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1.Passport Health deal with Aequitas Capital focuses on front-end collections
As Passport jockeys for position in the potentially consolidating revenue-cycle sector, it takes on a credit partner
Milt Capps / Published Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:38 am

2.Passport's Lackey stands aside for new CEO
After nearly 13 years at the helm, revenue-cycle pioneer steps up to the chairman's office, with health IT veteran now aboard
By Milt Capps / Published Monday, April 6, 2009 1:01 pm

3.Passport Health founder once faced 'blank stares'
Today, he's just put another notch on his acquisitions belt, but not long ago Jim Lackey was begging for that first customer as he attempted to introduce technology in a sector fond of sticky notes, faxes and phone calls.
By Milt Capps / Published Tuesday, May 27, 2008 7:42 am

4.Passport Health not retreating from M&A strategy
Management may 'measure twice, cut once' in looking at deals, but local revenue-cycle player still aims for 'choice' standing in the sector
By Milt Capps Latest update 5:15 p.m. / Published Friday, January 16, 2009 8:47 am

5.Clayton's FCA Venture Partners leads One Medical Passport Series A raise
[Updated] Healthcare-centric VC makes growth investment in Connecticut healthIT entrant.
Milt Capps updated 7 March 16 1024 / Published Monday, December 21, 2015 1:45 pm

6.Lackey: Entrepreneur Center shows city
putting 'money where mouth is'

Another 'complaining' serial entrepreneur is having trouble retiring, as one venture happily leads to another
By Milt Capps Updated December 17, 2012 1:59 p.m. / Published Monday, February 28, 2011 8:43 am

7.Liquidity event: Passport Health deal shows power of health-revenue cycle
Angels, VCs from near and far: Nashville gets a look inside another hot health technology sector, which some think will be driven by M&A activity for years to come.
Milt Capps / Published Tuesday, August 5, 2008 5:53 am

8.Emdeon shares may get 'bump', but analyst prefers Passport's posture
[Updated] Case for discounting Emdeon stock doesn't rule-out the company's acquiring transformative assets, to be more than a middleman
By Milt Capps Last updated 6:36 a.m. Sept. 22, 2009 / Published Monday, September 21, 2009 9:59 am

9.Bredesen-backed Silicon Ranch accepts
Greystone Infrastructure investment

Canadian company takes minority stake, co-founder former Gov. Phil Bredesen remains significant shareholder
Milt Capps Updated Oct. 20, 2014 / Published Monday, September 8, 2014 3:17 pm

10.ISO Capital: Hudsmith prepares Parental Health cap raise
From reminding patients of meds and signaling for homehealth help, to recording oral histories and health data, this startup aims to become your parents' next big screen
By Milt Capps / Published Monday, February 22, 2010 11:29 am

11.Local iTech hiring may be resurgent, but too soon to call
None are ready to call 'the turn', but local Tech execs believe they've seen the first signs of spring in the economy
By Milt Capps Last updated 4:23 p.m. / Published Monday, March 29, 2010 12:56 pm

12.SSM Partners quietly files for Growth Equity III raise;
Exec sees Nashville edge in youthful exhuberance

Fund exec sees little to envy in Silicon Valley models, says bringing youthful talent into Nashville has been a boon.
By Milt Capps / Published Tuesday, July 30, 2019 1:45 pm

13.Parental Health attracts Innova Fund II as investors close Series A cap raise
Hudsmith's HP-allied startup executes on its telemedicine strategy for seniors aging-in-place
By Milt Capps updated January 4, 2012 / Published Thursday, December 1, 2011 10:16 am

14.Growth-equity firm SSM Partners eyes Nashville investment opportunities
[updated] With dry powder and 60 transactions under its belt, SSM relishes HealthIT, ecommerce, marcom companies.
By Milt Capps updated / Published Wednesday, April 4, 2018 10:30 am

15.C-level team-building: e+CancerCare names CAO
A company with a timely mission gains a veteran of Nashville healthcare ventures, as the nation's focus on cancer intensifies
By Milt Capps Last Updated 2:45 p.m. / Published Monday, August 3, 2009 7:30 am

16.FCA Venture Partners said to co-manage Dioko fund, files for $75M Fund VI
[Updated] Clayton Associates affiliate obviously pushing on more than one front.
Milt Capps UPDATED March 15, 2016 11:23 a.m. / Published Monday, February 22, 2016 2:52 pm

17.Healthcare leaders aboard, Parental Health builds traction
2011 could see profitability for this Nashville telemedicine startup, which gathers luminaries 
By Milt Capps / Published Tuesday, February 22, 2011 7:23 am

18.Medical Decisions LLC plans $2MM-plus Series A for EvidenceCare platform
Spying opportunity to speed adoption of evidence-based medicine, startup asserts itself.
Milt Capps updated 15 March 2017 / Published Thursday, March 3, 2016 5:11 pm

19.VC Coleman Swenson Booth realized $44MM in 2010; portfolio exits likely to continue in 2011
One of Tennessee's pioneering VC's will remain focused on 'realizations' in 2011, while mulling raising another fund
By Milt Capps / Published Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:38 am

20.CivicEye's $12.4MM A-round fuels US growth and team-building
Backed by Cercano Management, Relevance Ventures, Angels, TNInvestco, INCITE, et al, its team shifts principal office.
By Milt Capps / Published Wednesday, August 3, 2022 8:00 am

21.Venture Notes - March 14, 2016
Pendleton Square, NextDocVisit, VU commercialization.
Milt Capps / Published Monday, March 14, 2016 5:00 pm

22.CEO: XMi Acquisition has $15MM dry powder, more M&A moves likely
With access to funds that have total $50MM AUM, XMi believes it can complete 1-2 deals per year.
Milt Capps / Published Wednesday, October 25, 2017 4:55 pm

23.Mainsail Group capraise funds contract-marketing, alt-revenue startup
Initially targeting health systems, startup is advised by Harpeth Capital.
Milt Capps / Published Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:27 am

24.Nashville Tech Council wants more to 'Feel the Beat'
Last night's awards bash at the Schermerhorn drew nearly 400, but NTC CEO says it's a launch to build upon
By Milt Capps Last updated 6:30 p.m. Oct. 28, 2009 / Published Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:08 am

25.Funding Ballparc: ParkIT Ventures jumpstarts alongside Bullpen Ventures
A well-connected management team has savvy onboard.
By Milt Capps updated 7:49 a.m. 10 June / Published Sunday, June 9, 2013 10:38 pm

26.Venture Notes - March 7, 2016
[updated] TN's pro-entrepreneurship legislation, a $4MM JourneyPure raise, and more.
Milt Capps Updated 11 Jan 2017 / Published Monday, March 7, 2016 4:45 pm

27.Clayton McWhorter to chair Nashville Entrepreneur Center
Four business leaders formed the core of group that picked the NEC's inaugural board
By Milt Capps Last updated 3:15 p.m. / Published Wednesday, January 13, 2010 12:21 pm

28.Jumpstart Capital recaps Casetabs in search of surgery-coordination lead
Vreeland completes 9th transaction. Growth Fund I has dry powder, and Fund II is a target for 2020.
By Milt Capps / Published Tuesday, July 23, 2019 4:00 pm

29.Nashville Capital Network says Fund IV commitments pass $70MM
[Updated] Approaching its 20th anniversary, NCN says it has has recruited its largest fund, yet.
Milt Capps updated March 24, 2023 / Published Wednesday, April 13, 2022 2:49 pm

30.Venture Notes - 18 May 2017
10: VCs' visions, VU exec on healthtech morass, capital raises, startups, sage words from KaiserPerm CEO.
Milt Capps updated / Published Thursday, May 18, 2017 3:15 pm

31.The VNC Reader's Guide to the Best of 2008
'Respect must be paid' to 2008, with a sample drawn from nearly 200 VNC stories, setting the stage for 2009
Milt Capps / Published Friday, January 2, 2009 2:15 pm

32.STHS Ventures 'accelerates' companies reshaping healthcare
From his Nashville vantage-point, Jason Dinger works to find opportunities that produce a plus for the community's healthcare
By Milt Capps / Published Thursday, February 5, 2009 10:39 am

33.NEWSBITS May 1, 2009
Digital Reasoning, tech transfer, Metro development, Innotec, nTelagent, Memphis venture forum, ICA, M&A, bankruptcies and more...
By Milt Capps / Published Friday, May 1, 2009 8:35 am

34.Project Healthcare 2021-22 cohort revealed by Nashville Entrepreneur Center
14 companies, many farther along in maturation, are convening for advancement and expansion program.
Adapted from submitted release / Published Thursday, August 12, 2021 12:10 pm

35.VCs: Waiting for 'The Big One' and bridging the 'Confidence Gap'
Time for a gut check? While 'the deals that make sense get funded', there remain some hard realities for Nashville entrepreneurs to face, while waiting for 'the Big One' to put Nashville on the tech-venture map
By Milt Capps Updated 30 May 1200 / Published Friday, May 30, 2008 9:54 am

36.CEO: Healthcare Blocks raising capital, navigates Tech-Angel shortage
[updated] Long-time Nashville resident Kelso rather not relocate, but needs Tech-savvy investors.
Milt Capps updated Sept. 27, 2016 9:35 a.m. / Published Monday, July 25, 2016 4:30 pm

37.Venture Notes 9 December 2015
Here's an update on salient capital raises and related.
Milt Capps / Published Wednesday, December 9, 2015 5:15 pm

38.Venture Notes - 8 June 2017
Dart Music bankruptcy buyers step up, startup, PE and Fund news, and more.
Milt Capps / Published Thursday, June 8, 2017 4:45 pm

39.WillCo entrepreneurship center eyes advisory board, Placemaker funding
[Updated] WillCo EC to serve established businesses seeking scale in TN's fast-growing Williamson County.
By Milt Capps updated / Published Thursday, March 28, 2019 1:00 pm

40.X Factor: NextGxDx eyes fresh capital raise, dismisses exit notion
[updated] With sector veterans on its board and access to capital, this startup girds for raise.
Milt Capps Updated 8 March 2018 / Published Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:15 pm

41.IQuity Labs' VU license + Eurofins partnership could lead to global market
[Updated] Team says rapid Angel-investor enlistment is one reason this is a 'W' for region's LifeSciences
Milt Capps updated 7 May 2018 / Published Tuesday, March 1, 2016 7:45 am

42.Partnership 2010/Chamber call for 'Virtual Entrepreneur Center'
With an eye toward the long haul, and against a backdrop of economic crisis, Co-Chairs Frist and Shmerling (L-R) release Entrepreneur Project recommendations
Milt Capps / Published Wednesday, October 8, 2008 3:34 pm

43.NewsBits, May 11, 2011
A Brailer exec joins regional VC, Nutraceuticals' Grindstaff, Investor Days ahead for incubators, Amazon thing gets awkward and more
By Milt Capps updated 3:10 p.m. / Published Wednesday, May 11, 2011 9:21 am

44.Relevance Capital pursues Fund IV raise + regional tech-VC leadership
Exits may be ahead for Brentwood-Tullahoma firm seeking stakes in early-stage coastal targets, but at Nashville valuations.
By Milt Capps / Published Thursday, October 25, 2018 3:18 pm

45.Venture Notes -- September 30, 2019
Lackey's latest, Music tech, OZ players, VU Ventures Group, LaunchTN, DRS CMO, Jumpstart Foundry and more.
By Milt Capps / Published Monday, September 30, 2019 5:00 pm

46.Health IT Roundup: Executives comment on Nashville's leadership options
Energy and ideas abound among a sample of Nashville healthcare, investment and technology executives rounded-up in just the past few days
By Milt Capps Updated 4:05 p.m. / Published Monday, January 25, 2010 3:31 pm

47.VC's Lucro Marketplace for Healthcare solutions seeks array of partners
[updated] Startup greenlighted with patient capital, golden Roladexes.
Milt Capps Updated 17 Sept. 2018 / Published Tuesday, December 1, 2015 2:30 pm

48.Venture Notes - 6 December 2017
27 short takes on Venture developments statewide, from robots and healthcare, to hair dye and video security.
By Milt Capps / Published Wednesday, December 6, 2017 4:00 pm

49.Venture Notes - December 29, 2020
Fund passes $100M, raises in healthcare, fitness, musictech, fintech, insurance, plus policy push, Angel credit, Smokies and more.
By Milt Capps / Published Tuesday, December 29, 2020 3:45 pm

50.Venture Notes - February 3, 2022
Dozens of updates on capraises, new funds, exec moves, startups and more.
By Milt Capps / Published Thursday, February 3, 2022 5:00 pm

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