Nashville Technology Council honors 9th Annual NTC Awards winners
NASHVILLE Technology Council (NTC) on Jan. 25 announced the winners of the 9th Annual NTC Awards. The NTC Board is chaired by Barry Vandevier, COO of Asurion. NTC's CEO is Brian Moyer. Other NTC news coverage here. The winners and the other finalists for each award are listed below. Emerging Company of the Year - Mark Cleveland, Hytch LLC - Other Finalists: Satchel Health; EvidenceCare Diversity Game Changer of the Year - Asurion - Other finalists: Black in Tech Nashville; Scripturally Sound Emerging Leader of the Year - Chris Redhage, ProviderTrust - Other finalists: Chris Boyd, Built Technologies; Christopher Lane, Axial Healthcare Data Scientist of the Year - Faker Zouaoui, Asurion - Other nominees: Christi French, Digital Reasoning; Elizabeth Ann Stringer, Axial Healthcare Software Developer/Architect of the Year - Alishah Novin, HPA - A Cognizant Company - Other finalists: Sergei Temkin, 360view; Jason Bunn, BlackBox Realities Team of the Year - Virsys12 Development Team - Other finalists: Sarah Cannon, HCA Application Services Team; David Houghton, Ingram Connect Team at Ingram Barge Innovator of the Year - John Bass, Hashed Health - Other finalists: Mike Butera, Artiphon; Rob Watkins, Tennessee Justice Center CTO of the Year - Paul Currie, HCA IT&S - Other finalists: Christopher Yancey, SmileDirectClub; David Ellis, Watershed Systems Infrastructure Group of the Year - Watershed Systems - Other finalists: mSignia; HCA Infrastructure Services & Operations CISO of the Year - Haddon Bennett, Change Healthcare - Other finalists: John Griffey, Metro Nashville Davidson County Govt.; Joe Degati, Axial Healthcare Technology Student of the Year - Gabrielle Kaili-May Liu, Ravenwood H.S. (Williamson County) - Other finalists: Andrew Kerley, Lipscomb University; Fangzhou Sun, Vanderbilt University CIO of the Year - Chris Bayham, Change Healthcare; Other finalists: David Houghton, Ingram Barge; Haden McWhorter, Premise Health. Community Leader of the Year - Charles Apigian, MTSU - Other finalists: Joanne Eckton, Eckton Enterprises; Beth Hoeg, Trinysys Company of the Year - Asurion - Other finalists: Trinisys and Edgenet. [###] .