Thursday, April 21, 2005 (No. 54)
Editor &
Publisher Milt Capps
For previous issues
or date of next issue, visit the
archive. |
Debbie Gordon
in the
2005 NTC Directory
goes into the mail this
to NTC Primary
Want to buy a
Finally, Buzz and Spin are dying. Now:
Transparency in Technology Communications.
Tennessee Broadband Initiative underway
for economic development, City
Paper, April
21. Related info.
Vanderbilt School of Engineering
group wins $3
million cybersecurity grant as part of
multi-institutional effort (Team for Research and
Ubiquitous Security Technology), NashvillePost.com,
April 11. VU release, April 12. Wall Street Journal, April 12.
Cool Springs Life Sciences Center's
scheduled Summer 05 opening, and section on
biotech industry, Cumberland Emerging Technologies,
Banks and HIPAA, etc., Nashville Medical News, in pdf,
March 04.
Marcum says TN Technology Development
Corporation-commissioned study by New Economy Strategies
will link to Tennessee coalition for NSF Experimental
Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCOR), which has broad
state membership. Times Free
Press, April 4.
Digital Music Summit reviews dowload
pricing, effects, City Paper, April 6. Also, see Resources section,
Nashville Academy of Science &
Engineering charter school approved on State
review, City Paper, March 30.
Class-action suit and RICO allegations hit local
Essex Technology
Group, seller of
closeout electronics, as well as PayPal and eBay,
April 7, NashvillePost.com, citing San Francisco
Chronicle story.
shopper revealed: Rentech signs 10-year lease on
former Service Merchandise data center,
Ardent Health data center, as Cool Springs tech, life
sciences community gathers mass, NashvillePost.com, April 1.
Governor Bredesen weighs-in on
Streamlined Sales Tax, may advocate delayed
implementation until 2007, NashvillePost.com,
April 19. Nash. Bus. Journal, April 19. TN Lawmakers considering legislation to slow
the adoption of Streamlined Sales Tax that could hurt
state's cities if implemented before there's a federal
Internet sales tax; Metro would lose estimated $6
million per year under SST, in current circumstances,
Tennessean, p. 1, March 3. Related chart, here.
Recruiting Tech
employers: Janet Miller,
SrVP-Economic Development for the Nashville Area Chamber
of Commerce and director of Partnership
2010, says Nashville is pursuing
six "pure technology" companies at this writing,
including firms associated with IT, Telecom, consumer
technologies, healthcare technologies. Fourteen
additional non-technology firms have substantial
technology employment. A total 33 firms have
expeditionary teams exploring Nashville, right now, and
a total 97 prospect visits to Nashville have been
shepherded around town during the first three quarters
of FY05, reflecting a pace faster than in FY04. Miller's
crew is tracking more than 1,100 targeted prospects. In
the past 12 months, the largest tech -intensive
relocation was Bank of New York's data center,
representing 150 Tech jobs and a $150 million
investment. If you know Tech firms that should relocate
to Nashville, please write Mary Grace Schulz. If
you're with a local Tech firm that's a member of the
Nashville Area Chamber, peruse the Chamber's many
benefits for existing businesses, here.
May 18) NTC Nashville Technology Innovation
Conference. Unprecedented NTC event
will be at BellSouth Auditorium. Confirmed speakers
include senior execs from Pathfinder Therapeutics,
Brooktrout, EDS, Tacit Networks, J.P. Morgan Partners.
Registration, sponsorship, agenda and related
details here. Sponsors to
date: InfoSystems,
Inc. and The ARTE
Center. back
to top
ramps-up Snappy Auctions, counts 58
Debbie Gordon,
the 33-year-old Founder, President, CEO and Owner of
Snappy Sales, LLC, the parent of Snappy
Auctions, said earlier
this month that the year-old eBay Trading Partner has
sold 58 Snappy Auctions franchises, with a dozen now
operating, including franchises in Brentwood, Cool
Springs, Franklin, Belle Meade, Gallatin and
"It's a
land-grab market," Gordon said, and Snappy Auction's
share of market is strengthened by 70 percent repeat
business and 99 percent positive feedback, via eBay's
rating system. Gordon and Chief Technology Officer
Merrill Bohren suggest that their ongoing relationship
with CentreSource
Inc. has been a
key ingredient in both franchisee and customer
satisfaction. Gordon notes that Snappy Sales Manager
technology may be adapted for sales to multi-platform
sellers, possibly including those selling via
Overstock.com or Yahoo Auctions. In addition, Gordon
says a major new agreement with a franchisee who would
use Snappy Sales Manager and related Snappy-licensed
technology in another nation seems imminent.
Gordon, a
native of Albany, N.Y., earned her B.S. in Human and
Organizational Development at Vanderbilt University in
1994, and then served as director-corporate marketing
for Communications Corporation of America. In 1999, she
joined Aspect Communications, a telecommunications
software company, as channel sales manager, then sales
manager. In 2001, she joined Invision Technology as vice
president for sales and marketing and partner. In 2003,
she opened the first Snappy Auctions Center in
Nashville's Green Hills. Recent coverage: Tennessean,
(##) back
to top
Tennessee Valley Venture
Forum Oct. 6-7 (Knoxville) has issued its annual
call for presenters seeking investors, with proposal
deadline June 7. Details
CEO McWilliams sidesteps queries about IPO or
sale, BusinessTN, p. 14, April
SETECH, Inc., a Murfreesboro-based integrated supply
management services company, completed a $95 million private placement of
senior debt securities provided by CapitalSource Finance
LLC. Brentwood Capital Advisors LLC acted as exclusive
financial advisor to SETECH in connection with this
transaction. Release here.
Tennessean, April
9. Nash.
Bus.Journal, April
NashvillePost.com, April
Nashville inventor's power-windows
device wins
auto-industry award and Chrysler PT
introduction, Tennessean, April
Previous coverage. Nash. Bus. Journal, April
Product users are often first to innovate, NY
Times, April
Comdata sets
deal to acquire Tranvia, expanding Comdata
services beyond its own cards, March 2
Tennessean, 3E, March 3, scroll
Al Gore and partners
relaunch IndTV cable channel as Current, with Google
support, Aug. 1, 2005. NashvillePost.com,
4. Gore
launches channel aimed at younger viewers, Tennessean,
MediaWeek, April
Reuters via CNN Money, April
Knoxville-based Power Electronics and
Magnetics Designers Association enters development
deal with Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties
for electricity converter for renewable-energy sources,
Knox. News Sentinel, April
Memphis owned domain
digitalmovie.com bidding starts on ebay at $1.5
million, release April
Hospitality Control
(POS technology), Nashville, expands offering,
Nash. Bus. Journal, March
to top
Mary Beth Cornelius is
director-marketing, MailNet Services,
Tennessean, p. 5E, April 3. Massey Burch and Mellon
Ventures continue to back the company. MailNet staff
appointments, City Paper, Profits & Profiles, April 20.
MidTNAutos.com is a successful online
used-car business, launched by Nissan veteran Mike
Sparks, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 9, April 1.
Investment Scorecard growth results
in leasing more space in Grassmere, Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 6, April 1, not on web.
Jeff Johnson leads Bondware
Web Solutions, Tennessean People, scroll
down April 10. City Paper, April 20.
Nashville's Edison Automation partners
with Australian Citect for Water Services
systems, City Paper, March 3.
IRIS Networks, Sy.Med and MailNet
announce executive appointments, City Paper, March 2.
Emma (Cold Feet Creative) has passed 1,000-customer mark and looks
to double base in 2005, Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 5, April 1, not on web.
Fidelity Information Services announces
Franklin, TN-based Cumberland Bank, a
subsidiary of CIVITAS BankGroup, Inc., has selected
Fidelity's BancPac core processing solution to support
growth. Release April 19.
ComnetiX™ Inc., a leading provider of
biometric identification and authentication
solutions, announced that it formed a strategic
alliance with privately held, Nashville, TN-based
Integrated Biometric Technology, LLC ("IBT") to provide
fingerprinting services for new applicants and renewals
of Hazardous Materials (HazMat)-endorsed commercial
drivers' licenses. Release April 6. Nash. Bus. Journal,
April 7.
iNet Strategy names Stephanie Hansen
project manager, Anthony Hopkins director
infrastructure services, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
14, April 8, not on web. back
to top
(May 5) Natl. Healthcare IT Summit,
Gaylord Opryland Hotel. Speakers include Dr.
David Brailer. Details
here. (further) Recapitalization of NewQuest is
further evidence of Nashville's healthcare
clout, says Brentwood Capital's Murphy,
Nashville Medical News, April 2005.
Management Systems among firms recently mulling address
moves, Tennessean, April
First Consulting contracts for hospitals
in Ohio, Calif. mean more work for Nashville data
center, release April 7.
digiChart's Bates sees bright prospects, thanks to EMR
emergence, Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 8, not on web.
TVA report bullish on Nashvile for
biotechnology, City Paper, April 6.
Evolved Digital cites INPHACT acquisition
as source of efficiencies, release March 31.
Hospital Compare website by HHS is
drawing Mid-South consumer and provider
attention, Commercial
Appeal, April 2.
Sy.Med adds 4,400 physicians to
credentialing contract base during
January-February, Tennessean, 3E, March 3, scroll
DigiScript and Provisio
alliance, PharmaLife, April 5. NashvillePost.com, April 5. Nash. Bus. Journal, April 6.
Robotic surgery at Parkridge Hospital
employs cutting-edge technology, Times Free
Press, March 3.
Medical Banking Project at HIMSS
conference, AlwaysOn, April 5.
Global Testing Lab explains getting
European Community approval to sell technology
in Europe, Knox. News Sentinel, April 5. Medical-device makers create a
new hub of activity in Memphis, Commercial
Appeal, April 5.
Chambless of Nashville Capital Network
applauds BioTechD launch of new products, City
Paper, March 31.
Information Services Management launches
HealthcareIMPACT(tm), release April 4.
Knoxville's Convenant Med. Mgmt. chose
HealthRamp CarePoint(TM) for Electronic
Prescribing Solution, release April 7.
Profile: Dr. Mark Frisse directs
biomedical informatics project for W. TN, Nash.
Med. News, March 04, scroll here.
Cumberland Emerging Technologies is
collaborating with the University of
Mississippi Pharmacy School to develop and
commercialize new pharmaceutical products. CET is partly
owned by Vanderbilt. Nash. Bus. Journal, April 8.
Concerns about Metro General as Spitzer
retires, Nash. Bus. Journal, April 1.
HospitalCompare site
allows consumers to make informed choices about
hospitals' quality, Tennessean, April 5. back
to top
Link to key in-state government
bid-tracking resources,
here. Also, see previous issues,
Knoxville reportedly
only Tennessee city in Top 25 of forthcoming Inc.
Magazine "Best Places to Do Business"
ranking, Knox. Locals credit their Jobs Now! campaign
for one-year leap in ranking. News Sentinel, April 21.
Secretary of State Replacement Case Tracking
System, RFP
due May 9.
Treasurer Trade Order Management System, with
links to Bank of NY, RFP
due May 6.
seeks web-based assessment of training needs for
Biohazards workers, RFP
due May 18.
seeks database-services vendor to support New Hire
Reporting and TCSES Employer data,
May 23 due date.
State Global Positioning Electronic Monitoring
due May 12.
Government seeks bids by May 11 for graphics design,
layout and related applications-development
services, RFP
Governor Bredesen
and ECD Commis. Kisber visit Japan,
NashvillePost.com, April
Related, Tennessean, April
20. Nash. Bus. Journal, April
Deadline Tomorrow
- Tennessee Politicians will be
lampooned mercilessly when The Gridiron Cabaret returns
May 6 at the Belcourt Theater in Hillsboro
Village. The benefit is sponsored by the Middle Tennessee
Professional Chapter of the Society of
Professional Journalists (SPJ). For information,
write Amy@GridironNashville.org
or call (615) 341-3621.
has failed to properly supervise $22 Billion in IT
projects, Washington Post, April
Nashville Social Security income
recipients are urged to receive benefits
electronically through Go Direct program,
Tennessean, 3E, March 3, scroll
Directions Magazine
explains TDOT's Tenn. Roadway Information Management
System (TRIMS) Web system uses Sybase, Oracle,
Intergraph assets and GIS technology, April
State Sen. Jackson
backs legislation to outlaw "hunting" penned
animals by remotely guiding weapon's aim via
Internet, Tennessean, 5B, March
Tennessean editorial
urges congressional action to prevent Identity theft by
cybercrooks, Tennessean, March
Bill would require
online posting of legislators' out-of-state
travel, if any expenses paid by State,
Commercial Appeal, April
Sharp Electronics
Corp., which has solar panel manufacturing facility at
Memphis, praised U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander
(R-TN) for his legislative support boosting solar
energy, release April
Oak Ridge National
Lab wants lobbyist in DC, Knox. News Sentinel,
TN Wildlife
Resources introduces new technology for checking
hunters' quotas, Knox. News Sentinel,
Nashville conference
explores problems with electronic voting,
Tennessean, April
Police plan video-only surveillance system to monitor
drivers, Knox. News Sentinel, April
Jacobs Engineering Group
(Tullahoma) announced a subsidiary received a $180
million ceiling increase to its Acquisition,
Logistics, Management, and Business Operations Support
(ALMBOS) contract with US Special Operations Command
(USSOCOM). Release April
TDOT 511 Travel
Information Service with interactive voice response
system, and database for Fall 2005 roll-out is
sought through RFP 403.85-001 and due May 9. back
to top
Gartner's VP/MD Terry Moore addresses
"Executive Level View of Network Security,"
noon, Juniper Networks
Demo Tour, Knoxville News Sentinel, April 21.
Knoxville's Eonstreams, which asserts it is "the
worldwide leader" in providing streaming media
solutions, announced April 18 it has opened offices in
New York City and Dallas, as well its Knoxville
headquarters and Atlanta office.
Chattanooga looks to hire exec to recruit
technology to region, to leverage Oak Ridge,
Huntsville, Tullahoma sci-tech assets in region, Times Free Press, G1, April 3.
Cnet opens unit up the road in
Louisville, April 4, Loiuisville Bus Journal.
Robotics manufacturer's expansion plans
apparently stymied by spat among owners in
Chattanooga, Times Free Press, March 8.
Biotech boom in Memphis attracts more
marketing, advertising firms, Commercial
Appeal, April 7.
Enterprise Park in Chattanooga will be
one of largest in state, Times Free Press, April 1.
(More) on Mark Dean, African-American
Tennessean at IBM, Seattle Times, April 4.
Knoxville economic development campaign,
Jobs Now, continues to gain support, Knox. News
Sentinel, April 1.
Springfield, Tenn., Emax Holding Co. (Emax
announces adword marketing campaign with
Google, April
8 release.
calls center that fielded mainly Sprint PCS calls closes
in MetroCenter, Tennessean, March
exonerates NuMarkets after two-day access denial during
investigation, Times Free Press,
run of success draws interest nationwide, particularly
among competing national labs, Knox. News
Sentinel, Munger column, April
6. IPIX announces partnership with
ViewScape, integrates VS technology, management
shakeup, stock rises after 6-mo. decline, Knox. News
Sentinel, April
of Advanced Integrated Management Services Inc. (AIMS)
facing indictment for contractor fraud at Oak
Ridge NL, Knox. News Sentinel, April
Sen. Ford visits SNS at ORNL, Oak
Ridger, March 30.
Inc. gets industry graphic arts award,
Chattanoogan.com, April
7. Knoxville-based Regal and AMC collaborate
for new nationwide digital platform -- National
CineMedia LLC. Knox. News Sentinel, March 30
business leaders in roundtable discuss competing for new
and expanded businesses, the search for talent
and capital, and more, Knox. News Sentinel,
biomedical future depends on excellence in public
schools and higher ed, other public
investmenet, Commercial Appeal, April
Tennessee Selects CheckFree Software to Mitigate
Financial Risk for Corporate Customers,
release April 12.
D. Bloom has joined Sedgwick Claims Management Services
as senior vice president and director of
integrated services. Commercial Appeal, April
Sermon has been named technology sales consultant for
EnSafe's Information Technology Division.
Commercial Appeal, April 10.
will open check-processing facility in Memphis,
Commercial Appeal, April
Offices Worldwide expands smart buildings in
Memphis, Memphis
Bus. Journal, April
19. back
to top
Vanderbilt Engineering's Koo wins NSF
CAREER awards for work with embedded chips,
April 13. Nash. Bus. Journal, April 8. Other VUSE honors and appointments, here.
TSU joins IBM Academic Initiative for
free access to IBM software, free course
material, training and curriculum development and
discounted hardware, Tenn. Tribune, 3A, April7-13
issue. Related items 1,
City Paper, April 20.
Horton, Lowndes to lead ORNL's
nanoscience center, Oak Ridger, April 19.
Southwest TN Community College at Memphis
is among Hewlett Packard beneficiaries in $25
million HP initiative, release April 19.
Certiport teams with college to provide
displaced Textile workers technology skills to
bridge the digital divide, release April 12.
Currey Ingram academy is Apple Lighthouse
school with one-on-one iBook laptop program,
site here. Related item, Tennessean, April 1.
Tennessee History buffs create pilot
website to support k-12 History teachers,
students, Tennessean, April 2. Minimal TN History taught, here. Your TNHistory IQ, here.
Use of GeoWall Display system
(geowall.org) in teaching is expanding, next
generation resolution will improve, NY Times, March 3.
Honors Program Builder Software helps
students in Chattanooga, April 5. Times Free Press.
Nashville Sirsi users conference
attracted hundreds interested in impact of
technologies on libraries, Library Journal,
April 1.
Demand for online education is growing,
according to Sloan Foundation report,
Commercial Appeal, April 10.
Digital Literacy Pilot Becomes Model to
Equip Displaced Workers with Tech Skills,
release April
Downloading and copyright: The Battle
between Tinseltown and Techies, Wash. Post,
April 10.
Knox-area students active in Robotics
competition, Knox. News Sentinel, April 19.
SchoolMatters.com, a
web-based national education data service that provides
in-depth information and
analysis about public schools, districts and state
education systems, was unveiled by the National
Education Data Partnership, which is funded by a
$45 million investment by The Broad Foundation and the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
DARPA cuts research funding, NY
Times, April 2. back
to top
Nashville Technology Council
announces four, one-day Management Skills
seminars with instructor Jay Ress, focusing on
Proactive Communications Skills & Methods; Assertive
Management; Project Leadership; and, Conflict
Management. May/June/July/Sept. Details
Employment: See temporary NTC
jobs-posting site for NTC Members, here.
Music Summit in Nashville offered glimpse of new
media, Tennessean, 1A, April 4. Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
editorial vs piracy, April 4. Borland CNET
commentary on Nashville Digital Music Download, April 11.
Update on
Belmont blogging conference, May 5-7. City Paper, p. 3, April 1. BlogNashville conference
at Belmont May 5-7, Knox. News Sentinel, April 19.
Nashville broadband users among those
surveyed for lifestyle impact of technology,
Tech Exec at Prayer Breakfast,
April 28, 7 a.m., Nash. Convention Cntr. David
Steward, CEO World Wide Technology,
keynote speaker. He'll address lessons learned as he
built WWT from $0 to $1.2 billion in less than 14 years.
Benefiting Bethlehem Centers of Nashville. Details here.
Pope preferred laptop, CNN,
Unprecedented E-mail announced the Pope's death, CNN,
Council in
Nashville welcomes ideas for substantive, nonsales
presentations to its
members, but proposals and presenters are subject to
close review. For more information, write Pat
As software-driven Globalization 3.0
proceeds, the Dell Inc. Theory of Global Conflict
Resolution is advanced by foreign affairs
writer Friedman, Books, Wash. Post, April 3.
Dell Inc. CEO Rollins says PC sales not
sole barometer of company's health, Knox. News
Sentinel, April 11.
MousePad Tech Center expands business
training offerings, here.
Ingram Micro cutting 550 North American
jobs, Memphis Bus. Journal, April 11.
Bells, IP voice pressure and media
convergence, NY Times, April 4.
NuVox introduces VoIP, April 19. AOL phone service set
for Nashville, April 8,
Paper. Verizon Brings
VoiceWing Internet-Based Calling to Tennessee, release
April 6. Emax announces Internet phone service in
partnership with PowerNet Global, release April 11.
QC for software spurs another India
outsourcing boom, Reuters via NY Times,
March 31.
Entertainers and file-sharing providers
should work together to preserve both tech innovation
and intellectual property rights, Opinion,
Tennessean, April 2.
Zamek World Marketing of Nashville
affiliates with NetMedia for Music Row relationships for
download, jukebox services, NashvillePost.com,
Renta-A-tune next in musical revolution,
Tennessean, April
XM Satellite Radio will expand Nashville
broadcast facilities, City Paper, March
Christian musicians summit at Franklin
March 17 includes new-media tracks, Tennessean, March 3, scroll here.
Mike Conte of MSN Marketplace among
Summit speakers
in Nashville at Belmont.
Tennessean, March 3, scroll down here.
EDS likely to win $7 Billion UK Defense
Ministry contract for communications networks
integration; analyst says award would be turning point
for company, NY Times, March 3.
Principal Communications execs discuss
proliferation of PDA, wireless devices and their
security, City Paper, March 3.
Former ABC Radio executive Sabo says that
if entertainment giants win downloading
litigation, it'll only encourage them in their
errant emphasis on technology over the quality of their
content -- Sabo says losing is in the industry's
long-term interest, Commercial Appeal, April 2.
Study Criticizes Cybersecurity Research
The President's Information Technology Advisory
Committee, after studying the U.S. technology
infrastructure for nearly a year, found an imbalance in
the current cyber-security research and development
(R&D) portfolio. In a February report, "Cyber
Security: A Crisis of Prioritization," the committee
noted that most support is given to short-term,
defense-oriented research, but that little is given to
research that would address larger security
vulnerabilities. The committee recommended increased
funding for research in civilian security, intensified
federal efforts to recruit and retain cyber-security
researchers, and more support for the rapid transfer of
federally developed cutting-edge cyber-security
technologies to the private sector. View report.
Computer Sciences' CheckVision chosen by
SunTrust for check image software and services,
CSC release March 21.
The Future of Web Search, online
discussion transcript, Columnist Leslie Walker
and Udi Manber, CEO A9.com, discussed future of Web
search. Washington Post.
Google decides it'd better scale-up: Will
up capital spending to $500 million this year,
faces the challenges of becoming a hybrid tech-media
enterprise, with major competitors like MS and Yahoo. Wash. Post, April 1.
Playstation maker Sony has been granted
patent for beaming sensory stimuli directly into
brain, CNN, April 7.
Barn-raising puts Radio Free Nashville on
the air, Tennessean, Davidson AM, April
8. back
to top
indicates new or revised item)
* (Today)
InfraGard Mid-TN, Secure Computing with Bradley Lide of
The Cyber Angel, Belmont Univ., 1:30 p.m. details here.
* (April 22-23) PMI Nashville Chapter
2005 PMI TN Symposium, Additional details and
registration information is available at www.pminashville.com, or
via symposium@pminashville.com.
* (April 26) WiTT program, Speaker: Bob
Miller, CIO Magazines.com. Details here.
(April 27) East TN Tech Council, 11:30
a.m., Panel: Mergers & Acquisitions, with
founders of East TN companies: Dr. Barry Goss – Founder
and President, Pro2Serve Professional Project Services,
Inc.; Dr. Michael Paulus – Founder of ImTek; John Morris
– Founder of NetLearning. For info, (865)
(May 5) NTC Tech
Roundtable e-Business, with Passport Health CEO
Jim Lackey; Dealerskins.com CEO Gabriel Krajicek;
Magazines.com CEO Jay Clarke. Registration will be
available soon via NTC.
(May 5) Natl. Healthcare
IT Summit, Gaylord Opryland Hotel. Speakers include Dr.
David Brailer. Details here.
5-7) Belmont to host BlogNashville
conference, with Freedom Forum and other support,
NashvillePost.com, Jan.
(May 18) – NTC Nashville Technology
Innovation Conference will be Wednesday, May 18,
2005, with emphasis on innovations that address
current and emerging technology needs of enterprises
large and small. The unprecedented NTC event will be at
BellSouth Auditorium, downtown Nashville. Speakers
currently confirmed include senior execs
from Pathfinder Therapeutics, Brooktrout, EDS,
Tacit Networks, J.P. Morgan Partners. Registration,
sponsorship, exhibit and related details are
forthcoming. Details and registration here.
(May 18) Eric Mathews, Assoc. Dir.-Bus.
Development, FedEx Institute of Technology and
Assoc. Dir. of the Institute for Intelligent Systems.
Chatta. Convention Cntr. 11:30 a.m. Details
23-25) National High Performance Computing
Conference, Pellissippi State High Performance
Computing Regional Center in conjunction with the
National Center of Excellence for HPC Technology and the
National Science Foundation. Details here.
(May 24) Mayor Bill Purcell, Mayor of
Nashville, State of Metro Address. Nashville
Convention Center. 7 a.m. registration.
(May 25) Financing the Deal: Strategic
Issues for Health Care Companies, with Jim
Elrod - Vestar Capital Partners; Jim Forbes - Merrill
Lynch; Allen Moseley - Noro-Moseley Partners, and
others. Moderator: Tom Wylly - Brentwood Capital
Advisors, details here.
* (June 2) NTC Tech Roundtable, program
on E-learning with NTC Tech Roundtable program
on eLearning, with panelists Andrew Duthie, President,
Duthie Associates, Inc.; Joe Christopher, Dir of
Development, Healthstream; and, Bill Grana, CEO,
PureSafety. Details here.
(June 16) Information
Technology Initiatives in Health Care, with
Scott Wallace - National Alliance for Health Information
Technology and Commission on Systemic Interoperability;
Dr. Mark Frisse - Vanderbilt Center for Better Health;
Dr. Dan Masys - VUMC Biomedical Informatics; and
Dr. Bill Stead - VUMC Center for Informatics. Luncheon
with John Hammergren, chairman & CEO of McKesson
Corp. Details here.
* (July 7) NTC Tech Roundtable,
program on Supply Chain/Logistics, with
panelists Stuart Smith, Asurion Senior Vice President
Technology and Logistics; Bob Spieth, CIO with
Ozburn-Hessey. Details here.
(July 12-15) Tenn. Valley Corridor 2005
National Summit,
Washington, D.C.
(Aug. 4) NTC Tech Roundtable.
(Aug. 13-15) 14th IEEE International
Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive
Communication, Marriott at Vanderbilt.
(Aug. 24) – NTC-ISSA InfoSec Nashville
2005 information-security conference will be
Wednesday August 24, with CSI
information-security training Aug. 22, 23, 25, 26. For
further information, write info1@technologycouncil.com
to top
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