for Technology! Nashville, May 17. Speakers include Bill
Smith, CTO, BellSouth; and Healthways Founder/CEO Tom
Cigarran, among many others. Details
| |
Update on Metro and State broadband
committees...McKinney joins CATV
committee...Blackburn on broadband...Cable and
Telecom focus on General Assembly...Ezell and
Dickens comment on coverage, and More...
Bredesen on e-Health...TMA drug
database...BioMimetic trials...Dell
initiatives...plus, XLHealth, USResources, Renal
Advantage, Healthgrades.com, Quorum,
HMS...and More...
chief speaks...VenCap forums...2d Gen, ConduIT and
Clayton...Griffin Tech, Ingram, Smartvue, PBiz,
ThinkLink and More....
Digital, 21e and Towers, Bridgestone, Nissan,
Quadrascan, Dealkerskin, LBMC, Rivals.com
and More...
Metro IT salaries, dispute with BellSouth,
ENA, online auctions, new RFPs
and More...
Innovation Tennessee may
eventually help knit-together Tennessee public and
private scientific and technological
resources...but, the wheels of the gods turn
slowly, it seems. Backgrounder, here.
Metro Council extends life of its
Telecommunications Innovation Task Force til Aug.
1, 2006, NashvillePost.com, March 22. The
next meetings of the Task Force are April 18, May
and May 22. A similar State-level task force, the
Tennessee Broadband Task Force, is set to hold its
first meeting April 20. Related story, NashvillePost.com.
Metro Government's Community
Access TV (CATV) Special Committee, which oversees
the city's franchise agreement with Comcast
Communications, is without a chairman at
the moment, following the departure of most recent
chairperson Michael Schoenfeld, a vice chancellor
at Vanderbilt University. Metro IS Acting Director
Sandy Cole says the group is attempting to
schedule its next meeting, at which time it will
select a chairperson. A roster of the CATV group shows
Robert D. Tuke as current vice chairman. Former
Metro IS director Richard McKinney, now an
executive with Microsoft government sales, was
recently added to the CATV membership.
Sprint/Nextel and Clearwire
(McCaw) spectrum-buying subsidiaries dispute
spectrum rights in Nashville market,
NashvillePost.com, March 24.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN-7-R)
asserted during the April 10 "Accelerating
e-Health in Tennessee" conference that
broadband deployment has slowed in recent years.
She predicted that as the much-anticipated rewrite
of the Telecom Act approaches, consensus in
Congress will emerge regarding broadband
deployment, particularly for rural areas, and news
funds will flow from auctioning analog spectrum
reclaimed from broadcasters converting to digital
Cable, telecom,
Internet interest groups target General
Assembly, convene industry meetings,
NashvillePost.com, March 29.
OIR CIO Ezell and BellSouth-Tennessee President
Dickens wrote to criticize the portrait
of the State's broadband infrastructure
that appeared in the February 2006 issue of BusinessTN magazine.
Knology adds its i5-borne TV
Caller ID feature in Knoxville and other
markets, release March 27.
investor presentation by Steven Burke, COO,
Comcast Communications. March 30 (audio file). Questioner asks
Burke about 'virtual armageddon' in competition
with "the Bells."
erupts as San Francisco awards its
wireless-network to Google-Earthlink, NY
Times, April 10. Privacy,
public-private competition among issues. Cable
companies bulk-up wireless-phone services for
triple-play, NY Times, April 10.
Internet companies address FCC on
Internet neutrality, Wash. Post, March 29.
Divide closing as blacks turn to
Internet, Wash. Post, March 31. Related news story, here.
is investing $235 million in Tennessee
network, March 22 release. Times Free
Press, March 23. Nash. Bus. Journal, March 23. Cingular rolling-out
high-speed Internet for Nashville's mobile
customers in late summer 2006; company has been
expanding TN network to offset AT&T-BellSouth
gaps, Knox. News Sentinel, March 22. Related: July 27, 2005
release about Nashville
Bredesen says Federal e-Health push is 'overdue',
unfocused; HHS Secretary Leavitt, Reps.
Cooper and Blackburn among participants in April
10 conference here, NashvillePost.com, April 10. HHS Secretary Leavitt
fleshes-out federal EMR plans, Tennessean, April 11. Bredesen e-Health
initiative under director Agassi is described,
April 6, NashvillePost.com. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 6. Tennessean, April 10.
Tennessean editorial calls on Leavitt to address
Medicare information-release issues, Tennessean,
April 13.
announced earlier today that former U.S. Senate
staff member Katy Barr will serve as director of
the American Health IT
Community, operating out of
Tennessee Medical Association
plans statewide drugs database, page 1,
Nash. Bus. Journal.
DELL: Dell pulls in national
political leaders for e-Health event in
mid-Tennessee, NashvillePost.com, April 4. Dell announces it will make
electronic health information available to U.S.
employees, Austin American Stateman, April 11. Nash. Bus. Journal, April 10. Dell release. A Dell
spokesman told us, April 10, this program may be
extended to employees in India and other nations,
where wellness-related initiatives are already
underway. New Dell regional exec Miller in
BioMimetic ramps-up
clinical trials, Nash. Bus. Journal, March
Vanderbilt Medical Center's
Morris says certification of LifeFlight is step
toward global leadership in medical air
transport, RotorHub.com, April 5.
XLHealth announced Haltiwanger as
VP-Ops, from CIGNA, Tennessean, April 2. Related, Nash. Bus.
Journal, March 27.
named vice president-operations at USresources Healthcare,
p. 16, Nash. Bus. Journal, April 4, not on web.
UT-Siemens announced research
partnership for medical imaging, Knox.
News Sentinel, March 23. Strong relationship
with CTI Molecular was key.
HealthGrades.com quality ratings, Tennessee ranks
in the bottom five states in keeping
patients from developing new infections or
complications while in the hospital. Tennessee
placed 48th out of 50 states and the District of
Columbia, ranking ahead of only Nevada, New York
and New Jersey. Knox. News Sentinel, April 3.
Advantage (Brentwood) named Jim Tarwater VP-IS and
Angela Newman VP-supply chain,
Tennessean, March
Hospital manager Quorum
Health Resources, which has operations and
historical roots in the Nashville area,
has hired Stephen M. Scioscia to serve as vice
president of acquisitions, based in Brentwood.
NashvillePost.com, April
Transnetyx mouse genotyping
enterprise thrives in Memphis, Comm.
Appeal, April
Healthcare Management
Systems named several tech-support and
implementations staff, Tennessean, April
Yesterday, the board of Visma ASA expressed
reservations about a purchase offer from The Sage
Group, board communique here.
Nashville-based Verus Financial Management's
parent Sage offered to acquire Visma, March 22,
and was initially well received, but Visma
earnings have beat expectations, and its board has
stepped back. Earlier related, Jan. 9,
Dialogic Communications' Gene
Kirby provides an update on prospects for DCC's
sale to a public company, his longtime
goal, NashvillePost.com, April 6.
Vanderbilt-aligned ThinkLink Learning is bought by
Discovery Communications' education unit,
NashvillePost.com, April 7. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 6. City Paper, April
Tennessee Valley Venture
Forum (Sept. 27-28) wants to recruit more
mid-Tennessee firms that need money,
application deadline June 19, NashvillePost.com,
April 6.
and Chrysalis join to fund VerusMed with former
Nashville HealthLeaders leader McQuigg as
CEO, NashvillePost.com, April
RTI-based VC fund manager
Glenn Kline relocates to Knoxville to partner with
Innovation Valley Fund, Knox. News
Sentinel, April 10.
NanoTect wins FedEx Institute's
First Business Plan Competition, judges
praise nanotechnology expertise and depth of
planning, Memphis Bus. Journal, April
Atmospheric Glow engages
Maxim Group as its investment-banking partner
for capital raises and related, release March
Joyner and Holmes fold Phoenix
Partners into 2nd Generation Capital,
City Paper, p. 14, March 28.
named to head TVA's Valley Business Ventures to
increase capital investment,
Chattanoogan.com, April 4.
Clayton Associates Co-Founder
Bill F. Cook joins ConduIT Corporation,
NashvillePost.com, April 11.
Harpeth Capital attracts big names
to its advisory board, NashvillePost.com,
March 1.
Nashville's Griffin Technologies
(iTrip for iPod), with an estimated $80 million or
more in annual revenues, may be
low-profile in hope of evading would-be acquirers'
radar, BusinessTN, April 2006. Earlier, Tennessean,
March 9/05.
INGRAM: Ingram Industries
and Amazon.com win in patent dispute over
on-demand printing technology,
Tennessean, April 1. Ingram on-demand
Lightning Source publishing division names Taylor
SVP-global sales, Tennessean, April 2. Ingram and
Amazon.com win in patent dispute over on-demand
printing technology, Tennessean, April 1. Ingram Micro launches
marketing services group and the Ingram
Micro reseller services portal, release April 3.
Smartvue pitched at
InvestMidwest Venture Capital Forum,
release April 7 .
Evolved Digital year-end results
from advancement of digital-imaging workflow
technology, March 30 release.
Nashville's Zambooie.com booming through
music retailing, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
13, March 24, not on web.
Not for
faint-hearted: IPIX investor caveats are
chilling, here. Finanzen.net, March 29.
Innovation Group moves into EmergeMemphis
incubator space, will continlue focus on sensor
technology and scanning and wireless, Comm. Appeal, March 31. Memphis
Bus. Journal, April 3.
Local Matters, Inc., announced
March 28 the launch of a revised
Tennessee.com, within the company's
AreaGuides.com network, emphasizing new
search-and-save capabilities. dBus item.
PBIZ: Private Business finds
new lenders, NashvillePost.com, April 6; Nash. Bus. Journal, April 6. PBiz and EFC
Systems announce earnings, acquisitions,
PBiz name change, NashvillePost.com, March 23. Related, re PBiz,
Nash. Bus. Journal, March 23. Related, re EFC, Nash.
Bus. Journal, March 23.
Healthcare VC activity rises to
levels rivaling late Nineties, Levin release April
Dell Inc.'s Frank Miller
Nashville-based Frank Miller, Lt.
Gen., USA (Ret.), leads nearly 5,000 Dell
employees in his role as vice
president-Americas Fulfillment operations, with
centers in Nashville, Austin, Reno nd Ohio, in
addition to operational responsibilities in
support of Dell manufacturing in nearby
Lebanon. Miller said that he believes Dell
has done a good job in its community outreach in
middle Tennessee, "but, it's been in silos,"
leaving him to believe that Dell has an
opportunity to convey to esidents of the region a
"more holistic picture" of Dell's mission,
community service and philanthropy, with emphasis
on improvement of K-12 education. He stressed his
belief that Dell has ultivated "a pretty inclusive
culture" within the company, and Dell aims to
share with communities lessons it has learned
about the value and practice of diversity.
Miller was reared in Kansas joined the U.S. Army
as a Private in 1965 and retired a much-decorated
major general, 32 years later. His military
service included tours in wartime Vietnam and in
South Korea. Miller holds a Bachelor’s in business
(U. Wash.) and a Master's in systems
management (Troy State). He is married to the
former Paulette C. Duncan of Tacoma. They
have three children, four grandchildren and reside
in Hendersonville. Related story,
NashvillePost.com, April
Dollar General's Ash
leads retailer's Information
Dollar General Corporation's
information and telecommunications
technologies support more than half a
billion retail transactions every week, says Bruce
Ash, senior vice president and chief information
officer within the company's Goodlettsville
headquarters. (At right: Dollar General
volume and business-process support
requirements rise continually in a
enterprise with roughly $8 billion in annual
sales; with more than 64,500 employees in 32
states; and, which has opened 4,000 stores (for a
total of 7,993) and three more distribution
centers (of a total eight) during the past six
years -- all while simultaneously replacing
all legacy systems and establishing more than 50
Terabytes of data-warehousing and storage
capacity. With reliability
at a premium, Ash makes no bones about his
priorities: He spends minimal time
with would-be new IT vendors, while paying "a lot
of attention to the strategic partners we've
chosen." When something new is needed, he
quickly narrows the lists of folks he wants to
talk with, and contacts
them. Ash also explains that
as the company ramped-up to confront the
Y2K challenge, it adopted a "best-of-breed"
strategy, quickly adopting such off-the-shelf
products as Lawson (Financial, HR), Triversity (POS), Catalyst (Warehouse Management),
Manugistics (Logistics) and JDA merchandise planning
software. Unlike some CIOs,
Ash believes that Sarbanes-Oxley and
other compliance and certification mandates have
become strengths for Dollar General, positively
influencing IT with respect to systems-development
lifecycle, security and
operations. Ash joined Dollar
General in 1999 as VP-IT, and
subsequently became CIO. Previously, he spent a
decade with Talbots as SVP MIS, responsible for
all systems, from international, marketing and
catalog; to merchandising, HR, financial and
distribution. Earlier, he was VP IS for Filenes
(Boston), and also served with Foley's (Houston)
and Federated Department Stores. His retail career
began with a management-training program at
Sear's, where he managed replenishment systems and
point-of-sale technologies. Ash
earned his B.S. degree in Secondary Education from
Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania.
He has been active in Junior Achievement of Middle
Tennessee five years. He and his wife reside in
Hendersonville, and they have two adult
Dollar General news, here.
partners with Towers for web content; firm is
backed by big-name Nashville investors,
NashvillePost.com, April 3. Related, Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 3.
Entertainmax Worldwide (eMax
Holdings, Nashville), a multimedia and broadcast
company, announced March 21 it is production on
several television programs with NorthStar Studios here, and is
contemplating launching a new network. Release here.
Landmark Digital Services (BMI)
announced Darren Briggs, VP-CTO,
Tennessean, April 2. City Paper, March 23. BMI shifts execs to
Landmark Digital unit, Nash. Bus. Journal, March 22.
Donelson attorney Gary Brown is partnering with
Midi Compliance and Ethics Solutions to
develop seminars and interactive training products
to help corporate management and boards of
directors cope with the heightened scrutiny of
corporate governance, NashvillePost.com, March
Bridgestone IT now under
new CFO supervision in Nashville, Nash.
Bus. Journal, March 30.
NISSAN: Nissan North
America confirms relocation of its CIO,
Robert Greenberg, to Nashville, NashvillePost.com,
March 23. Nissan bringing
outsourced IT work back inhouse, ComputerWorld, April 3. Nissan's SVP U.S.
Manufacturing, Greg Daniels, oversees three major
plants in Tenn., Miss., Tennessean, March 26. Analysts question
Nissan's lagging salesperformance, Business Week,
April 11. Nissan chose
contractor to build-out primus space,
NashvillePost.com, April 5. Franklin officials want
additional funds to recruit Nissan suppliers
toFranklin tax district, Tennessean, March 30.
DELL: Dell CEO Rollins
says Dell can achieve $100 billion in annual
revenues, Wash. Post, April 5. Dell announces
Alienware acquisition, release March 22. Dell increases
staffing in India,Reuters via cnetNews.com, March 20.
Digital Connections
(Hendersonville) is now under consolidate control
of Williams and Gatlin, who bought-out
other private investors, Tennessean, March 22.
selects John Gauder as GM for Nashville
market, City Paper, April 11.
client Sona MedSpa, a franchisor, receives
Microsoft innovation award, City Paper,
Advanced Payment Solutions
LLC is now a reseller of Atlanta-based Global
Payments Inc.'s authorization, capture
and settlement processing services. Nash. Bus.
Journal, March 27.
Meridian adding online wellness tools to its
portfolio, via partnership with Pitney
Bowes, Nash. Bus. Journal, March 29.
Connections (Hendersonville) is now under
consolidate control of Williams and
Gatlin, who bought-out other private
investors, Tennessean, March 22.
Centresource says it signed two
new clients for website redesign, Everest USA and Digital Reasoning
design/development firm launches its own
new site, March 23.
Benefit Informatics Inc. (Tulsa)
announced March 27 signing a multi-year agreement
to provide benefit plan management
technology to clients of Nashville's 35-year-old
North America Administrators,
one of the Southeast's largest third-party
administrators of health benefits.
Mark Gorman joined Quadrascan
Technologies as an owner and VP-bus.
dev., Tennessean, March
Dealerskins named Amanda
Tossberg marketing director, Tennessean,
March 26.
joins Cadre5 as vp-gm, after stints at Housecall
Medical Resources and Gaylord,
Tennessean, March
Rivals.com inks content
deal with Yahoo!, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
2, April 7.
named a principal at North Highland, p. 16,
Nash. Bus. Journal, April 4, not on web.
The Nashville office of St.
Louis-based Oakwood Systems added Eric Parish,
GM; Tony Van Atta, manager-enterprise
project solutions practice; Brian McCord, sr.
consultant, business apps. sols. practice,
Tennessean, April
Vanderbilt alum Luca Fontana
named CTO for chemical sector of Ashland
Inc., release March
LBMC Technologies announced
Mary Ware joined as sr. proj. mgr., from HCA;
Andrew Hayes joined as software
developer, from Optimum Sols.; Valerie
Blackburn, joins as manager, from J. Norman.
Tennessean, April 2.
Snappy Auctions rated among Top
50 franchises by Franchise Review,
Tennesseann, March 26.
Tennessee firms make Fortune 500 -
Tennessean, April 6: Caremark, Fedex, HCA,
UnumProvident, DollarGeneral, Eastman Chemical,
Gaylord's ResortQuest launches new website
to help consumers search for vacation
properties, release March 4.
In mid-Tennessee,
Concerto Networks IT services franchise goes to
Shaun Cook of McMinnville, release April 13.
Embraer its new 78,000-sq.-ft. maintenance and
avionics facility at Metro Airport, today, Nash.
Bus. Journal, April
announces plans for 700 more jobs in
Chattanooga, Times Free Press, April 13.
Chattanoogans attest to Convergys' most-admired
workplace status, Times Free Press, April 7.
Chattanooga, Affordable Computer founder Flegal
regrets his move to business owner, but
found he couldn't go back to sales, even if he
wanted to, Times Free Press, March 30.
entrepreneur launches expressbilliards.com for custom
tables, Times Free Press, April
Memphis-based Asentinel
telecom-expense management software announces
signing Family Dollar, release April 3. Nash. Bus. Journal, April 4.
Vanderbilt alum Luca Fontana named
CTO for chemical sector of Ashland Inc.,
release March 31.
Technology Council offers scholarship for students
passionate about technologies, Knox. News
Sentinel, April
Chattanooga EPB selects
Intergraph for GIS, Geocomm.com, March
22. Intergraph CTO among those offering views of
the future of IT and Geospatial convergence,
Geospatial Today, Jan-Feb
Pomeroy IT Solutions'
annual report is running late, writedown of
goodwill may be necessary, Louisville
Bus. Journal, April
Integrated Data Solutions
breaks ground at Chattanooga's Enterprise
Park, Chattanoogan.com, April
Nashville Public Radio (WPLN
90.3fm) now broadcasting in high definition
(HD), City Paper, March
Nashville airport security
x-ray systems crash as software upgrade goes
awry, Tennessean, April 1.
Home Security call center working to fill staff
openings, Knox. News Sentinel, March
Williamson County officials
push for funding for new emergency-communications
system, Tennessean, March
Tullahoma-based Jacobs
Engineering receives NASA contract for testing and
evaluation worth up to $270 million for
White Sands support, March 28, chron.com
PC Doctor provides small
business IT support, Comm. Appeal, April 3.
In Knoxville,
MCS Inc. specializes in service for Mac owners,
Knox. News Sentinel, April 1.
First Tennessee
Bank signs 7-year ATM network participation
agreement with PULSE EFT Association LP, release
(pdf) April 5.
Business, schools
videoconferencing more in Memphis area,
Memphis Bus. Journal, April 7.
Nashvile chief sees opportunities in medical and
fire monitoring in Tennessee, City Paper, April
NES' Hatridge and Metro IS' Cole
are IT execs who are among the biggest earners in
Metro Government, Tennessean, March 31. List
Tennessee Comptroller
Morgan is looking for vendor input (RFI 307.02-002-06) regarding IT
support of departments within the
Comptroller's domain, with responses to RFI by
April 19. Q&A added April 11 explains GIS
TN Bureau of
Investigation notice yesterday says TBI seeks
electronic fingerprinting services
proposals by May 15. RFP
TN. Div. of Mental
Retardation seeks IS services via RFP
344-01-705, due May 17.
state responded yesterday to vendors' questions on
the TennCare MIS replacement project (RFP 318.65-210), and
included copies of EDS' contract and original
proposal. Responses are due April 27.
State is exploring through RFP 343.52-677 creation of a
call center and tips line for smoking
cessation, proposals due May 1.
The U.S. Department of
Transportation has awarded a $3 million contract
to Bowlby & Associates Inc., Franklin,
Tenn., for the advanced research in
transportation technology. Release March 22.
will fund expansion of Tennessee Internet Crimes
Against Children Task Force, attacking
cyberenticement and child pornography; grant will
support further tech training for Knoxville-based
law enforcement efforts. Gov. Bredesen says First
Lady's prior involvement in Internet Keep Safe
Coalition was an impetus for his support of
funding. Tennessean, April 1. Nash. Bus.Journal, March 31.
Government and BellSouth dispute infrastructure
costs produced by Courthouse renovation
and public-square development, City Paper, April 10.
Schools IT Budget could be cut in half,
City paper, March 27. [MNPS' Lance Lott
subsequently clarified for NashvillePost.com that
the possible cut is in capital spending, not
Essay on Ganier,
founder of Education Networks of America now
accused of misdeeds and facing an
indictment, and ENA's own consistent
performance under state contracts, BusinessTN, April 2006.
ONLINE: KNS Reporter Bass
writes, "A bill making its way through the
Tennessee General Assembly would exempt
eBay drop-off stores such as iSold It and
NuMarkets from state auctioneer licensing
requirements." Knox. News Sentinel, April
Tennessean editorial
supports Safe Votes Tennessee on paper-ballott
push, Tennessean, March 30. Activists Schoggen and
Pride push for VVPB, Nashville Eye, Tennessean, March
Davidson County's online
traffic school for offenders gain hundreds of
enrollees, Tennessean, March 31.
denied for surveillance cameras in Metro
Parks, Tennessean, March 31.
County may adopt Hart Intercivic voting
technology, although it has no voter
recepit capability, Knox. News Sentinel, March 30.
Assembly: Online eBay reselling crews may
become exempt from Auctioneer-licensing
requirements, City Paper, March 23.
Tennessee alumna, a security-technology
entrepreneur, becomes head of GSA, Knox.
News Sentinel, April
Tennessean editorial
applauds FCC action regulating paid advertisingon
Internet and blogs, Tennessean, April 5. FCC ruling
exempts most political speech on Internet from
campaign-contributions limits, Wash. Post, March 28.
Town of
Olive Branch may use GPS to track vehhicles,
employees, Comm. Appeal, April
Chattanoogans want more
crime, public-service data posted on web for
review, Times Free Press, March
Chattanooga will look
further at integration of 911-dispatch
operations, Times Free Press, March 26.
for Metro Parks surveillance cameras still
controversial, Tennessean, March 27.
will invest another $425 million in attempt to
redeem half-billion investment in Trilogy
case-management system, Wash. Post, March
Backgrounder: Waiting
on 'Innovation
though there's widespread belief that Tennessee
Economic and Community Development (ECD)
Technology Director Eric Cromwell will
soon leave the agency to head up a program dubbed,
"Innovation Tennessee," to promote high-growth
jobs, there's been no official word on this or
related plans. So, folks are reduced to reading
tea leaves, extrapolating from news rickling out
through unofficial sources.
week, for example, a national report on the states'
life-sciences initiatives was
released during a meeting of the Biotechnology
Industry Organization (BIO), in Chicago. The
report said that Innovation Tennessee, which has
not been formally unveiled, will be tasked with
promoting the state's bioscience
At the same time, a
freshly minted promotional brochure from
ECD explains: "Tennessee's focus on
technology development will continue in 2006 with
the rollout of a program called Innovation
Tennessee (a new entity under development to
replace the former [Tennessee] Technology
Development Corporation). The goal of Innovation
Tennessee is to create high skill, high wage jobs
in sustainable industries and to retain
Tennessee's existing technology jobs. The program
will be a public/private collaboration to build
innovation capacity in all regions of the state
and to streamline the process of taking ideas from
the laboratory to the marketplace, creating a
linked circle between those who conduct research
and development, those who provide the capital to
fund it and those corporations whose focus is
making an innovative product a
"The "Playbook" also
stresses that Tennessee needs more broadband
infrastructure in both urban and rural
areas, if it is to compete to attract high-growth
jobs. Toward that end, says the publication,
a new "Tennessee Community Broadband Stimulus
Program" will be launched by ECD to help
communities gain access to planning grant funds
for broadband deployment. ECD is currently
surveying industry and other groups in the state,
asking their views on the adequacy of current
broadband resources, in hope of bolstering the
case for funding investment in broadband
infrastructure. One version of the survey is
prefaced: "The Tennessee Department of Economic
and Community Development is developing a new
program to catalyze action around broadband
deployment and adoption in all regions of
Meanwhile, and
perhaps most important, there is still no sign of
the recommendations that are expected
"soon" from New Economy Strategies (NES),
the Washington, D.C., consultants who were hired a
year ago by Tennessee Technology Development
Corporation (TTDC) to produce a roadmap for
development of high-growth industries in
Cyberspecialists warn
the clock is ticking: More than a
year ago, a group of Tennessee's
cyberinfrastructure experts warned Tennessee's
growth and quality of life hinge partly on
development of needed cyberinfrastructure. The
group added that the state's "window of
opportunity is open, but will close very soon. The
availability of low-cost fiber assets is limited
and will disappear in the near future. The time to
act is now."
Since Cromwell's
appointment by Gov. Phil Bredesen in
2004, efforts to accelerate high-growth
sectors seem to have been grounded in more
research, more consultation and more local,
regional and national expertise than in earlier
administrations. Timing means a lot, and the case
has been made regarding that "window of
opportunity," albeit an opportunity for every
state in the Union.
the "Innovation Tennessee" initiative could help
stitch together not only broadband
infrastructure; but, also, supercomputing and life sciences resources; regional technology councils and
associations; Oak Ridge National Lab and
University of Tennessee resources; and, incubators
like Emerge Memphis, which is led by
Jim Phillips, who is Cromwell's former boss at the
FedEx Institute of Technology. Why the
hold-up? No clear official answer, but it
seems inevitable that Commisioner Kisber must wait
to roll-out new programs until he learns the fate
of his budget request, which includes a
$12.6 million payroll and $5.7 million for
operations, in addition to about $78 million in
pass-through funds for grants for infrastructure
and related items. — Milt
Capps |
Research, Commercialization and
Tennessee Tomorrow closer to
selecting new chief, with recruiting support from
Center for Nonprofit Management,
NashvillePost.com, April
Facilities at site of
Manhattan Project work at Oak Ridge National Lab.
will be destroyed unless Federal government
steps in to preserve them, Knox. News
Sentinel, April
Vanderbilt University's sponsored research leaps 15
percent in one year, to $444 million,
Nash. Bus. Journal, March 30. Record year
for University of Tennessee's sponsored
research, Oak Ridger, March 21.
Ridge NL and Kentucky allies may find themselves
bidding against Battelle and State of
Mississippi for federal bio-defense
project, Knox. News Sentinel, March 28.
Ridge NL-funded report says Nanotechnology patents
and commercialization lagging in the
South, despite strong representation in
key roles, Knox. News Sentinel, April 7. Nanotechnology
industry may be undergoing 'seat-of-the-pants
occupational health experiment', Wash. Post, April 8. CarolinaNewswire, April
University of Tennessee has
joined Power.org, nonprofit
international group advancing Power
Architecture open-standard hardware
development platform, Electronic Engineering
Times, April 10.
supports Tennessee State University leadership
initiative, March 28, pnnonline.com.
Vanderbilt School of Engineering
Institute for Space and Defense
Electronics (ISDE) will collaborate with
scientists and engineers from the College of
Nanoscale Science and Engineeringof the University
at Albany (NY), as well as industry and government
partners. ISDE will participate in a project
sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, to
implement a computerchip for use in the
development of fabrication processes for advanced
commercial and radiation-resistant Complementary
Metal-Oxide Semiconductor devices.
Vanderbilt and TN Tech chemical
engineers are among researchers receiving
Army/Navy Defense grants, Tennessean, March
American Museum of Science
& Energy chief Stow to retire,
OakRidger, March 29.
Space Institute appoints space engineer Daniel, to
succeed Caruthers, Tennessean, March 25.
Knox. News Sentinel, March 25.
helps MTSU scholar and colleagues pinpoint vantage
from which Sgt. Alvin C. York fought
Germans in WWI, Tennessean, p. 1A, March 22.
Resource: Dr. Thomas Nolan, director MTSU Fullerton Lab. for Spatial
Memphis-based Clearfunction launches Chalksite to compete for share
of web-supported classroom-education
budget, April 3.
Oak Ridge
NL researchers find they can improve
superconductors' electrical flow by flawing wires
with nanodots, NewScientistTech, March
Dr. Jeff Cornwall, director of
the Belmont Center for Entrepreneurship, has been
elected a fellow of the U.S. Association
of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Green
Hills News, p. 17, March 23, not on
Outstanding Young Entrepreneur
of the Year award goes to Belmont student active
in Internet business, p. 7, Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 7, not on web. Foreign grad
students' applications in U.S. rebound, Sciencemag.com, March
Responding to federal pressure,
some schools are focusing almost entirely on
Reading and Math instruction, NY Times,
March 26.
Tennessee K-12 schools are among Intel Scholars of
Distinction finalists and will compete
for Intel grants, release April 11.
e-Portfolio: TaskStream's technology at
center of study in Mt. Juliet, Tenn.,
regarding whether keeping students' portfolios
online for review results in greater student
engagement and progress, Tennessean, April 10.
in the classroom, Times Free Press, April
Tennessee School for Blind
piloting Tablet PC use for children legally
blind, City Paper, April 4.
of laptops, cell phones in classrooms,
Comm. Appeal, April 3.
First quarter of 2006 saw record
number of outsourcing contracts signed,
even though TPI report says savings are
exaggerated, CNetNews.com, April 13.
Yesterday was the 25th Anniversary
of the first Space Shuttle mission, NASA site here. Cnet story, April 12.
Partnership marketing: In
a model we may be seeing more often, Black Box
Converged Solutions Group announced it is
conducting a program on mobile communications
for medical providers on May 10, at a venue
provided by their client, Lifeway Christian
Resources. Much of the push for this event seems
to come from CSG vendor-partners Vocera, Meru
Networks and SDC Solutions, who are also on the
H-1B discussion
transcript, pro's and con's, Wash. Post,
March 31.
ringtone bubble may be subsiding, says
BMI, Tennessean, April 4.
has brought sweeping changes to politics, but
reaching uncommitted's remains difficult,
NY Times, April 2.
BusinessTN magazine Fast50
candidates may apply here. Deadline is May 1.
StopBAdware.org provides
unflinching report about abuses by Kazaa,
others, here. Kazaa/Sharman, et al, deny
accuracy of Stopbadware report, AP via NY Times,
March 22.
Leadership Music's 2nd
Annual Digital Music Summit is April 18 at Belmont
University's Curb Center, program details here. Online
registration closed. Register onsite, beginning 8
Squidoo.com might become THE
money-making portal for bloggers who want to sell
expertise in area about which they write,
NY Times, April 10.
set out to put the "whole web" on your hard drive,
and keep it updated, site
here. Related story, NY Times, April 10.
* (Apr. 13) AITP Nashville, Business
Innovation, Hector Hernandez, IBM, Miami,
FL. Focus is on "Composing Business Values from
Technology Assets."
* (April 13)
Former TRA director and FCC Commissioner Debi Tate
is keynoter, during the VoIPossibilities
Conference here.
(April 18)
Leadership Music, Belmont University, with support
of Nashville Technology Council and other
marketing Sponsors, are holding their 2nd Annual
Digital Music Summit, details
* (April 19) China Business Forum,
Owen Entrepreneurship Center, Averbuch
Auditorium, 5:30 p.m., Owen Grad. School
of Mgmt., Vanderbilt. Dell Inc.'s Stephen
Cook, Nashville-based director of manufacturing,
will discuss Dell's supply chain from the People's
Republic of China.
* (April 26) E.
TN Tech Council monthly meeting, Tim Smith, LBMC,
on CRM Solutions. (865) 220-2020 or write here.
* (April 27) Nashville Health Care Council
and PriceWaterhouseCoopers conference on outlook for global
healthcare system.
(April 27-28) PMI
Nashville Spring Project Management
Symposium, with PDUs. Details
(May 2) Tennessee
Digital Government Summit.
Details here.
3-5) HIMSS 2nd Annual NHIT
Summit, HiMSS TN
Chapter, Nashville.
(May 10-11) Southeast Venture Capital
Forum, Birmingham.
(May 16) Tour -
Comcast facility, Society of Manufacturing
Engineerings SME Nashville,
details here.
(May 17) 6th
Annual Technology! Nashville conference.
Hilton Suites Downtown. DETAILS HERE.
Sustaining Sponsors:
Caterpillar Financial Emdeon
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Published by
NashvillePost.com Industry News Services
Division Milt
Capps, INS Editor & Assoc. Publisher 3401
West End Ave., Suite 685 | Nashville, TN,
37203 Phone: (615) 250-1540 Email: milt.capps@nashvillepost.com | | |