[Obit] 'Buzz' Heidtke, 82, Nashville investment-brokerage icon

By Milt Capps

[Obit] 'Buzz' Heidtke, 82, Nashville investment-brokerage icon | obituary, Lyman Heidtke, Buzz Heidtke, Mid South Investor Fund, Hemanth Kumar, Dianne Shelby, Lyman Oscar Heidtke Jr, Annsley Heidtke McAleer, Robert McAleer, David Stringer, Prosper Financial Services,


LYMAN OSCAR 'BUZZ' HEIDTKE JR., a half-century member of the Nashville investment-brokerage industry, died Sunday, Dec. 15, at age 82.

Visitation will be Saturday, December 21st from 10-11am at First Presbyterian Church of Nashville in the Courtenay Hall followed by a memorial service at 11am in the Sanctuary, according to his obituary, published today in The Tennessean (alt text file).

Among Heidtke's survivors are his daughter, Annsley Heidtke McAleer (Robert McAleer), and the couple's two daughters, all of whom reside in Boston.

Louisiana-born and Middle Tennessee-reared, Heidtke was preceded in death by his parents, Dorothy Gentry and Lyman Oscar Heidtke; and, by his brother, Richard Lloyd Heidtke.

Heidtke's operated Mid South Investor Fund, 1993-2009, and was founder and president of the former Heidtke & Co., a FINRA member firm.

Heidtke's current business continues in the manner of a family office allied with Texas-based Prospera Financial Services, a tie that resulted from Heidtke's relationship with that firm's Co-CEO David Stringer.

Today, Heidtke's team includes corporate Secretary Dianne Shelby and portfolio manager Hemanth Kumar, 50. A representative of the firm said planning for Heidtke's full transition to retirement began only in the first quarter of this year.

According to today's obituary, Heidtke "was a systems analyst for National Life followed by many years as a stockbroker with Spencer Trask, Dominick & Dominick and Thompson McKinnon. Buzz was founder and President of Heidtke & Co., a FINRA member firm since 1983. Over the years he held the title of Certified Financial Planner, Board Member of Nashville Financial Analysts, Board Member of Nashville Security Traders, Correspondent Firms Advisory Committee at Wheat First Securities and local firms committee member of Security Industry Association. Buzz was previously the Editor of CEO Newsline and the Editor and Publisher of The Tennessee Investor Newsletter..."

Heidtke died on the 16th anniversary of publication of Venture Nashville's only long-form story about him, which is available here.

That story appeared at a time of enormous economic uncertainty.

For this and other subscribers to Heidtke's e-mailed "Friday letters," Buzz was perhaps best known for his weekly compendiums of interesting business, economic and other newsbits, datapoints and adages -- all of which he captured with insight, irony, humor and, often, clever timing.

Hundreds of subscribers to Heidtke's Friday Letters are soon likely to receive an email with further information. VNC

. last edited 1003 18 December 2024