April 6 -
NTC Tech Roundtable on Tech Sales &
Marketing, University Club, VU, details here
| |
SCHEDULED: NTC Technology!
Nashville, monthly Roundtables, the
annual Infosec Nashville, and other events major
and minor, here...
TRA has AT&T-BellSouth in its
sights...as does Tate at FCC... Dunlap
sees chaos looming... Metro Telecom task force...
US LEC, WildBlue, and More...
Exporting Tennessee Health IT products and
services...ONCHIT working groups this
week...BioMimetic...Medical Banking... HCA,
Evolved Digital, Transnetyx, Genentech,
Healthways, VU,
HCA...and More...
VENTURES: CenTradeX...Noro-Moseley...Gibson
Guitar...American Music
Channel...Kroll...Cumberland Pharma...Texas
SPOTLIGHT: Jeff Costantine,
president and CEO, Nashville Technology Council,
in the Spotlight, here
Auctions...Cabedge...Comdata and More...
General Assembly online...TRA on 211...TBI
and More...
American Sentinel, VU's ISIS and
'Acclerator', distance learning and VU
streaming, Intelligence studies at
TSU...and More...
From Blogs to Wikis, more download
litigation, click fraud, tech-centric
seminars...and More...
Commissioner Debi Tate, formerly of TN
Regulatory Authority, says she'd like to
hold forum in Nashville on illegal downloading of
digital music and video files, Knox. News
Sentinel, March 17. She says her in-state
experience will help
her in addressing such issues as AT&T /
BellSouth merger. At FCC, former TRA
Director Tate may play key role in reviewing
AT&T / BellSouth merger, Nash. Bus. Journal,
p. 6, March 10, not on web. U.S.
inquiry into pricing Online Music, NY Times, March 3.
bill in Congress might mean more competition among
broadband providers, but worries
public-access advocates, City Paper, March 3.
On Feb.
28, Metro Council Telecommunications Innovation
Task Force members received presentations
about broadband and wireless initiatives by Tony
Perez, director-IT, City of Seattle; Fred Banner,
director-IT, City of Franklin,
Tenn.. Task Force members were also invited
to attend a presentation on municipal broadband
development by Paul Morris, executive director,
Utah Telcommunications Open Infrastructure Agency
on March 15.
Regulatory Authority Chairman Ron Jones says TRA
will address impact of AT&T-BellSouth
merger on Tennesseans, Knox. News Sentinel, March 17. BellSouth
landlines business under pressure from VoIP,
wireless, cable
providers, Tennessean, March 14.
State's Broadband Task Force may activate in
response to AT&T - BellSouth merger plans, NashvillePost.com, March
8. BellSouth: A challenge for Comcast?
Tennessean, March 7. Deal makes AT&T
largest broadband provider, Tennessean, March 7. AT&T Acquisition
announced, Tennessean, March 6. Sidebar on Internet
clout, AP via Tennessean, March 6. Layoffs, Nash. Bus. Journal,
March 6. Historical perspective
on AT&T system breakup in 1984,
NashvillePost.com, March 5. BellSouth headquarters
building empties, Tennessean, March 8.
Jerry Dunlap says uncertainty
regarding telecommunications regulatory
environment has hampered the spread of
VoIP; he sees need for regulatory oversight to
ensure that broadband 'roadways' are equitably
available for all
content, traffic. ISDN-Net says avoiding
debt was key to surviving the Nineties downturn,
Tennessean, March 19. Merger of AT&T
& Web offerings could boost Internet, Web
services; ISDN-Net's Dunlap
foresees 'chaos' resulting, rather than
productivity, p. 7, Nash. Bus. Journal, March 10,
not on web.
Update on
Franklin's $3 million wi-fi build-out,
Tennessean, Williams. County, March 2. Granting public access
to the wireless system would require further
action by Aldermen.
economic-development officials look forward to
fiber-optic connection to Oak Ridge NL's
supercomputing resources, see boon for region,
Kingsport Times-News, March 19.
WildBlue Communications March 13
announced its high-speed Internet via satellite
service, is now available throughout
announces push of MLPS VPN services in
Tennessee, release March 7.
Cable a
la carte: Tennessean editorial urges using
competition and the carrot vs the stick
to induce cable providers to offer a la carte
video services, Tennessean, March 4.
As they
see competitors seize Municipal Wireless
opportunities, AT&T and some
cable-broadband providers are reassessing their
efforts to thwart municipal wireless initiatives.
Tennessee is cited as having a law aimed at preventing
municipalities' competing with private sector.
Wall Street Journal, B1, March 20.
Divide: More politics and inertia than technology?
Ranks of Newbie Internet users dwindling,
San Jose Mercury News, March 5. DC preparing to invite
bids on muni wireless for the poor, Wash. Post, March 9.
providers look for revenue among web content
providers, NY Times, March
DSL signups
outnumbered cable signups in 2005, AP via
Tennessean p. 4E, March 4. Leichtman research group
Health IT exports? Tennessee
Economic Development is coordinating a trade
mission to Australia, June 18-24 (April
14 regis. deadline), and promotional materials
suggest Australia may need our IT acumen. However,
NYC-based Chris Knepler, a senior business
development manager for the Australia Trade
Council, says Australian EMR and related adoptions
in that nation are "ahead of the game" -- meaning
that Tennessee firms may be more likely to partner
with Australian exporters hoping to increase their
shares of the U.S. market. Indeed, online JAMIA materials bear out
Knepler's assertions that Aussies are particularly
advanced in adoption of EMR in the primary-care
physicians offices, as a result of a major push
that one U.S. white paper describes as a
"remarkable transition." Find out more about the
trip, here. Health
IT: ONCHIT consumer-empowerment group begins
work this afternoon. Details here. EHR workgroup
looks at barriers, tomorrow. The Chronic Care
working group of the American Health Information
Community meets today. Its focus is
currently on secure IM, and longer-term on remote
monitoring. Background here. The
Biosurveillance group, focused on monitoring and
reporting health-threat events nationally, meets
March 23. Details here. Contact all work
groups, here.
Through Medical Banking Project ,
Casillas urges using banks'
infrastructure to manage healthcare
finance, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 26 , March 3 .
technology for physicians is topic of Strayer of
PocketMed at U. Memphis Health Sci.
Center, Thursday, Comm. Appeal, March
Franklin's Bio-Mimetics Therapeutics may
consolidate manufacturing and
quality-control operations in Cool Springs Life
Sci. Center, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 4, Feb. 24,
not on web. Franklin-based BioMimetic, which
recently registered for IPO, announces clinical
trials in U.S., Canada, Sweden, March 20,
BusinessWire. Nash. Bus. Journal, March 20
Qualifacts Systems Inc. is mining
the HHS space, strengthening its management
team, putting together an outside sales
force led by Klements, formerly of Sungard
(Inflow). Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 3, March 10 . Qualifacts emerged
from former owner Phil Bredesen's Camelot
States' CIOs
are surveying Health IT practices
nationwide, GovHealthIT.com, Feb.
Evolved Digital announced the
integration of its Radiology Information
System and Picture Archive Communications
System at Cleveland, Tenn., Community Hospital,
Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 16, Feb. 24, not on
Mid-Tennessean's story
illustrates benefits of cardiac telemetry via
Medtronic Carelink Network, Daily News
Journal, Feb. 25
. Boosted by Data Management
& Research acquisition, HealthStream
finished 2005 in-the-black, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
2, Feb. 24, not on web. Texas Health Resources
adopts HealthStream, release Feb. 23
. HCA Senior VP-Supply Chain
Fitzgerald profiled here
Parish, former WebMD and
Deloitte exec, is named GM of Oakwood
Sys. Grp.'s Nashville office, Tennessean, 5E, March 5
. Memphis biotechnology
momentum draws heavily on patentable work of
faculty at University of Memphis Health
Science Center, Memphis Bus. Journal, March 17.
Memphis Mouse Metrics:
Transnetyx automates genetic testing of
mouse tissue for labs worldwide, may open ex-U.S.
facilities, Memphis Bus. Journal, March 17
. Genentech has opened a
distribution center at Louisville,
Louisville Bus. Journal, March 6.
Healthcare and Arbor Healthcare settled lawsuit
over proprietary software, NashvillePost.com , March 15;
Tennessean, March 16 . Nash. Bus.
Journal, March 15
Vanderbilt expands its occupancy
at 3401 West End, home of VU tech
transfer, Center for Quality Health, American
Learning, others. p. 29A, Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb.
24, not on web.
Pamela Casey
promoted to Chief Privacy Officer at Iasis Healthcare ,
Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 19, Feb. 24, not on web.
Renamed InMotion Musculoskeletal
Institute will collaborate with BioWorks
Foundation to advance Memphis tech sector, Memphis
Bus. News, March 1
. Erlanger adoptions of
Rauland ResponderNet allows tracking of Nurses'
productivity, Times Free Press, March 15
. Becherer, healthcare
entrepreneur, assumes UT Chattanooga chair of
excellence, Times Free Press , March
19. The Supportive Oncology
Services (Memphis) e-tablet is now used in about
24 sites across the country for patient
assessment in heart and cancer clinics. Another 90
sites are set to adopt in coming year. Comm. Appeal , March
Healthcare IT spending
rising, Nashville Medical News, March 2006 , p.
9. With Erlanger Health
System (Chattanooga) an example of VoIP
implementation, Avaya CIO and other
experts say the focus should be performance, not
cost-reduction, CIO India , March
9. HealthGrades.com (Golden, Colo.)
offers quality-of-care ratings on doctors and
hospitals; Blue Cross Shield of TN
provides its members a "treatment-price
calculator." Tennessean, March 20
. Healthways, Inc. announced
an expansion of its existing agreement with Mutual
of Omaha. The company will begin offering
Healthways' myhealthIQ(TM) program to its Group
Health customers. Release March 14 . Nash. Bus.
Journal, March 15 . Healthways
Tennessee Medical Center deal, Nash. Bus. Journal,
March 10 . Release here
Health-care providers must
persist in march toward full implementation of
Electronic Medical Records, Tennessean,
Feb. 25 .
EHRs maybe required for Federal
employees, Wash. Post., March 2
. Technology increasingly
aiding workers with disabilities, NY
Times, March
Respiratory Support
Services' Vent-Weaning.com website applauded for
helping educate patients and
caregivers about weaning-off respirators, Nashville Medical News , p. 30,
March 2006. Intel is on the
telemedicine bandwagon, Sci-Tech Today,
Noro-Moseley's Elliott says VC's
are 'ready to write checks' for healthcare IT,
healthcare, business services,
TechJournalSouth, March
Franklin-based CenTradeX may become the 'the
industry standard for international trade
intelligence for years to come', BusinessTN, March 2006, p.
Edgenet buys Wisconsin software
maker Big Hammer, NashvillePost.com, March 9. Nash. Bus.
Journal, March
Kroll Background
America buying California-based Infolink,
Nash. Bus. Journal, March 6. Tennessean, March 7. Release, March
Nashville's SmartVue chosen for
InvestMidwest (April 5-6), release March
3. USA Today reporter's
illuminating interview with Gibson Guitar CEO
Juszkiewicz, The Tennessean, Feb.
26. Knoxville's Provectus
is ready to pursue success with cancer-fighting
drugs, Knox. News Sentinel, March
FastTrac Growth Venture
classes for entrepreneurs begin soon,
Chamber details
here. Birmingham-centered
angel network and venture fund are
in-the-offing, Birm. Bus. Journal, March 17. VCs may be losing
their appetite for risk, Birm. Bus. Journal, March
Healthcoast's HealthFolio
online service for individual health records
proceeds with soft launch in Louisville,
Louis. Bus. Journal, March 17. Early-stage,
pre-revenue enterprise is looking for
(more) Intermedia Partners'
acquisition of Thomas Nelson, p. 10,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 24, not on web.
Canada's Sirit buys Knoxville's
startup Tradewind Technologies, RFID
provider, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 28 and Feb. 27. American Music Channel
redesigned its Internet broadcast music video
network and debuted its
subscription-based Music City Insider section,
Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 17, Feb. 24, not on
web. FDA approves Cumberland
Pharmaceuticals' Acetodote, Tennessean,
March 7. Nashville Star television
program website enhanced through alliance with Crowfly, release March
TVA Chairman Baxter
encourages economic development centered around
Spallation Neutron Source, OakRidger, March 1. Oak Ridge
Micro announces new micro-battery model, coating
patent and provides update on mission of creating
battery for RFID and other
applications that can survive in higher
temperatures, OakRidger, Feb. 28.
Instruments expands its R&D presence in Oak
Ridge NL vicinity, Knox. News Sentinel,
Nanotechnology is still producing small potatoes,
figuratively, Wash. Post, March 10.
Biotech IPOs stirrings draw attention, despite
risks and long payout, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 5,
March 3, not on
web. "Report OnBoard"
electronic logbook for truckers gains Memphis
investors' attention, as Federal
transport-reporting mandate approaches, Comm.
Appeal, March
Momentum: Costantine
establishes his leadership at Nashville Technology
On Dec. 5, 2005, the board of
directors of Nashville Technology Council
announced that Jeff Costantine would serve in
an interim capacity as president and CEO of NTC,
effective January 1, 2006.
That decision was quickly
followed by Costantine's total immersion in NTC
operations. By New Year's Eve, Costantine and
predecessor Ray Capp had passed the baton.
Soon, Costantine was moving
aggressively and effectively on a wide
array of projects, and his interim status had
blown-by with the speed of a Burma Shave sign
alongside the Kentucky highways of his youth. On
March 16, the Board voted unanimously to accept
Costantine as unqualified leader of NTC, ending
the transitional period that followed the March
2005 retirement of David Condra, founding president
of NTC.
NTC Board Chairman Linda
Rebrovick, a Dell Inc. vice president,
said yesterday, "The three months since Jeff's
arrival have brought a surge of progress on every
front. We have emerged from the 'interim' period
that Jeff and the Board thought would be helpful,
with tremendous energy and focus, and the Board
could not be more satisfied with Jeff's
As reflected in Costantine’s March 14 message to
NTC’s Members, he has moved with ease to launch,
strengthen and sometimes terminate NTC activities,
while winning new sponsors’ support and recruiting
new members. Early achievements range from
reaching out to scores of individual Member firms,
recruiting as sponsors IBM and Dell, and
relaunching the recently inactive Software
Development and Network Managers Roundtables. He
is also developing new technology-centered
seminars that draw on the expertise of local
attorneys; and, he has declared his commitment to
a more robust NTC web presence, including a
beefier online membership directory.
Costantine has energetically
adopted NTC's new maxim, "United and
lead." He explains, "I won't even try to
hide how excited I am to be in a position to help
local companies and make the middle-Tennessee tech
sector stronger, while at the same time working on
relevant educational, workforce and public-policy
issues. We've only got three of us on staff, but
we have a great board and super volunteers, people
who want to work beside us. This gives me a
feeling that we may have more abundant resources
than might have previously seemed the case. I'm
finding local executives eager to get involved."
Costantine says he is
brokering relationships and services,
almost every day. As fresh evidence, he cites how
earlier this month he learned via the Young
Leaders Council that Jere Baxter Alternative
Learning Center (7-12) in Metro Schools was in
dire need of e-learning support, having earlier
abandoned its shopworn computers. In 24
hours, he had brokered an arrangement by which
Dell Inc. and Cisco would provide needed resources
for the school, including ten desktop computers
and wireless networking. Though he realizes he
could quickly find himself overwhelmed with
similar requests, he says he believes that being
available for such calls is the only way to
understand deeply what the community needs from
the technology sector.
He adds that he is
using every bit of skill and experience
he acquired in the healthcare industry,
particularly his ability to perform due-diligence
on projects new and old. For example, he believes
there is tremendous potential value in the Center for Information Technology
(IT) Excellence, housed within Nashville State
Community College, and as a member of CITE's board
he is pressing to strengthen the organization.
Prior to joining NTC,
Costantine served as vice president for
customer-account management within HCA's
Information Technology & Services subsidiary,
a role he held eight years. In July 2005, he
retired from HCA, concluding 28 years' service
there. During that span, Costantine served in a
half-dozen leadership roles for the healthcare
provider, serving scores of domestic U.S. and
ex-U.S. customers for HCA. His senior-management
responsibilities ranged from operations and
budgeting, systems design and implementation; to
software development, sales, customer relations
and strategic planning. Prior to joining HCA,
Costantine served seven years with Appalachian
Regional Hospitals.
Costantine, 56, was born in Morgantown,
W.Va., and reared in Brandenburg, Ky., near Ft.
Knox. He earned his Bachelor's in Business
Administration and Accounting at the University of
Kentucky (1971). He also participated in Harvard
University's advanced courses in hospital
administration. Costantine and his wife, Debbie,
reside in Brentwood and have two married children,
and two grandchildren. He is active in
Ministries, Meals on Wheels and Habitat for
Humanity, and is an avid (“but lousy,” he
stresses) golfer and
again rises in Site Selection magazine ranking
for corporate location, Memphis Bus.
Journal, March 21
Five-year-old Cybera makes the
cut for Shell Oil Products U.S. effort to
complement satellite network, release March 6. Nash.
Bus. Journal, March 8.
NashvillePost.com launches Industry News
Services unit, appoints Capps unit's associate
publisher of News of Nashville
Technology, other reports, City Paper, March 15.
NashvillePost.com, March 16. Tennessean, March 19.
Dell Inc.
partners with Metro Schools to encourage parental
involvement in education, Tennessean, March 3.
spurs 'Godcasting' for religious
audiences, Tennessean, March 8. Related articles on
PodPoint and Streaming Faith.
Hornbuckle joins Duthie Associates as program
manager, Tennessean, 5E, March 5. Green
Hills News, p.15, March 9, not on
leaves Black Box for VP-Sales slot for SmartVue
Corp., Tennessean, 5E, March 5.
After 18
months, Nashville-based SnappyAuctions eBay reseller
breaks into Top 50 (rank 39) Franchise
honors from Franchise Business Review, March 16.
Bynum is
new website, communications director for TN
Alliance for Legal Services, Tennessean,
March 19.
Mountain strengthens alliance with Symphony (NV
presence), release March 17.
rejoins ISDN-Net in customer care,
Tennessean, March 12.
is now principal at C3 Consulting LLC,
after stint with Andersen Consulting, Tennessean,
March 12.
Systems Group named Board, Leahy, Lupien and
Hawkins sr. consultants; Fennessey
consultant-custom dev.; and, Ferry and Reitz to
consultant and manager, respectively, in BI, p.
19, Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 24, not on web.
is a blog for fans of Saturn automobiles,
Tennessean, March 8.
IS licensed tech platforms to IP provide Startec
and vo-data provider Cleartel, p. 16,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 24, not on
establishing new call center in Las
Cruces, NM., Nash. Bus. Journal, March 6.
Mailer's Choice adopts Pervasive
software, release March 6.
online management firm makes its Nashville
debut, release March 2.
will be among honorees recognized for helping
children with all disabilities, during
First Step Awards' inaugural dinner, March 30th.
Tennessean, March 12.
Jobs: Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce's
Partnership 2010 relocation pipeline of
prospects includes 2,600 potential call-center
jobs, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 6, March
3. 3M Chairman Buckley will
address Chattanooga Chamber's May10 Spirit of
Innovation leadership dinner in
Chattanooga, Chattanoogan.com, March 16.
hiring plans: Company urges jobseekers to
take math, science education, Kingsport
Times News, March
5. UnumProvident picks
Affiliated Computer Services over incumbent
IBM, Times Free Press, Feb. 28. Chattanoogan.com, March
1. Hewlett Packard renews
lease at MidSouth Logistec I at La Verne,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 24, p. 30A, not on web.
Eastman announced realignment of
organization and top management, March
6. Asentinel (Memphis)
telecom-expense management firm will hold TEM
conference in Memphis in April,
BusinessWire, March 6.
improves online support of Global Trade
management, Memphis Bus. Journal, March 8. Fedex facilities
network is magnet for corporations seeking
relocation, Memphis Commercial Appeal, Feb. 23.
to take on BellSouth in phone-directory market in
Tennessee, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 1, March 3.
Group cites technology leverage in completing
acquisiton of Memphis-based Comtrak, release March
1. Post-KATRINA: Mid-TN
HAM radio enthusiasts play vital role when cell
phones die amid natural disaster, Tennessean, March 10.
Mid-Tennessean Waterman leads Army HAM operators
project, eHam.net, March 10. Avaya CEO comments on
post-disaster telecommunications response, notes
Red Cross CIO is among those trying to draw tech
companies together, NY Times, Feb.
TRA approves Bristol
Tennessee Essential Services (phone),
Tri-Cities Bus. Journal, March
9. Memphis schools
question promises: Effectiveness of
Plato, other e-learning materials now
called into question, Comm. Appeal, March
Tennesseans' opinions
on Technology issues continue as focus of
forums leading to report in June, Knox.
News Sentinel, March
Birmingham's Check21
player, Aquracy, changes name to AQ2
Technologies, Birm. Bus. Journal, March 20. Banks are putting IT
to work in wake of Check21, Birm. Bus. Journal, March
17. CTSI signs 7-year,
million-dollar contract for web platform with
TVA, Memphis Bus. Journal, March 17.
Web-based platform that will manage TVA's carrier
selection and freight bill audit, among other
GameZnFlix (Franklin,
Ky.) tries marketing through Circuit City
partnership, Nash. Bus. Journal, March
17. E.TN Tech Council
elected new officers, reaches 250
members, Oak Ridger, March
13. Chattanooga
owner wins Microsoft web design contest,
Times Free Press, March
Memphis' Roebuck uses
Internet, satellite connectivity in auction center
to link live auctions in multiple cities,
Memphis Daily News, March
Chattanooga's T-Mobile call
center is ramping-up toward 700-employee
complement, Times Free Press, March
17. Sword & Shield Enterprise
Security of Knoxville named Qualified Data
provider by Visa, release March 16.
Moss accounting firm that provides IT
infrastructure is recognized for
entrepreneurship by Knoxville Chamber's
Pinnacle Awards, Knox. News Sentinel, March
ServiceU (Memphis),
online events-management software
company, names network administrator,
software engineer, Comm. Appeal, March 19.
Agro- Bio-defense research facility contemplated
with ORNL participation in KY and
TN. Knoxville-based Tenn. Homeland
Security Consortium has a role to play. Courier-Journal.
Sheriff's IT director quits following criticism of
contracts awarded to his brother's firm,
LPS Integration, Tennessean, March
Computer lab will be
highlight of new Adult Education Center in Sumner
County, Tennessean, Feb.
26. Memphis school may
get robotics technology for education, if
it can raise local match for grant, Comm. Appeal,
2. ServeChattanooga.org
website enables schools' principals to list
projects for which they need volunteers'
help. Times Free Press, March
Chatta. Times Free
Press adds Tech podcasts to menu, Times
Free Press, Feb. 28.
Chatta. students using
RateMyProfessors.com, Times Free Press,
Memphis) installs Sundance Titan
Automation for 24-hour analog and digital
services, TVTechnology, Feb.
24. Knoxville's NetExpress
Internet acquires Internet service business from
Xxpansion/Esper group, Knox. News
Sentinel, Feb.
24. De'VIA
computer-enhanced artwork expresses cultural
differences of being deaf or
hard-of-hearing, Knox. News Sentinel, March
5. RFID:
International Paper's ASURYS (Memphis),
an RFID systems integrator,
is implementing Gen 2 technology assessments
in its Customer Solution Center, RFIDSolutionsOnline, March
10. Students at Memphis'
Kingbury tech center participated in Virtual
Business Sports Challenge, Comm. Appeal,
March 9.
Brinkley is now director of database development
for archer>malmo, the Memphis
advertising agency, and Carldell
Hudson is now director of database
production. Commercial Appeal, March 5,
here. Jackson Sun
columnist discusses their new podcast
"toy," March
12. Nature Center
recycles business electronics for funds,
Times Free Press, March
Memphis Comtutors
coaches consumers on their computers,
Comm. Appeal, Germantown, March
Third-graders required to
make PowerPoint presentations at Charlotte
Elementary, Dickson, Tennessean, March
Information Infrastructure-II requests for
information are asking for comments on leasing TNII infrastructure and
on lighting
Tennessee General
Assembly House and Senate plan further strides in
online witnessing of proceedings and
research tools, Tennessean, March 18. Critics says it
may not be enough to fulfill intent of State's
Open Meetings and Open Records laws, particularly
during budget hearings, when deliberations are
often inaccessible. Some Senate streaming should
begin in April, with improved Senate search engine
by summer.
Knoxville News Sentinel
Editor McElroy announces increased online
political coverage and public access to
candidates, newspaper's podcast
candidate-endorsement grillings and candidates'
video profiles, Knox. News Sentinel, March 19.
invites bids on TennCare systems management and
business process management, RFP 318.65-210. Bidders
conference is Thursday, March 23. Proposal
deadline April 27.
TN Regulatory
Authority yesterday approved grant for statewide
211 services, via TN Alliance of
Information and Referral Systems, Tennessean, 3E,
March 21.
seeks to use funds to shore-up Metro Schools'
science and technology resources, while
MDHA wants money to shore-up housing, City Paper,
March 10.
Schools may add call-home notification
system at expense of other Technology
Department priorities, City Paper, March
TN Bureau of Investigation
adopts 3DEyeWitness by DesignWare Inc. to
bring crime scene and forensic tools into the
courtroom, Comm. Appeal, March 19.
Schools may get Communications/Computed Aided
Dispatch (CAD) and Automated Vehicle
Location (AVL) System. RFP 041906, due April
Tennessee Relay Service RFP 316.11-016 will serve
communicatively disabled callers, issued
Feb. 28. Due April 7.
computer crash at TN Dept. of Safety prevents
Interim commissioner from renewing his
license, Knox. News Sentinel, March 9.
fears cameras in Metro Parks endanger
privacy, Tennessean, March 6. Gallatin video
surveillance may catch red-light runners,
Tennessean, March
Anti-Phishing legislation
passes in Tennessee Senate, Knox. News
Sentinel, Feb. 28.
using databases to track methamphetimine
production, Times Free Press, Feb.
Controversy surrounds City
of Memphis payments to Integrate
Technology, Comm. Appeal, March 19.
Knox County property owners paying taxes
online, Knox. News Sentinel, March 13.
struggle for American competitiveness may surmount
partisan warfare in Congress, as in some
state legislatures, Mercury News, March
Streaming-video billboards
before Metro Council: Research supports case
for regulation, The City Paper, March 21.
Tennessean editorial cautionary with respect to
impact on aesthetic and safety, Tennessean, March 13. Council Member
Williams among those with reservations about
safety, decency; measure up for final vote, April
4. Tennessean, March 17. DOT research, here. Related City Paper story,
March 17.
Systems face challenges from mobile
technology, NewsChannel5, March 13.
Research, Commercialization and
computer scientists among TRUST computer-security
alliance, SearchSecurity.com, March 7. Earlier, April 05 story.
Oliver, the former Nortel exec, announced March 16, coincident
with his appearance for the Manufacturing
Excellence Conference at MTSU, that his American Sentinel University
will soon offer a Nanotechnology
within ASU's online exec. MBA, with coverage of
nano applications in manufacturing, health
sciences, materials, and other
computing scientists at ISIS win leading role in
Air Force grant to develop software for
testing design of embedded systems, Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 1, March 10.
Summer Business Institute 'Accelerator' incubates
ideas, networks undergrad students
preparing for ventures, Vanderbilt Hustler, March 15.
Fedex Institute research agenda, here.
Information Technology Services is now offering
expanded streaming media services to
share interesting lectures, sporting events,
ceremonies and more with viewers around the world.
Release here. VU ITS
also offers
collaboration tools, here.
won $285 million in research grants in previous
fiscal year, Knox. News Sentinel, March 17.
UT may
buy former Metron consumer-electronics facility in
Knoxville, Knox. News Sentinel, March 11.
colleges increasing wireless Internet access on
campus. Times Free Press, March 19.
Tech gets Science, Tech, Engineering grant from
First National Bank, Nash. Bus. Journal,
March 20.
Center at FedEx Institue nearly
operational, Memphis Daily News, March 1.
Discovery wins SBIR grantfrom the National
Institutes of Health for further
development of its protein analysis device --
scheduled for market launch this summer. Knox.
News Sentinel, March 20.
restrictions lifted, may spur increased
e-learning in Tennessee, City Paper, March 7.
TN Board
of Regents pushing online degree
programs, Chattanoogan.com, March 9.
TBR Distance
Learning Conference honored Nashville State Comm.
Coll. staff Eli Alvarado and Troy
Valentine, Tennessean, March 12.
worry about supply of math, science teachers in
Tennessee, Times Free Press, March 5.
A dozen
Metro students -- out of more than 120
applicants (drawn from pool of 300
academically qualified 8th- and 9th-graders) --
are headed for MIT's Edgerton Center March 21-24, as
part of Science Ambition Mission, a program
sponsored locally by Adventure Science Center, to
encourage talented science students to consider
careers in science, p. 5, Green Hills News, March
9, not on web. March 2 release here (pdf).
Senate passes Science, Math education bill that
should engage Oak Ridge NL and other
institutions, KRNS via Knox. News Sentinel, March 9.
Pilot for
academic studies in Intelligence will go to Tenn.
State University, Tennessean, March 8.
Ketron push legislation to allow premium pay to
math, science teachers, Times Free Press,
March 6.
employers demanding more math, science
skills. Times Free Press, March 6.
Sen. Frist-backed SMART program
will provide grants to college
upperclassmen studying Math, Science,
critical languages, Times Free Press, Feb.
Law: Fundamentals and More, Baker Donelson, April
5 seminar, details here. Intellectual
Property Law: Baker Donelson seminar, May
17, details
Formerly Knoxville-based
Channel One TV may contribute to students' recall
of advertisements, more than recall of
lessons, Knox. News Sentinel, March
Nashville musicians' home
recording studios are common and
impressive, Tennessean, March
Nashville court action
reaches into two states to protect Ryan Adams'
alt-rock work, under label Universal/Lost
Highways, Tennessean, March 10. Indictments are first
action by Nashville-based federal attorneys in
CHIP anti-piracy unit based here, City Paper, March 10.
professionals form spirit-technology groups to
'bring faith into cubicles', San Jose
Mercury News, March
Microsoft Windows Live Expo
social-networking service rivals Craigslist.
Tennessee blogging scene surveyed, BusinessTN, p. 22,
March 2006. Blogging as part of business CRM,
Wash. Post, Q&A with expert, Feb. 24. BlogMetrics and
Intelliseek help companies find buzz in the
blogosphere, Wash. Post, March 3. Edelman exec on
tracking trends via blogs, transcript, Wash. Post,
March 9.
Wiki: Members of Tenn. congressional
delegation comment on tweaking Wiki posts
on Members of Congress, Times Free Press, Feb. 25. Columnist:
Wikipedia needs an identified benevolent dictator
over each article, as in Open Source projects, NY
Times, March 12.
on Click Fraud; Google has set aside funds for
bogus-clickthrough claims from
advertisers, Wash. Post, March
User-created content is
surging at Yahoo, iFilm, elsewhere, NY
Times, March 13.
of the Titans: Microsoft and IBM duke-it-out
for the desktop, NY Times, March 17. Washington Post, March 17.
19-22) HDI Annual Conference in Nashville for
help-desk professionals, here.
(April 3-4) "Security Risk
Assessment, Mitigation Seminar," by VU
Civil and Environmental Engineering and the
International Association of Professional Security
Consultants. For Security, IT security, Risk
managers, others. Details here
* (April 4) Small Business
Innovation Research/Tech Transfer
grant-proposals writing workshop, UT IPS,
Nashville, details here.
(April 13) AITP Nashville - OnDemand
Middleware, Hector Hernandez, IBM. Details here.
(April 18) Leadership Music,
Belmont University, with support of Nashville
Technology Council and other marketing
Sponsors, are holding their 2nd Annual Digital
Music Summit, details here. NTC Members are
among those receiving discounted
(April 27-28)
PMI Nashville Spring Project Management
Symposium, with PDUs. Details
(May 2) Tennessee Digital
Government Summit. Details
(May 3-5) HIMSS
2nd Annual NHIT
Summit, HiMSS TN
Chapter, Nashville.
(May 16) Tour - Comcast facility,
Society of Manufacturing Engineerings SME
Nashville, details
(May 17) 6th Annual Technology!
Nashville conference. Hilton Suites
Downtown. Details write
Sustaining Sponsors:
Caterpillar Financial Emdeon
Note: News of Nashville
Technology is now published by the Industry
News Services division of NashvillePost.com, in
cooperation with lead-sponsor Nashville Technology Council.
NONT was founded July 8, 2003, by Milt Capps, who
has joined Nashville Post Co., as editor and
associate publisher for the Industry News
Services division of NashvillePost.com. For more
information, write
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MccIntel Reports are published by
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