Tuesday, May
4, 2004 (No. 33) Editor Milt Capps For a
previous issue or for the date of the next issue, visit
the news archive. |
Join NTC Today? One of many benefits: Both print and Online
Member directories, with open listings, plus deeper
password-protected Member profiles. Visit the NTC
homepage, or go directly
to Membership enrollment here.
Truvote Adrienne Brandon
President and CFO
David Sterling
TruVote Chief Technical
Milt Capps,
Editor News of Nashville
Technology Note to
Our recent Reader
Survey showed the Summary is popular. You
want it to continue. The majority of you, many
regularly, forward the Summary to colleagues and
friends; the news links, calendar and resources features
are most popular; and, while voluminous, 84 percent of
you think the length is "about right." We haven't said
much about it, but, in addition to NTC's commitment,
this Summary requires sponsors. Fortunately, Northpoint
Software and Oracle (twice each), plus Nashville Capital
Network and Skyline have stepped-up to this opportunity,
knowing that sponsorship supports NTC's mission and
introduces their companies to tech executives here and
statewide. To support NTC's mission and advance your
company, please write or call today, (615)
743-3168. Cheers, Milt
security: Among firms whose
operations were affected by the 9/11 terrorist strike,
Bank of New York will establish $100-million
transaction-processing center here, Tennessean,
29. Nash. Bus. Journal, April 1, p.1 and online.
[The 3rd annual NTC-ISSA InfoSec Nashville
information-security conference is scheduled here Aug.
24, 2004. For program and sponsorship information,
please write here or
call 615.743-3160.]
Roundtable, Thurs., May
6: Cliff Duffey, Chair./Pres./CEO,
Cybera, Inc. Register
here today! Cybera links farflung
enterprises, Tennessean, April
Tenn. Tech Talent (T3)
-- 200 area execs are needed right away to help
judge Technology Student Assn. competition, Opryland
Hotel, June 20-24. They'll work around your schedule.
Details right
NTC Software
Developers Roundtable hosts
event, May 18. NTC release. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 28.
Tech After
Hours: Tues., May 18,
4:30-6:30 p.m., Franklin Marriott.
Hosted by Nashville Technology Council and
co-host Williamson Works. Co-sponsor: Cingular. Corporate
tables available. $15 Members; $20 Non-Members by May 12
(later: $20/$25). Details via NTC website or phone for
exhibit info, (615) 743-3151. back
to top
TruVoteCEO Athan Gibbs' sudden death, March 12,
increased uncertainty regarding whether or not TruVote's
answer to election fraud will ever find
its way into America's polling places -- even while
direct-recording electronic (DRE) technologies are
finding strong interest, internationally.
Two months later,
TruVote's fate remains uncertain, but Interim President
and CFO Adrienne Brandon, CPA, is no less certain
TruVote's solution is superior to technology offered by
such DRE hardware, software and services competitors
as Accupoll, Avante, Hart
Intercivic or Smartmatic. (Brandon
notes Smartmatic recently announced its untried
technology will debut in Venezuela, where Smartmatic won
a $91 million contract. She says TruVote may assign
higher priority to international
Brandon explains
that since Gibbs' demise on a local Interstate, she,
Chief Technology Officer David Sterling, the TruVote
board of directors and supporters outside the company
have pursued many issues: E.g., TruVote, already
preparing its marketing campaign, hopes also by
mid-summer to secure certification of a stronger TruVote
v. 2.0 via an independent testing lab. Simultaneously,
Truvote is addressing possible restructuring in the wake
of Gibbs' death. These and other actions should enable
TruVote to operate freely and seek investment capital,
more aggressively. Read
more, click
here. back
to top
2020 is now accepting applications from venture
capital-seeking companies for 8th
Tenn. Valley Venture Forum, Sept.
23-24, Chattanooga. App. deadline, June 11. Accepted
companies present to about 300 institutional, individual
investors. Details www.tvvf.biz or
via Tom Rogers (865)
220-2020. Related, Knox. News Sentinel, April 19.
Former Palmgear, Medifax EDI and
PMT Services exec Todd Burke joins CheckVelocity as
president, Nash. Bus. Journal, April 30.
Information Network Inc., facing a "precipice" created
by supply-chain success, will release
Hawk Visibility 5.0 in June, add sales staff, seek cash
infusion and possibly undertake M&A, Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 11, April 30.
Nashville-based Snappy Auctions' Founder/CEO Debbie Gordon just returned from
International Franchise Expo in D.C., where she was the only eBay reseller
exhibiting. Next up for Gordon: A "great!" show behind
her, Gordon said yesterday she's now focused on
prospective franchisees in 25 Eastern
and Midwest markets.Snappy release, April 28. Meanwhile, in
East TN, Etowah-based NuMarkets announced its
Simple Software, for scale consignment-selling via eBay.
Release April 26. Also, Quikdrop
enters East TN, release May 3.
Memphis-based Chilmark
Entertainment Group agreed to sell restricted shares to
fund launch in China of mobile phone content
service. Commercial
Appeal, May
snags $50 million in contracts in 1Q, signaling
recovery from competition-induced sag,
Tennessean, 1E, April 25.
Owners of Whites Creek-based
Impak Inc. have acquired Encryptolock
anti-piracy software from Factory Install, with
an toward both domestic and international markets, Nash.
Bus. Journal, April 23.
BellSouth expresses concern
about rate of loss of business and residential
telephone access lines, Times Free Press, April 23.
Nashville Public Radio WPLN receives Corp. for Public Broadcasting
grant for transition to
digital radio, April 15 release.
RFD-TV, serving rural markets, relocates
to Northstar's Nashville campus, April 22. Northstar Productions announces new PPV encryption services, March 25. Release
April 22.
Releases April 27 from
Inflow's Nashville office
and Denver headquarters
describe record results for 1QCY04.
Nash. Bus. Journal, April 28.
venture-capital investment sinks,
Tennessean, Nashville Bus.
Journal, Memphis Bus. Journal,
April 27.
VC John Doerr says, even now,
upside of Tech sector is still
underappreciated, NY Times, May 3. Ven Cap will flow
to firms proven successful, Wash. Post, May 3. Bay Area IPOs
queuing-up for IPO, E. Bay Bus. Times, April 30. Investors ready
for a Dot-Com boom, NY Times, May 2. Rushing Tech IPO's
to market? That Google IPO isn't the only factor
stirring-up the tech sector for investors, Washington
Post, April 27. Overall V/C
activity resurgent, AP via Washington Post, April
27, here.
CoStar Group, leading
real-estate info provider in US/UK, acquires
Peermark of Memphis/Nashville, release
April 19. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 20. back
to top
Nashvillian, NTC Board Member
and BearingPoint CMO Linda Rebrovick's meteoric
career rise reported by The Washington Post, April
Peer Exchange Network has tapped execs
with NTC member firms: Dave Chapman,
CEO, Northpoint Software and
Services (May 6, Business Process: Competitive Asset or
Liability?); Art Zeile, CEO and cofounder, Inflow (Oct. 26, Managing
Tech investments: future trends); and, Nashville Management
Group (facilitators for best-practices sessions).
PEN calendar.
CIBER-Nashville, which
previously acquired SCB Computer Technology,
named John Wood area director, Joan DuNard sales
executive, Fay Abusalem business-development manager,
Angela Mayes senior recruiter and Gay Hooker area
administrator. Tennessean, April 25. City Paper, May
4, p. 12, not on web.
Brentwood-based Comdata, a
Ceridian sub, said April 30 that Bob Skiba,
formerly vp with Gap Inc., has become EVP/GM for the
firm's Stored Value Systems, Inc. (SVS) subsidiary.
Release May 3. Nash. Bus. Journal
online, May 3. Tennessean, p. 3E,
May 4, not on web.
Jim Trublood leaves Fleetguard
CTO position for vp engines slot with Cummins
Inc., Tennessean, May 2, scroll here.
Knoxville's Pilot Travel Centers
selects Lawson Software to integrate with
existing financial suite, Lawson release April 26.
FedEx Trade Networks unit and
SAP partner to develop new duty and tax data-aggregating
technology, Memphis Bus. Journal, April 22.
Chamber/Partnership 2010 make Top 10 in Site
Selection, based on new
jobs, investments, leadership. City Paper, April
Pinnacle Chairman Robert McCabe
named to board of Private Business, April 21.
Dell &
SAP partner on standards for scalable
systems, release, April 28.
Comdata enlists TALX e-Payroll
Services for paystub communication, April 27.
LBMC Tech's named TN SAP
Business One Partner, Nash. Bus. Journal, April
2, not on web. Related LBMC.
Healthcare Management Systems,
PayMaxx Inc., Beacon Technology, Sy.Med among
Nashville Business Journal Best-in-Business finalists,
NBJ p. 15, April 23, and p. 10, April 30, not on web.
Full listing of BiB finalists. Ceremony is May 20.
Rainey to VP-bus. dev. for Think
Ventures, focusing on the firm's
SublimeMail anti-spam
unit, Nash. Bus. Journal, April 23, not on web. Rainey
previously served with Valutec gift-card
Intelleq Communications licensed
Equinox IS Collector AFT/EIU to automate
call-detail record transmission, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
24, April 23, not on web. Equinox IS release, April 13.
Comframe picked for Inc.
Magazine fastest-growing private urban
companies list, The City Paper, April 21.
SmartDM names six
hires, Tennessean, April 18. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 23. City Paper, p.
12, May 4.
(further) Helen Lane joins
CIMplify as CIO and vice president, information
services, Green Hills News, p. 17, April 22, not on web.
Also see April 15 summary.
Healthcare Management Systems
Inc. named Sabrina
Burks application support analyst. Scroll,
Tennessean, April 25. Sweeney now HMS
app.-support analyst. La'Sonya Roberson will provide
application training as implementation
Nashville Business Journal
editors pick The Tech20 executives, Supplement
page 6A, April 23: Tom Collins, President/CEO, Juris;
David Condra, President, NTC; Eric Cromwell, Director of
technology, TN ECD; John Doss, executive vice president,
Healthcare Management Systems; Cliff Duffey, president
and CEO, Cybera Inc.; Jerry Dunlap, president and CEO,
ISDN-Net; Darrell Freeman, President and CEO, Zycron
Computer Services; Robert Frist Jr., Chairman, President
and CEO, Healthstream; Katie Gambill, Partner & CEO,
Council Ventures; Fred Goad, Partner, Voyent Partners;
Tony Holcome, President, WebMD Envoy; Steve Mason,
President and CEO, Qualifacts Systems, Inc.; Joe
Maxwell, Chairman, president and CEO, Investment
Scorecard; Christopher McKinney, Director, Vanderbilt
University Office of Technology Transfer and Enterprise
Development; David McNeel, Director, Center for
Information Technology Education; Tim Moses, CEO,
Monster Labs; Marty Paslick, vice president-product
development, HCA Information Technology & Services;
J. Edward Pearson, President and CEO, DigiScript; Ryan
Wuerch, President and CEO, PalmGear; Tom Wylly,
Chairman, Nashville Capital Network. (NBJ contact
here.) back
to top
Healthstream SVP
Michael Pote says healthcare IT professionals need IT
education infused with business knowledge and
soft skills, itX (CITE Nashville), April 1. Healthstream
quarterly loss narrows, Nash. Bus. Journal, April 28.
Tennessean, April 29, scroll down
HealthTrio Connect product is
chosen by Ohio healthcare system, Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 15.
Nashville's BulldogIT BITpack
Business Intelligence Tools net Scott & White
system in central Texas,
release April 23.
Health Management Directions' "smart hospital" proposal for Brentwood fails before state
agency, Tennessean, April 29. Nash Bus.
Journal, April 28. HMD Related,
Tennessean, April 26. Meanwhile, HMD
will launch Smart Hospital" operations in planned NC
facility, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 5, April 23, not on
CNET News reports on earlier
complaints regarding communications and
processing of some claims via WebMD Envoy
clearinghouse, CNET News, April 27.
NashvillePost.com, April 30, sub required, here.
Siemens Medical Solutions grabs
Johnson City's Mountain States Health Alliance
for clinical IT solutions, release April 27.
Blue Cross-Blue Shield of TN
joins alliance for Universal Credentialing
DataSource, coalition release, April 29.
Health Care Council plans September trade
mission, Nashville Medical News, p. 4,
April 2004. Scroll thru here.
Healthcare industry girds for
ICD10 coding, NashvillePost.com, (sub
required) April 16.
OASIS creates Healthcare XML.org
site for IT professionals, here.
information-technology may be the natural leading edge
of Nashville's technology development. Story
quotes execs from Sy.Med, Clinix, CIMplify, Healthcare
Management Systems, and mentions Healthstream, HCA,
WebMD. Supplement page 4A, April 23, Nash. Bus. Journal, not
on web.
Cap Gemini is managing Wellpoint
partnership with Microsoft to bring medical
professionals into the e-Health digital age,
Internetnews.com, April 29. Microsoft
release, April 29.
President Bush will appoint
Healthcare IT coordinator, Information
Week, May 3. President wants
all healthcare records computerized within 10 years, AP
via Knox. News Sentinel, April 27. Text of
President's remarks on HIT, April 27. Resource:
eHealth Initiative page. back
to top
Link to key in-state government
bid-tracking resources, here.
Napster proposal for Tennessee
Board of Regents universities would legally sell
music to students, but seems a non-starter, AP
via Knox. News Sentinel, May 1.
Tennessee OIR and GovTech
collaborate to produce the May 25 Tennessee Government Technology
Summit, May 25, Hilton
Suites Nashville Downtown. Agenda, registration. Topics:
from security, network convergence, web content
management and XML; to mobile computing, Linux, project
management and culture of the enterprise.
Tenn. Econ. & Community
Development's Technology Director Eric Cromwell says TECD is working on "a coherent strategy on
how to capitalize on our existing technology resources,
on research and development efforts, on technological
breakthroughs and radical ideas and disruptive business
models." Supplement page 13A, Nash. Bus. Journal, April
23. Not on web. Cromwell says the state's strategy will
be completed by the time of the Governor's Economic Development conference, Sept. 28-30. Now, Cromwell is
inventorying the state's tech resources, discussing
stakeholders' missions and ambitions, identifying
opportunities to leverage state advantages. ECD
Tech page here.
Metro Government
announced RFP 04-33 providing
Internet and Voice service TO the Nash. Convention
Center (service then
distributed internally by NCC tech staff), proposals due
May 24.
Proposals are anticipated today
from five potential offerors who were
represented during Metro/Nashville Government's April 20
preproposal conference for RFP 04-27 for PeopleSoft
configurable network computing services.
Nashville Electric Service
issued RFP 93681 for a broad
range of onsite IT services, due May 28. NES also just issued RFP 93781 for mainframe
data center processing; pre-proposal conference 10 a.m.,
May 14, and offers due June 18.
Metro Nashville Public Schools
seeks content-management solution for Web
support, RFP 04-36. Proposals due
May 14. Last week's preproposal conference drew 15
potential bidders; more info on the RFP is due out this
Tennessee seeks contractor to
develop technical operating standards for emergency
communications districts and wireless 911
communications, RFP 335-08.515, due May
Tennessee seeks IT contractor to
support Section 8 Voucher Software System RFP 316.20.8100,
due June 21.
Metro Government is reviewing
four offers received in response to its
E-Lockbox for E-payments RFP 04-31.
Tennessee division of student
transportation implements database to track
inspections, repairs on 10,000 school buses,
looks ahead to electronic transmissions from inspectors,
Times Free Press, May 3.
U.S. Senate approves moratorium
on Internet taxation, CNN, April 30. Sen. Lamar
Alexander fights prohibition of state Internet taxation,
Tennessean, April 28. Alexander's
stance on taxing VOIP assayed, BusinessTN, May 2004 (not
on web). Meanwhile, U.S. Senate mulls permanent Internet
tax ban, Bush says he wants to spur broadband,
Washington Post, April 27. Related
April 26. NY
Times, April 27.
President Bush outlines HIT,
broadband, related tech initiatives, April 26. Kerry campaign
criticizes Bush Administration on economics, alleges
loss of nation's advanced-technology products
advantage, here. Kerry Campaign
manufacturing scenario would emphasize technology,
Commercial Appeal, April 29.
Outmoded database in TN Bureau
of Investigation delays gun purchases, AP in
Commercial Appeal, April 22.
Brentwood police and traffic
increase use of technology in controlling
speeders and traffic flow, Tennessean,
April 6.
Congress enrolls legislation to
attack Spyware perpetrators, Washington
Post, April 29. CNN, April 30. Microsoft
executive's presentation to Congressional
committee, April 29.
Terrorist threat unit tackles
technology, privacy issues, Washington
Post, April 28. Patriot Act
suppresses news of ACLU assault on Patriot Act,
Washington Post, April 29. back
to top
Techonomics: Clarity Resources'
Lee Martin describes how one man's vision spawned
high-tech growth in East Tennessee, Knox. News
Sentinel, May 3.
Thursday, Nortel Networks will
announce a technology gift to FedEx
Institute of
Technology, to support
workforce development. The May 6 event in Memphis will
highlight multimedia applications. (The Nortel NetworksXpress exhibit
rig that will be on-site typically includes such
technologies as Nortel's Multimedia
Communications Server 5100, which
supports VOIP, videoconferencing, etc.) Event
registration, details. Speakers include
Malcolm Collins, President, Enterprise Solutions, Nortel
Networks; Robert Carter, Chief Information Officer,
FedEx; Jim Phillips, Chairman, FedEx Institute of
Technology; Steve Bares, President, Memphis Biotech
Foundation; Tommie Henderson, Principal, Memphis Academy of
Science and Engineering. The Academy is Tennessee's
first charter school.
Tech Council and Chamber
collaborate: Thursday's East Tenn. Business
Showcase will feature tech companies, also,
Knox. News Sentinel, May 3.
Thoreson officially establishes
Acumen Management presence in Knoxville, Knox.
News Sentinel, April 26.
Maxim: "What goes up,..." IPIX
stock slumps on earnings, Knox. News
Sentinel, April 17. IPIX notes,
KNS, April 17. Release
April 15. Previous
coverage, scroll down in April 15 Summary in Archive.
California ePAC digital printing
company, seeking better access to high-tech and
publishing clients, is awaiting Shelby County
tax relief approval before proceeding with major
facility in Memphis area, Commercial Appeal, April 30.
No competition was held for
air-quality modeling contract with Systems
Applications (SAI) in Chattanooga, Times Free
Press, April 19.
Tenn. Fast Track grant to Tenn.
Rand Co. to build robots for automakers, Times
Free Press, April 16.
U. Memphis opens Public
Earthquake Resource Cntr Interactive exhibits,
Memphis Bus. Journal, April 27.
Memphis-based Concord data's
parent First Data buys Australian data
firm, April 15.
Memphis-based Limelight Media
Group (LMG) withdrew letter of intent to
acquire Salt Lake City-based Bluepoint Technologies.
Commercial Appeal.
Cleveland, TN, and Bradley
County should adopt shared computer standards,
Times Free Press, April 25.
Direct TV call center expands in
Knoxville, April 23.
Valocity expands Web footprint
for Instant Access appraisal, data-storage,
Memphis Bus. Journal, April 19.
Firestone leverages technology
in designing tires, Tennessean, April 22.
Knoxville-based Qgenics
Biosciences has changed its name to Protein
Discovery Inc., a name the company said better reflects
the market it is pursuing. Knox. News Sentinel, April
19, scroll here.
EnerNex Corp. awarded a $100,000
Dept. of Homeland Security Advanced Research
Projects Agency contract to research improving
cyber-security in electric utility communication,
control systems. News Sentinel, April 19, scroll here.
Knoxville's ImagePoint buys
Infosite for mapping signage, Knox. News
Sentinel, April 19.
Sevierville firm launches
GroupTravelPlanet.com and CoachQuote.com with
American Bus Association, Knox. News Sentinel, April 19. Coachquote.com
notes here.
Sevierville's MTO Receptive
launches TripQuick.com fare discounts, Knox.
News Sentinel, April 19.
Chattanooga's DataBolts
facilitates broader commercialization of defense
encryption and compression technology,
Chattanoogan.com, April 18.
B'ham-based, Nashville-office
Comframe selected by Inc. magazine as one of
the fastest-growing companies, City Paper, April 19. back
to top
Nashville's Center for IT
Education launching industry-education-skills
Exchange, Nash. Bus. Journal, April 9. Also, see the
Resources section of this edition of the News
At VU/Peabody,
the Learning Sciences
Instituteintegrates teaching, learning,
technology, policy assets under one umbrella,
serving all of Vanderbilt, VU release May 3 here.
During FedEx Institute
appearance, Oak Ridge NL official tells of growing tech
transfer and commercialization activities at
ORNL, Commercial Appeal, May
FedEx Institute of Technology at
University of Memphis says it's becoming a major
center for advanced distributed learning and
related intelligent-systems advances, release, April
From little sacks of salt water:
New VU Engineering's Biomedical unit's brain
research suggests brain cells more
discriminating when working together, with implications
for neural computing, Innovations Report, April
National Science Foundation
CAREER Award to Vanderbilt Engineering ISIS'
Koutsoukos for work with embedded and hybrid
systems, VU release April
Eva Harth joins Chemistry
Department as assistant professor and member of the
Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and
Engineering (VINSE). She was staff scientist,
Xenoport, Sta. Clara, Calif. Release here.
"Tech. Explosion" at Hillsboro
High School showcased tech options for
students, Green Hills News, p. 15, April 22,
not on web. back
to top
Nashville's NTC
Software Developers Roundtable hosts first NTC event,
May 18. NTC release, here. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 28.
Tennessean, May 3.
The Nashville Area Chamber's new
Manufacturers' Council met, April 20. (Members
are entirely senior execs with manufacturing
organizations.) Attendees included TN ECD Commis. Matt
Kisber, TN Labor/Workforce Commis. James Neeley, both of
whom addressed the issue of workers' compensation
reform. Gov. Bredesen unveiled his workers' compensation
plan to the state legislature the same day. Steve
Sparks, (615) 743-3055, or write here.
ITXchange Career, Jobs,
Education, Training resource emerges at Nashville's
Center for Information Technology Education
(CITE). Resources:
Corporate Scholars program. IT Education gateway. Synergy
conference agenda. Executive
Job-search portal. News link. Career Path
links. Career
Cluster descriptions. Also, to
have CITE consider your firm considered for profiling in
the Employer Profile section,
write Keith
LeSuer. Earlier story:
Nashville's Center for IT Education launching
industry-education-skills Exchange, Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 9.
Hiring: During Technology! Nashville (April 8)
NTC's Condra reports uptick in IT recruiting in
March 04 over '03, charts, Nash. Bus. Journal,
Supplement 15A, April 23, not on web. Related NTC
release here. Condra
(large) PowerPoint. NashvilleJobsLink.com offers leads on Nashville-area technology jobs.
Direct link to tech jobs here. NTC member
organizations enjoy JobsLink advantages, details
here. Technology!
Nashville aired on Metro 3, Tennessean, April 22, scroll
down here.
Business Week: CEOs watching
tech spending, performance, April 13. CEO
tech-spending guide.
content, rights management --
BMI announces major technology and
copyright-management initiative, release
May 3. Microsoft launches
new copyright protection software, AP via Wash.
Post, May 3. SunnComm's
MediaMaxTM Music Management -M4- claims to reduces sales
drop-off and increase unit sales for CD releases,
statement April 20.
VOIP usage expanding among
Tennessee organizations; ISDN-Net, Beacon execs
cited, April 24, 1E, Tennessean, here. VOIP is a focus
during this week's national cable-industry gathering, NY
Times, May 3.
The "Instant Live" patent and
deal with ClearChannel, NY
Times, May 3. Competing Nashville resource: iMUSIC.
Internet gives music execs cheap
new way to find new talent, Washington
Post, May 2.
Apple sells 70 million songs in
first year of iTunes, NY Times, April 29.
Universal Music Group and Gotuit
Media enter video-on-demand pact, April 20.
Lumigen announces Entegra
recommended for auditing for Microsoft SQL
server, April 12.
Tech hiring boom in
prospect, Washington Post, April 29.
The Information Week IT jobs and
salaries report 2004, here.
Gospel Music Association study
finds teens into Christian downloading, NY
Times, April 25. Americans
legally downloading more music, Washington Post,
April 25.
U.S. IT businesses being created to leverage
outsourcing to India, Washington Post,
April 29. India may be
losing its edge to lower-cost nations, NY Times,
May 2. Some U.S. firms
repatriating information-technology work from India due
to deeper knowledge here, NY Times, April 28. Outsourcing TO
the United States gaining momentum, NY Times, April 11. India-based
Infosys Technologies says it'll increase U.S. hiring to
compete with Accenture, IBM, others onshore,
FT.com, April 13. Infosys hits $1
Billion sales mark, NY Times, April 14.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
criticizes technology patent policies seen as
restricting rights, AP via Knox. News
Sentinel, April 26.
Shifting signals on growth in
technology earnings, NY Times, April 25. Prospective
Google IPO may become most profitable investment in
history, but founders are slow to give offering the
green light, NY Times, April 26.
US LEC's Tom Coffey on
multi-office Realtors' need for high-speed
access, bundled services, with emphasis on
multi-link frame relay connex, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
19, April 30.
Router flaw prompts security
concerns, Washington Post, April 21.
Internet core functions
vulnerable to assault, Washington Post,
April 20. AP via
Commercial Appeal, April 21. AP in NY
Times, April 21.
Lambda fiber-optic solution will
drive-down telecom costs dramatically,
WashingtonPost, April 19.
Vanderbilt School of Engineering
technical lectures and presentations, schedule
update, here.
Inflow/Nashville IT Security
seminar, May 13, Hilton Suites, details here. back
to top
And, visit Tennessee's technology
councils' sites:
(May 5-7) PMI
Nashville: Best Practices in Healthcare Project
Management, HCA Conference Cntr. Details.
(May 6) ISSA Spring Cyber Security Workshop
at Belmont Univ., details
(May 6) Memphis - FedEx Institute of
Technology, Nortel announce gift during U.
Memphis event, see item in East/West, above.
(May 6) Stan Gibson, Exec. Ed., eWEEK
Magazine, addresses Knox. Area Chamber & Tech.
Council Partnership Business Showcase event, details.
(May 7)
PayMaxx is subject of Nashville Chamber's
"Behind the Business" program, 8:30 a.m. - 10
a.m., preceded by networking, details here.
(May 12) NE
TN Tech Council meeting, spotlights healthcare IT in NE
Tenn., at Wellmont Holston Valley OP Cntr.,
Kingsport. Details.
(May 12)
supply-chain VP Karin Bursa presents
for UT seminar, 10 a.m., Center for Executive Education.
(May 13)
AITP Nash., Starting Your IT Business,
Bob Chaput -American Tech'y Grp, details here.
(May 14)
Econocom USA free briefing on Sarbanes-Oxley,
with Matthew Heiter, chair, Securities Practice
Group at Baker, Donelson; and, Michael Drake of Econocom
on IT best practices for compliance. 8 a.m.-11 a.m.,
Hilton Suites. Register here,
or phone (901) 507-2151.
(May 18)
"NTC Tech After Hours," Marriott
Franklin Cool Springs, 4:30 p.m., details here.
(May 19-21)
Management skills for IT professionals,
with Jay Ress, Tenn. Economic Development Center
(BellSouth Tower). Details here.
(May 20) Chattanooga
Technology Council luncheon presentation on Good
Link Technologies, enabling remote users to
access E-mail, calendar and applications on their own
networks in a secure manner from the Palm and PocketPC
phone devices using existing carriers.
(May 20)
41st Annual State of Metro Address by Mayor Bill
Purcell, Mayor of Nashville, Convention Center,
7 a.m. registration and networking, 7:30 - 9 breakfast
and program, info and registration here.
(May 25)
GovTech Tennessee Government Technology
Summit, details, here.
(May 25) CIO
and CFO: Corporate IT and Finance Relationship,
panelists Joe Degati, CIO, Progeny; Irv Lingo, CFO,
Corrections Corp.; Kevin Trentham, VP-IT, Univ.
Lighting; Steve Tisdell, Compliance Partners; Gary
Meisner, La-Z Boy; moderator, Mark Schmadtke. 4:30-6:30
p.m., Details and registration here or write Colleen
(May 31-June 2) TN
Corridor Knoxville/Oak Ridge Summit,
Tennessee Valley Corridor, here.
(June 2)
Protecting proprietary information,
seminar, 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Fogelman Exec.
Center, Univ. of Memphis. Speakers include NTC member
Michael D. Moberly, president, Knowledge Protection
Strategies; Craig Grossman, associate director of the
FedEx Institute of Technology; Robert F. Wallace, CPA;
and Kirk Baird, FBI supervisory special agent. Details.
(June 3) NTC
Tech Roundtable - Loren Chumley, Commissioner - Revenue,
State of Tennessee - The Streamlined
Sales Tax Project, electronic
(June 4)
Chamber Behind the Business, Robert Henry, CEO,
American Endoscopy Services, details here.
(June 10) AITP
Nashville - New Dawn of IT, Chris Young, CIO,
St. Thomas Health, Sheraton Music City, details here.
(July 1) NTC Tech
Roundtable - "Open Source" panel discussion,
University Club, Vanderbilt.
(July 8) AITP Nashville - IT
Strategies at Thomas Nelson, Rick Proctor, CIO,
Sheraton Music City, 5:30 p.m., details
(Aug. 2-5)
Synergy 2004: IT education-program reform
conference in Nashville, led by Center for IT
Education at Nashville State Community College, covering
improvement of teaching and learning, and alignment of
IT education with changing workforce and workplace
demands. For more information, write David
McNeel, director,
(Aug. 5) NTC Tech
Roundtable, Tim Stafford, CIO, EdgeNet,
University Club, Vanderbilt.
(Aug. 12) AITP Nashville -
IT at Direct General Corporation, Suzanne Lattimore,
CIO, Sheraton Music City, 5:30 p.m., details here.
(Sept. 23-24) 8th
Ann' Tenn. Venture
Forum - hosts: Tech2020, City of
Chattanooga. American Venture magazine
touts success of Tennessee Venture Forum, page 11,
Jan/Feb. 04, not on web.
(Sept. 28-30) 2004
Governor's Conference, Nashville Convention
(Sept. 28) Music City Future 50
recognition at Franklin Marriott Cool Springs.
Nominations open in June for this annual recognition,
with nominations deadline of July 2. Event
site, criteria here.
(Oct. 5-7)
Memphis Musculoskeletal New Ventures
Conference, Memphis Biotech. Fdn, here. (Aug. 24) 3rd Annual Nashville Technology
Council - ISSA "Information Security
Conference," Nashville Convention
Center.(May 6)
NTC Tech Roundtable with Cliff Duffey,
President, Cybera, University Club at
Vanderbilt. Dinner 6 p.m., program 7 p.m. Details and
registration here. back
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