Jumpstart Foundry's Health:Further - presenting companies
Published Monday, August 3, 2015 1:15 pm

Presenting Sponsor (HCA)
The Health:Further Demo Day produced by Jumpstart Foundry, with lead sponsor Parallon (HCA), is Aug. 19-20, 2015, at the Omni Nashville Hotel, downtown. The full 2015 agenda is here.
The Jumpstart Healthcare cohort includes nine companies:
- Breathe: Provider-based program focused on managing populations of Asthma patients not already under current specialized clinical management
- Care.IT: A virtual doctor's office, a medical services marketplace, your online medical home. The perfect complement to high-deductible health insurance policies.
- Community Health TV: Provider of health video educational content geared toward multicultural populations.
- Life Detection Systems: Technology allowing the first-ever non-contact/remote vital sign monitoring.
- Life-Links: Geriatric care management company - helping families and caregivers through the aging process.
- Reemo: Gesture-based user interface to enable control of the "Internet of Things," with applications to help seniors age at home.
- ProHydration: Bringing professional IV hydration treatments to the amateur athlete.
- Stealth Company: Jumpstart has not yet disclosed. (Drum roll.)
- Vital Metrix (Streamline Automation spinout, Huntsville): Innovative, non-invasive cardiac output measurement using advanced digital signal processing based on pulse oximetry.
In addition, Health:Further's "Innovator's Row" currently includes 13 companies, some of which are members of the Startup cohort listed above. Other companies may yet be added. This list will be updated, as warranted.
● Amplion Clinical Communications Patient-care communications - Nashville ● EvidenceCare EBM decision support - Brentwood ● getRx Mobile prescription pad (Rudd Medical Sols.) - Murfreesboro ● GoNoodle Health education (HealthTeacher) - Nashville ● Healthcare Learning Innovations Education (American Sentinel University) - CO/Nashville ● Life Detection Systems Life-signs detector. - San Jose ● Novarete - Value/Ethics/Culture Performance engine - Research Triangle Park ● Octovis - Telemedicine - Nashville ● ONEC1TY - Office/campus (Cambridge Holdings) - Dallas/Nashville ● Parallon (HCA) - BPO/HealthcareIT - Nashville ● Perigen Fetal-monitoring systems - New Jersey ● Reemo Wearable interactive residence control.- Minneapolis ● TriZetto Healthcare IT (Cognizant) - NJ/CO/Nashville