005,
Video Gaming Technologies
(Smyrna), Spheris and Avondale among Tennessee
firms in Inc. 500's list for
2006. NashvillePost.com, Aug. 23. Earlier story on VGT's
thus-far unsuccessful efforts to get TBI support
for larger operations in Tennessee, here.
Cover, former head of Private Business (now
Goldleaf) and Rivals.com, has become
investor and chairman with ReZoom.com generational
media firm in Nashville, NashvillePost.com, July 27.
Tennessean, Aug.
PureSafety launches online
series for semiconductor industry,
release Aug. 2.
business: BlackBox, building on
infrastructure experience it gained with it
acquired Nashville-area TennMark seven
years ago, is pushing into federal market, FCW.com, July
Amid bankruptcy, a sales agent
has been named by the court to sell Ipix Corp.'s
360-degree surveillance technology
patents and related assets, Knox. News Sentinel,
Aug. 17.
Imaging-technology patents of bankrupt IPIX Corp.
will go on the block; story recounts the history
of this former Dot-bomb survivor (with links to
bankruptcy documents, etc.), Knox. News Sentinel,
Aug. 6. Ipix Corp.,
formerly of Oak Ridge, files bankruptcy, Knox News
Sentinel, July 31. reported swirling
around the drain toward ceasing operations, SHNS
via Knox. News Sentinel, July 29. Further Ipix
board member resignations, Knox. News Sentinel, July
Tennessee ranks top among
states in economic-development index weighing
capital investment, jobs created and
retained, Business Facilities, July 2006. State trails NC,
Texas and So. Carolina in readers' personal
preference for siting facilities, based on
perception, Business Facilities, July
Medtronics Sofamore Danek
exec in Memphis says medical devices are hotter
industry than biotechnology, Comm. Appeal, Aug.
iPayment Inc., payment and
credit-card processor, posts net loss, due partly
to merger expense, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 16.
Company announced earnings, Aug. 15. Analysts call
replay, Aug. 16.
Inc. announced earlier this week it will purchase
up to $6 million in either common shares
or convertible debt, as part of buy-back
efforts, release Aug.
Harbert Management Corp.
(Nashville unit not involved) and Firebrand reveal
their stake in Gateway Inc., and signal
drive to 'enhance shareholder value', Wall Street
Journal, Aug. 22. Gateway's
'disappointing earnings' release, Aug. 3. Related coverage
(with mention of Nashville site plans), analysts
see weakness in billion-dollar company. San
Francisco Chron., Aug.
Counter-terrorism: High-Ground
Corp. team recently returned from
Less than two years ago,
Tom Wiese (left), a
veteran of the "Black Hawk Down" incident
in Somalia and a former private-security expert in
Iraq, formed technology integrator High-Ground
Corporation in Nashville.
His partner in
the venture is Donald Ashworth Cox III, a
31-year-old consultant on Internet 2 development,
who also lives in Nashville. Wiese says
High-Ground has earned $1.5 million, thus far in
2006.Wiese and four subcontractors recently
returned from Kabul, Afghanistan, where they
installed an advanced intelligent surveillance
system to protect a U.S. State Department
compound. High-Ground partnered for the job with
hardware supplier ioimage US, the subsidiary of an
Israeli technology company. High-Ground also
provides data-mining expertise, network-linked
media, exploitation of telecommunications, and
other services.
Wiese, 47, is a retired
U.S. Army chief warrant officer who piloted Little
Bird light-assault helicopters in Somalia and
other posts, during more than 16 years' duty with
the "Nightstalkers" of the 160th
Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne),
based at Fort Campbell, Ky.
He was
awarded the Air Medal for valor, for his role in
the now-fabled Battle of Mogadishu, Oct. 3,
1993. He retired from the Army in 2000, 24
years after enlisting at age 17. Reared in
Omaha, Wiese earned an undergraduate degree at
Embry-Riddell Aeronautical University at Daytona,
and his master's in technology management at
Murray State University, while on duty at Fort
Wiese (pronounced WEESE) and Cox
currently work out of their Davidson County homes,
but are outfitting office space near Vanderbilt.
SPOTLIGHT: Avondale Partners steps
out in California and debuts among Inc.
500 Nashville investment bankers convened
Bay Area investors, organize 'field trips' to
On August 10th, two years
after opening the doors of its office near San
Diego, Nashville-based Avondale Partners LLC convened
its first "Small Cap, Internet and
Telecommunications Conference," in San
Afterward, Pat
Shepherd (pictured at
right), the firm's senior managing
partner, general counsel and head of
administration, explained that the event had been
attended by roughly 80 representatives of 58
buy-side institutional investors, as well as
executives from 23 private companies.
Presenting firms
included: Drugstore.com (DSCM);
EDGAR Online (EDGR); Entrust (ENTU); INVESTools
(IEDU); Logitech International (LOGI); NeuStar
(NSR); Novatel Wireless (NVTL); NutriSystem
(NTRI); Option NV (OPNVY); Overstock.com (OSTK);
PetMed Express (PETS); Plantronics (PLT); Safenet
(SFNT); Sierra Wireless (SWIR); SpectraLink
(SLNK); SPSS (SPSS); Syniverse Technologies (SVR);
TheStreet.com (TSCM); Tumbleweed (TMWD); Vasco
Data Security (VDSI); Websense Inc. (WBSN);
Youbet.com (UBET); ZipRealty
Shepherd explained that a
West Coat presence is essential for
Avondale, particulary in advancing
offerings in e-commerce, telecommunications, and
Internet security and data analytics, "because so
much of the investor base is out there. "
"As far a the size of the Bay Area
buy-side business, I would say that it is
the third-largest market in the country, behind
only the New York City area and Boston. In
[the Bay] area, there are more than 300 hedge
funds, alone. When you add in the more
traditional buy-side accounts, such as Franklin,
RCM, RS Investments, and others, you probably get
to 400, rather easily."
hometown Nashville is not currently a focal-point
for Avondale technology-related
offerings, Avondale does conduct "investor
field trips" to Nashville, each year, bringing to
Middle Tennessee buy-side executives interested in
healthcare. Less frequently, Avondale conducts
tours of Nashville chain restaurant outlets,
including those run by locally based Cracker
Barrel and O'Charley's. He noted that many
of the restaurant-tour participants get their
first look at some restaurant concepts, on the
ground in Music City. Avondale also conducts
field trips to Utah and to the Boston area,
allowing buyers an opportunity to see
direct-selling call-center operations, up close.
Avondale will soon transfer
Nashville-based Analyst Abtin Iranmanesh
to its San Diego office. Iranmanesh
will join three executives who have been in-place
since Avondale opened the doors of its La Jolla
office, north of San Diego, in May 2004:
Peter Boyes and Henk A. Henselaar, both of whom
are managing directors and co-heads for
technology, media and telecommunications, both
having been recruited from California
investment-banking firms. Jonathan Vance, a
vice president in Avondale's investment-banking
group, rounds-out the group.
Related coverage:
Avondale makes Inc. 500 for 2006, at number
315: Release, Aug. 23. NashvillePost.com, Aug. 23. City
Paper, Aug. 24. Tennessean, Aug. 24. Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 24. ♦
In Franklin,
Susan Marlow resumes role as Smart
Data Strategies' president, after
Dave Barnwell departed to rejoin Memphis' Valocity, valuation solutions
provider, which named Barnwell to COO.
NashvillePost.com, Aug.
Nashville Area Chamber of
Commerce and The Tennessean unveil Future 50
up-and-comers, including IT/software
firms and one -- Digital Connections Inc. (DCI), which made the cut for the
fifth time since the rankings began in 1992.
DCI recently assumed the Nortel porfolio of
Southeastern Telecom, Inc. The 50 will be
honored during a dinner, Sept. 20. Tennessean, Aug. 13. 2006 Tech
and tech-related honorees include, in addition to
Sysgenix and Digital Connections: Cold Feet
Creative (Emma); Cabedge.com, LLC; Paramore/Redd
Online Marketing; Altair Data Resources; Passalong
Networks (TN. Pacific Group LLC); Snappy Sales LLC
(dba Snappy Auctions); PureSafety; 1Point
Solutions; digiChart Inc.; Concept Technology
Inc.; Avankia LLC; Dalco; Optimum Technology
Services; Rustici Software; PokerOutlet.com; ASE
Technology Inc.; Cybera Inc.; Freedom
Communications USA.
Inc.: One analyst says that beyond laptop
battery fires, and disappointing earnings, the
company's financial woes result from the
rising strength of competitors, and a supposed
shift from direct-sales, back to instore retail
sales. San Jose Mercury News, Aug. 19. Dell Inc.profits
drop sharply, SEC scrutiny revealed, NY Times, Aug. 18. In cooperation
with U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission,
Dell Inc. recalled notebooks' Sony
batteries, release Aug.
Ingram Micro Inc. announced
Aug. 14 it will distribute Websense Inc. web
security and filtering products in a new
agreement, to help resellers build channels.
Websense release, Aug. 14. The company also
announced the launch of its new, next-generation
service management platform via Ingram Micro
Services Network, to help IT providers deliver
solutions. IMSN release, Aug.
Vanderbilt Network Design
& Engineering Manager Bachrach explains
deployment of Network General's Sniffer
Infinistream technology to monitor
network performance, release Aug. 22. Case study,
Donelson's Bo Spessard joins Cold Feet Creative
(Emma) as director-operations,
Tennessean, Aug. 21.
NashvillePost.com, Aug. 21. Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
Nashville Technology
Council's board of directors announced new
officers and new members: Damien
Creavin, Chairman (Emdeon); Beth Chase,
Chairwoman-elect (C3 Consulting LLC); Linda
Rebrovick, Past Chairwoman (Dell Inc.); and,
additions: Jay Clarke, Magazines.com;
Rebecca Munn, Cisco Systems; Helen Lane, CIMplify;
and, Tom Doyle, HCA. Tennessean, 5E, Aug. 13;
earlier, NONT, July 27,
Ignify, a Microsoft
offshore development partner, has established a Nashville office, plans
to grow from 15 to 50 by March '07. Nash.
Bus. Journal, Aug. 18.
Financial Solutions erred in reporting KVI Capital
and Captiva acquisitions, Meyerhoff
tasked with reviewing acquisitions and reporting
more closely. Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 18. Goldleaf
addressed these issues in its Aug. 16 SEC filing.
Goldleaf announced 2d Qtr earnings, Aug. 15. Brentwood-based
Goldleaf Financial Solutions Inc. reported 2d Qtr
revenues up 48 percent to $14.1 million, with
operating income down about $500K to $701,000.
Tennessean, Aug. 16.
Health and First Tennessee are among clients of
Consulting Concepts and Management LLC, a
year-old IT, telecom an equipment firm founded by
a former Sprint sales exec, Comm. Appeal, Aug.
Merasys LLC landed contracts to
support Gaylord Entertainment Center and the
Nashville Predators, NashvillePost.com, Aug. 1; Nash.
Bus. Journal, Aug. 1.
launches fashionnashville.com.
Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 17.
Technologies added Raetz and Holden as
software-development manager and general
manager-sales and marketing,
respectively. Tennessean, Aug. 13. LBMC Technologies
gains Microsoft Inner Circle recognition, release.
Infosystems Inc. of Chattanooga,
Nashville and other cities hits $24 million annual
revenues after 115 percent growth year.
Times Free Press, Aug. 16. Company is named
to CRN Fast Growth 100.
Nashville's XMi Technology is now a reseller
Interneer, Inc.'s Intellect web-based
business process-automation and project-management
platform, release July
Musickoo.com has launched
MusickooRadio.com indie music streaming
service, Nash. Bus. Journal, July 27.
Card Solutions, Inc. of Franklin, provider of gift
and loyalty card services, and Shift4
(Las Vegas), a developer of enterprise payment
solutions, announced a high-speed connection that
allows Shift4 to accept and process Valutec gift
cards directly at POS. Release Aug.
Nashville's Fibergrations
is renamed by parent (Tracking Corp., formerly
MicroTrakGPS of Dallas) and is now
TRACKINGrfid, reflecting broadening from RFID
base, BusinessWire release Aug.
McKinney appointment SVP-Sales
for Edgenet, Tennessean, Aug. 4.
Long now heads middle Tennessee office of Mike
Collins and Associates, Tennessean, July 30.
LLC, a reservations and technology firm, announced
Cathey joined as JAVA programmer; Meeks
joined as electronic-distribution supervisor, Tennessean, Aug.
EFC Systems and Dye Van Mol
partnered to upgrade Metro Nashville Airport's
website, in advance of new marketing
campaign, Tennessean, Aug. 23.
(the payroll processor that absorbed Nashville's
Paymaxx a year ago) landed First Tennessee
Bank, release Aug.
(more) Peach and Jamieson join
Axis Accounting, Tennessean, July 30. Earlier NONT item, here.
InfoWorks Inc., IT management and consulting firm,
announces hires of Sheehy, Halitsky, Hutton,
Heggie, Kelley, Tennessean, July 30. Earlier NONT
item, here.
State's champion auctioneer says online eBay,
SnappyAuctions and other resellers have
spurred interest in auctions, generally, Gallatin
via Tennessean, Aug. 2. Avid collector uses Web
search to research his finds, Dickson via
Tennessean, Aug. 2. Online collector
partial to kittens, Times Free Press, Aug. 2.
Louisiana Pacific named Sherman
vice president for procurement, logistics and
supply management, Tennessean, Aug.
Corrections Corp's
enterprise technology leader, Brad Wood, says
companies that haven't introduced storage
resource management (SRM) are 'drowning in
complexity'. SMB.com, Aug. 16.
LLP, an accounting firm, named McDonald to provide
IT assessment and other services,
Tennessean, 5E, Aug.
Nashville Area Habitat for
Humanity gained Rick Simon as
VP-administration. Simon served in
recent years in project management, IT consulting
and other roles with HCA, Asurion and others.
Tennessean, 6E, Aug.
Franklin-based SumEffect Software released chatFUSE sales support and live
chat software, release Aug.
Former Nashville Public
Television (WNPT Ch. 8) CEO Steve Bass is using
what he learned here about HDTV and
emergency communications networks in his new gig
with Oregon Public Broadcasting, Bend Weekly, Aug. 18.
EVamerica may be
answer to resuming electric- and hybrid-vehicle
production in Chattanooga,
Chattanoogan.com, Aug. 17. Chattanooga's
Advanced Transportation Technology Institute is
leveraging city's energy and transport history,
and recent gift of TVA e-vehicle test track,
BusinessTN, p. 20, Aug. 06.
abolishing 70 nuclear engineering jobs at
Chattanooga, Times Free Press, Aug. 17.
Alabama Information Technology Association CEO
Kate Gray sees strong opportunity to grow
the tech sector, Birm. Bus. Journal, July 28.
fraud trial against CEO of Advanced Integrated
Management Services is postponed, Knox.
News Sentinel, Aug. 2.
impetus from Ingram Micro and reseller
Sparco.com (sub. of Unistar-Sparco
Computers Inc., Millington, Tenn.), the Memphis
Technology Fair Aug. 10 emphasized IP telephony,
other newer applications, Comm. Appeal, July 29.
City of
Jackson is courting Portfolio Recovery Associates
for call center; issue of workforce is
key, Jackson Sun, Aug. 24.
of Science and Energy at Oak Ridge NL seems to be
moving toward private nonprofit
ownership, if conditions are met, Knox.
News Sentinel, Aug. 9. Oak Ridge
Foundation says DOE will give land and
improvements for American Museum of Science and
Energy, OakRidger, July 26.
New IT
director slot in budget for Memphis city
schools, Comm. Appeal, Aug.
Pellissippi State introduce
facial-recognition technology for its Security
Engineering and Administration Technology
education track, OakRidger.com, Aug. 4. Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 10.
Technologies Corp. gains in 2d quarter are
accompanied by former employee's lawsuit,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 21.
Knox transportation board turns down Idelair
request for technology grants, Knox. News
Sentinel, July 27. Idelaire execs
say they're on-track, despite 2Q loss, Knox. News
Sentinel, Aug. 17. Related SEC filing,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 17.
& Shield Enterprise Security (Knox.),
InfoSystems Inc. (Chatta.) and Saratoga
Technologies (Johnson City) are among
"Fast Growth 100" tech companies in the nation,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 21.
Memphis, Public Library and Information Center and
Society for Information Management (SIM)
cosponsored Teen Tech Camp, for immerse
introduction to technologies. Comm. Appeal, July 30.
Bionic arm and muscle and nerve
implants allow injured utility lineman to use his
brain to control prosthetic arms, Knox.
News Sentinel, Aug. 12.
Foundation grant gives Christian Brother
University in Memphis more science, math
facilities, Comm. Appeal, Aug.
Rodefer Moss Technologies Group
wins kudos as employer, Knox. News
Sentinel, Aug. 21.
Improvements of Oak Ridge names Skompski head of
software development, OakRidger.com, Aug.
Youthful entrepreneur leverages
Unum software experience into web-services firm in
Chattanooga, Times Free Press, Aug.
Auto2Auto.com (Columbia) opened
operations, Aug. 9. Earlier story on firm's
relocation to mid-Tenn.,
NashvillePost.com, May 24.
promoted to marketing manager for Shelby Systems
of Memphis, Comm. Appeal, July 30.
ticket sales and management allows Memphis sports
fans more flexibility in transferring
tickets, Comm. Appeal, July
Chattanooga's TransMarkets
Technologies (sub. of Innovative
Processing Sols., a fleet-card fuel and payroll
debit provider) provides small-fleet owners access
to mobile-communictions networks, Times Free Press, July
Kingsport's Protokraft LLC,
provider of optical-communications
components, wins Fast 50 award, Times News, Aug.
Vanderbilt Athletics monitors
players' blogs for content VU deems inappropriate
or harmful, Tennessean, Aug. 6. The view on MySpace and
FaceBook from UT, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 7.
Computing Technologies adds Farmer as IT services
and training rep, Kingsport Times News,
Aug. 21.
Memphis, Cricket's Youth Ambassadors program
provides free cell phones and instruction
in resume prep, etiquette and more. Comm.
Appeal. Aug.
Knoxville News Sentinel
launches TextMe interactive center on its website
for school-age youth, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug.
reportedly contemplating higher-ed research and
governance reform for Tennessee, as well
as five-year high schools that might offer
concurrent community-college credits, AP via Knox.
News Sentinel, July 31, and Tennessean, July
have up to $5 million to help startups pursue
SBIR/SBTT grants to development
technology, NashvillePost.com, Aug. 16.
Backgrounder on Innovation Tennessee, April 13, 2006. Eric
Cromwell, director of technology for the state's
Economic and Community Development (ECD) agency, will be among
presenters during the Governor's Economic and
Community Development conference, Nashville
Convention Center, Sept. 12-13. The
Tennessee Biotechnology Association's annual
meeting in Nashville (Sept.28-29), will include
panel discussions on "Biotechnology Across
Tennessee, Technology Transfer, Venture Capital,
and Tennessee Biotechnology Success Stories,"
according to TBA Exec. Dir. Joe Rolwing.
Vanderbilt's Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Dr. Harry Jacobson will address the group, as will
Cromwell and Dan Marcum, chairman, Tenn.
Technology Development
Congressional earmarks for
7th and 8th Congressional Districts, submitted by
7th Dist. U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn
(R-7-Franklin) and 8th District U.S. Rep. John
Tanner (D-8-Union City), AP via Jackson Sun, Aug. 20. In H.R. 5647,
Tanner has asked for $300,000 for the Dyersburg
State Community College online enrollment and
information system initiative. In H.R. 5647,
Blackburn has asked for $300,000 for information
technology equipment for Franklin Special School
District. In H.R. 5647, Blackburn has asked
for $82,000 for a technology-enabled alternative
education program for Lexington City
Despite problems again this year with Chancery's
student-information system implementation
in Metro Schools, Metro Schools' Asst.
Superintendent for Technology and Strategic
Planning says he remains confident in Chancery (a
Pearson sub.) and, regulations permitting, plans
to seek renewal of Chancery's contract, rather
than letting a new RFP. Chancery case study, here. Lott told NONT that
Chancery costs Metro about $7.5 million during the
current contract, "with $2.5 million of that being
the 5-year software cost (including development of
custom reports and interfaces.)... This does not
include related hardware," he added. Chancery
began work in 2003, after winning an RFP issued in
Metro Police posting photos
of crimes in progress from surveillance
cameras, via website, Tennessean, Aug. 13. Metro will need
more money for video surveillance in parks, due to
caliber technology needed outdoors, Tennessean, Aug. 24.
Government competition for Customer Relations
Management RFP now down to a short list
that will conduct demonstrations of their
solutions, Aug. 28. The presenting companies
are: ACS - State and Local Solutions;
Fujitsu Consulting; Lagan Technologies;
The TennCare Call Center
RFP 318.65-216 deadline has been
shifted to Sept. 18.
Online Auction System RFP 06-58, deadline for
proposals is today, Aug.
Tennessee's Integrated
Point of Sale and Inventory system RFP 317.03-141.
Sept. 26 - amended
Deadline extended:
Tenn. Treasury Department Trade Order Management
System, RFP 309.01-095, new
deadline is Aug.
E-VOTING: Too few
e-voting machines on-hand in Shelby
County, Comm. Appeal, Aug. 1. E-voting machines
little used in primary in Chattanooga, because
relatively few disabled voters turned out, Times
Free Press, Aug. 19. Lack of
familiarity with new voting technology and too few
machines in the midstate contributed to delays and
some abandoned voting efforts, Tennessean, Aug. 4. Many Williamson
County voters opted for paper ballots, Tennessean,
Aug. 3. Lack of
paper-ballot scanner delayed reporting of results
following introduction of e-voting in Hawkins
County, Tri-Cities Times News, Aug.
SCHOOLS: Horizon
software gremlins foil school opening for
Rutherford County schools, Tennessean, Aug. 17. New software and
infrastructure enable instruction and
administration in Franklin Special School
District, Tennessean, Aug. 17. Metro
Schools adopts School COPS software from Abt, to
track vandalism, City Paper, Aug. 24. New
Williamson County schools e-mail newsletter
commences, Tennessean, Aug. 2. Shelby County
Schools said to be pushing greater technology for
teachers, greater Math/Sci knowledge for students,
Comm. Appeal, Aug. 6.
McGavock High computer-network improvements by
Beacon Technologies are among summer improvements
at school, Tennessean, Aug. 4. Franklin Road
Academy adopts ADC's cabling, release Aug.
REI (Algood, Tenn.)
technology is helping prison officials find
contraband cell phones among prisoners,
Cellular News, July
Integrated federal database
reporting agencies' spending, grants and contracts
is goal of a Senator from Oklahoma;
analyst predicts lobbyists and contractors will
resist creation of the new transparency, Wash. Post, July
Tennessee becomes 24th state to
introduce 5-1-1 traffic-information
services, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 14. TDOT release, Aug.
Tennessee Dept. of Revenue
collected more than $4 billion via online e-filing
for sales and use taxes during first
three years of e-filing, City Paper, July 28.
of the FBI Virtual Case File: how $170 million
bought an unusable computer system, Wash.
Post, Aug.
Research, Commercialization and
Oak Ridge NL
supercomputer surpasses 50 Teraflops, release Aug. 25.
next Space Shuttle ("the most complex machine ever
built") mission set for Aug. 27.
Release, Aug. 16.
in Metro's Wright Middle School are first public
mid-school kids to speak live to an
astronaut, VU release Aug. 15. Tennessean
coverage, Aug. 18.
professor Frank Fekel was scheduled to be among
those who voted this week in Prague on whether to
declare 12 planets in our Solar System,
'stead of 9. Tennessean, Aug. 22.
Fekel's vote Y/N, not known, currently.
Voting astronomers stun world by dropping Pluto as
planet, Tennessean, Aug. 24. Local reaction to Pluto
demotion, Tennessean, Aug. 25. Related, Wash. Post, Aug.
Vanderbilt Engineer's
Institute of Space and Defense Electronics has
singular role in examining radiation
effects on microelectronics, VU release, July
The nanotechnology "utility
fog" illuminated by researcher speaking in
Knoxville, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 23.
Technology and Environmental Business Association
(ETEBA) will broaden its scope to look
for business throughout Tennessee for E. TN.-based
members of the alliance, OakRidger.com, Aug.
Martin Luther King Magnet school
7th-grader Jennifer Oakes is competing for $100K
in scholarship funds as one of 400
semifinalists in "America's Top Young Scientist of
the Year" competition by Discovery Channel (Young Scientist Challenge). City
Paper, Aug. 24, not on web.
Nashville-area students attended Governor's School
for Information Technology Leadership at
Tennessee Tech University, Tennessean, Aug.
Nashville's Stratford High
School IT academy is reaching out to
all Metro Schools, just completed summer
camp, Green Hills News, p. 1, July 27, not on
Oak Ridge to seek state and
federal infrastructure funds for new sci-tech park
at ORNL, OakRidger, July 26. Oak Ridge
Science and Technology Park is moving ahead,
Expansion Management, Aug. 7.
Oak Ridge
NL scientist outlines plans for advancing
nanotechnology and manufacturing in E.
TN. and beyond, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug.
Vanderbilt working with
Metro Schools, using NASA Hubble grant, to immerse
Metro middle-schoolers in science camp,
VU release July 30. VU biochemist
launches Aspirnaut program in Arkansas, VU release
July 30. Tennessean, Aug. 18.
McDown, a Tennessee Tech student from
Fayetteville, Tenn., worked with NASA Robotics
Academy at NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center in Maryland, release July
Faculty and staff of Fisk
University said to be collaborating in new Center
for Layered Polymeric Systems at Case
School of Engineering, Cleveland. Tennessean, July
University of Tennessee
Campaign for leadership — UT President
Peterson envisions state's Chambers of
Commerce and UT Extension Service
collaborating to increase numbers of college
grads, Blount Today, Aug. 23.
Peterson pushing galvanizing role for UT system in
Tennessee's economic development and education,
Memphis Bus. Journal, July 31. Related, Memphis
Bus. Journal, Aug. 14. UT's Peterson
pressing case for more college education in
Tennessee, Times Free Press, Aug. 2. Weakley County
Press, Aug. 1. AP via Knox. News
Sentinel, Aug. 4. AP in Tennessean, Aug. 4.
Oak Ridge
NL holds forum with NE TN Tech Council, local
chambers and others, regarding how to
gain access to ORNL resources and how to do
business with ORNL, TimesNews, Aug. 1. For info,
write dboggs@netntech.org Oak Ridge NL is
mentoring small technical business on doing biz
with government, OakRidger.com, Aug.
Oak Ridge NL playing key role
in relocation and 'blend-down' of eastern Euro
fissionable nuclear materials to Russia,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug.
Bardayan, an astrophysicist
at Oak Ridge NL received a Department of Energy
Presidential Early Career Award for
Scientists and Engineers. OakRidger.com, July
The Department of Energy's Oak
Ridge National Laboratory has transferred its
hybrid solar/artificial-light technology
to Sunlight Direct LLC (Oak Ridge,
Tenn.), a company spun off from ORNL to
commercialize the approach. EETimes.com, Aug.
Hybrid solar-lighting
technology from Oak Ridge NL is showing promise in
'greening of energy', PhysOrg.com, Aug. 7.
ORNL researchers in nuclear
waste and supercomputing information fusion are
named corporate fellows at the Lab, Knox.
News Sentinel, Aug.
Memphis-area colleges
participate in NSF grant for logistics and
manufacturing education, Comm. Appeal, Aug.
Tenn. State University offers
Regents' leadership-studies master's entirely
online, Tennessean, Aug. 11. TSU Downtown campus
work for distance-learning facility continues.
APSU also offers the online degree, here. Nashville State Community
College doing more with online instruction and Web
education, also, here.
Austin Peay
expands distance learning, Tennessean, Aug.
University of
Tennessee undergraduate supply chain/management
logistics program ranked 8th nationally
in U.S. News assessment, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 21.
Ridge Spallation Neutron Source will attract
scientists, produce economic benefits for the
region, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug.
UT-Battelle is awarding
signing bonuses to E. TN. science and math
teachers, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 12. UT-Battelle
'signing bonus' helps recruit math, science
teachers, OakRidger.com, Aug.
Vanderbilt: College
dorm rooms must have connectivity and power-surge
protection to support electronic devices,
Tennessean, Aug.
As national defense continues to
bureaucratize, "Intelligence 'tribes'" remain
reluctant to share Homeland security information
via interoperable communications, Wash. Post, Aug. 9.
Marketing: NTC-sponsored course of building
a technology marketing communications
plan, Sept. 11 and Sept. 18. Details
Pair enter guilty pleas
for illegal downloading of Lost Highways artist
Ryan Adams music, Tennessean, Aug. 25.
joins in battery recall, NY Times, Aug. 25. Wash. Post, Aug. 25.
Buffett's $31 billion gift, Gates-Buffett
philanthropic partnership means giving away a
minimum $3 billion per year; Gates
Foundation is adding 300 persons to handle the
chore, NY Times, Aug.
Lieberman-Lamont in
Connecticut: Digital constituents, including
bloggers spelled Liberman's defeat,
Nation, Aug. 9. Australian
columnist's perspective, The Australian, Aug. 14. Related, DailyKos.com.
SESAC President/COO
Collins says mastering new modes of music
distribution, and looks toward digital
radio, with meta-data on artists,
etc. Nash. Bus. Jrnl., Aug. 18. Music publishers
threaten websites that offer guitar tablature, NY
Times, Aug. 21.
Tennessean (Gannett) is now releasing more news
coverage via its website, p. 19A,
Tennessean, July 30. Digital Director
Glick says Tennessean reporters are now writing
first for online publication, and second for the
next day's print edition.
security: Blue Cross Blue Shield of
TN's Venable comments on new IBM storage
initiative, release Aug. 22. Advent of
open-source Cleversafe, supporting distributed
online storage of slices of sensitive information
at diverse locations, shows the Web is impacting
storage, as well as networks, NY Times, Aug. 21. Data backup
increasingly common, story reports on BMI
proactivity in disaster-recovery, p. 3, Nash. Bus.
Journal, July 7.
Wiffiti "wireless graffiti" enlivens a Knoxville
bar, and demonstrates how text messaging,
wireless and venue-specific blogging can create
communities, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 4. Wiffiti from LocaModa encourages consumer
interaction via large video
IBM makes
content-management play with $1.6 bn. purchase of
FileNet, NY Times, Aug. 11. IBM will buy
Internet Security Systems, NY Times, Aug. 24. Also on IBM-ISS,
Wash. Post, Aug.
Tennessee firms are using
more blogs to reach stakeholders, Comm.
Appeal, July
Nashville artists explore
how people connect, through exhibit "MySpace @ the
Plowhaus," through Sept. 10. Tennessean,
* (Sept.
1) The Toad's "Talking Technology" event in
Memphis on security risks, Richard Reed of
SunGard. Details
here. (Sept. 7)
NTC Tech Roundtable:
Sarbanes-Oxley, Legal / Regulatory
11) Tennessee Board for Economic Growth,
2 p.m. meeting at TN Dept. of Economic and
Community Development.
(Sept. 11-12) Gov. Bredesen's
annual Economic Development
11 and 18) Technology marketing
communications planning, seminar sponsored by
Nashville Technology Council, details
here. (Sept. 13-14) eHealth
initiative Privacy and Confidentiality
workshop, Nashville.
(Sept. 14) Richard
M. Russell, Assoc. Dir. for Technology in
OS&TP, The White House, is keynote for 2nd Navigator Awards.
28-29) Tenn. Biotechnology Assn. annual
meeting meeting.
(Oct. 4) NTC-ISSA InfoSec
Information Security Conference. Details
here. (Oct.
13) Software developers and other converge for
DevLink 2006 at Lipscomb University, details here.
2) NTC Tech Roundtable: Business
Intelligence / Data Warehousing
(Nov. 2-3) Business and Technology Expo and
business matchmaking scheduled in Knoxville,
sponsored by Chamber and Greater Knox. Business
Journal (KNS).
(Dec. TBA) NTC Holiday party, details to be
* (January 2006) NTC Tech
Roundtable, presentation by Sitening on Search
Engine Optimization. Details to be
Counter-Terrorism in FOCUS
Sustaining Sponsors:
BTS ComFrame
Caterpillar Financial
Emdeon HCA
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Published by
NashvillePost.com Industry News Services
Division Milt Capps, INS Editor & Assoc.
Publisher 3401 West End Ave., Suite 685 | Nashville,
TN, 37203 Phone: (615) 250-1540 Email: milt.capps@nashvillepost.com | | |