"Web Content
Management" Tech Roundtable
Thursday, March 2, 4 p.m.
| |
broadband task force... Chamber views on broadband
development... Local Blackberry response
to lawsuit.. CSG and Lifeway... VIPGift goes
VoIP... Passalong... TN ties to FCC... Bells,
and More...
Frisse on RHIOs, MedSolutions IPO, HCA
claims-processing, Digirad stake,
appointments and more... CET, Healthways, Ciber,
MedAssets, CTI Molecular, Protein Discovery,
McKesson, Luminetx...and More...
VENTURES: Thomas Nelson
goes private in $half-billion deal with
Intermedia partners...NCN seminar on raising
outside capital (tomorrow)... NTC
Innovation Conference, Momenum Health moves here,
Verus dispute, American Learning
acquisition, BioMimetic IPO, Salix III, Phoenix
Partners, PBiz and Goldleaf, Idleaire, Kleiner
Perkins...and More....
Sitening, Rivals.com, RenTech, Lifeway,
Duthie Learning, Dell, BMI, ISSA,
Cumberland Consulting... and More...
T-Mobile announcement in
Chattanooga...TechConnect's demise,
Fischer adds Battelle duties, Eastern Chem.
hiring, Debitek, SensorNet deployed, LBMC,
Tricycle, EonStream, and More...
Massive payroll IT project attracts
Accenture, Maximus... Dialogic gets
Homeland Security mission... TN Drivers License
processes, Metro surveillance, Election
tech, RFPs
and More...
INNOVATIONS: Kisber signals "Innovation
Initiative"... VU's Galloway... TSU SEMA funding
threatened... TN reaction to Bush initiatives...
Cyberinfrastructure...and More...
RESOURCES: NTC Tech Roundtable on
Web Content, SOX unconstitutional? BusinessTN
Fast50 invitation...and More...
The Metro Task Force on Telecommunications
Innnovation is scheduled to meet Feb.
28 and March 15. The
group last met Feb. 17. Task Force Chairman
Darrell Freeman, president of Zycron Inc., said
that during the group's Feb. 17 meeting, Task
Force members deepened their discussion of
customers most likely to benefit by increased
local broadband services, service-delivery options
and other topics stipulated in the
authorizing resolution,
adopted by Metro Council, Oct. 4,
Continued development of
broadband technologies in Davidson County figures
prominently in the 2006 Legislative Agenda of
Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, with the
Chamber declaring its full faith in private-sector
technology providers to supply what Nashville
needs, provided incentives offered industry by
Metro Government are adequate and provided that
Government is consistent in "removing any
disincentives" to such private investment. Related
story, Feb. 3, Tennessean.
The State Broadband
Task Force created by legislation in 2005 has
gained some appointed members, but as yet
there are no discernible plans for that group to
meet. Related item, here.
Dodds says
new Nashville Convention Center should include
Tech incubator and links to TennGrid and
Internet2, generating jobs for persons with
disabilities and telemedicine and other
infrastructure for rural areas, AlwaysOn.com, Feb.
NationLink's Bailey (Nashville) says
RIM/Blackberry is in it for the long
haul, despite NTP
patent-infringement suit outcome, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Feb. 17.
Converged Solutions Group and
Lifeway partner for new Siemens IP
telecommunications, City Paper,
Feb. 14. Nash. Bus.
Journal, Feb. 13.
Franklin's PassAlong Networks adds
Wi-Fi Concert of the Future on
p2pREVOLUTION platform, release
Feb. 16.
Chattanooga's VIPGift adopts VoIP
technology with BellSouth support,
projects robust growth; entrepreneur tells of
being asked by tech pro's during a visit to
SiValley, 'What part of The Valley are you from',
and replying "the Tennessee Valley." Times Free
Press, Feb. 19. BellSouth
release, Feb. 20. TN Nortel Meridian
announced officers for 2006, including Neal of
HealthSpring to president and Steltman of
HCA Tristar to vice president, others are from
Deloitte, American General and Gannett/Tennessean.
Tennessean, 5E, Feb.
FCC: Former Tenn. Regulatory
Authority official Deborah Tate is
cautious in statements about government's role in
leading broadband development, cable a la carte
programming, etc. Tate recently attended demo of
Broadband over Powerlines, Tennessean,
Feb. 12. Previously
reported: Shaffer left Nashville XO office to join
FCC as deputy chief of wire-line communications,
Tennessean, Jan. 27. FCC Media
Bureau describes substantial Consumer benefits in
a la carte model of delivering video programming.
Release Feb. 9.
Knology pays
Knoxville to make good on franchise
contract, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb.
Columnist describes concerns
related to BellSouth, Verizon and others' charging
variable fees for download speed and
other changes in Internet custom, and notes that
telecom providers could charge their own customers
more and/or innovate, themselves, Wash. Post,
Feb. 10. "Scandal" author
Kushnick and columnist criticize on Baby Bells. NY
Times, Feb. 11.
MedSolutions tantalizes with
prospect of IPO notice in 2007; CEO
Thorne discounts growth of managed-care insurers
managing radiology benefits inhouse, but foresees
more self-insured employers. Largest investors are
MedCare Investment and Bank of America.
Tennessean, Feb. 10.
Vanderbilt's Frisse among
experts commenting on incentives and deal-killers
in creating regional health information
exchange; Gov. Bredesen cited as playing
key role as convenor in mid-South, GovHealthIT, Feb. 13.
Urology Associates' COO Samiere
discussed challenges in shifting reimbursement
environment, City Paper, Feb. 8.
HCA relocating regional
claims-processing facility from Goodlettsville to
Hendersonville, Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 8.
Lee Stroupe, project manager,
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, will discuss
improving payer-provider connections and
unifying fragmented claims systems through common
language and service-oriented architecture, during
2006 Semantic Technology Conference
(San Jose, March 6-9). Release Feb. 15.
HCA increases its stake in
Digirad medical-imaging company, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Feb. 14.
Health care sector worth $18.3
Billion, Tennessean, Feb. 15. Related data,
Tennessean, Feb. 15. Nashvhille uniquely
positioned in Health Care? Tennessean, Feb. 15. ECD Commis. Kisber says
Nashville healthcare sector is magnet for creative
business persons, Tennessean, Feb. 15. Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 15.
Eastate's Covenant Health
selects Filekeeper data-protection, PR Leap, Feb. 8.
Robert Goldstein, erstwhile
HealthStreamer, now director of Operations for
Passport Health Comms. CEO Jim
Lackey, a pilot, is among those advocates
for Willliamson County airport, Tennessean, Feb. 7.
Intel, Cisco and Oracle are
promoting use of electronic patient records among
providers serving the companies, San Jose
Mercury News, Jan. 31. Healthways Inc. brand
launched Feb. 1 by former American Healthways
Inc., as step in globalization of the
business, Tennessean, Feb. 1. The
25-year-old firm was founded as American
Healthcorp., and in 1999 became American
Healthways. City Paper, Feb. 1. Nash. Bus.
Journal, Feb. 1.
CIBER enters new phase
of $4 Million IT contract with Centers For
Disease Control; Prevention IT System
supports Public Health
Information. Release here. NIH Small Business
Technology Program grants Cumberland Emerging
Technologies grant for alliance with U.
Miss. on biotech, City Paper, Feb. 1.
MedAssets (Atlanta) acquires
Knoxville Inobis supply-chain data management
firm, creates MedAssets Analytical
Systems. Release Feb. 16.
Update on CTI Molecular following
its absorption by Siemens, Knox. News
Sentinel, Feb. 17.
Protein Discovery opens new lab in
downtown Knoxville, Daily Beacon,
Feb. 16.
U. Ala. creates two new
interdisciplinary research centers at Birmingham,
for glial cell study and for nanomaterials and
biointegration, Birm. Bus. Journal,
Feb. 8.
St. Mary's Medical Center,
Knoxville, adopts McKesson Clinical Performance
Suite, release Feb. 10. Triad signs Perot Systems and McKesson
for Triad-wide IT services and Horizon Clinicals
and revenue cycle software solutions, release Jan. 25.
BCBSTN Shared Health release
supporting Bush Administration innovation
efforts, Feb. 2.
HealthSpring completes
IPO, Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 9. Earlier, Tennessean, Feb. 4.
Luminetx' Jim Phillips explains
philosophy of achievement, Comm. Appeal,
Feb. 9. Luminetx expands Memphis
offices, Memphis Bus. Journal, Feb. 10.
HCA Patient Account Services,
serving 16 HCA institutions in mid-South,
announced Laurie Austin (from an HCA med.
center in Texas) will head medical record coding,
Jason Hill (from Avega Health Sys.) is now
director of quality assurance, Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 5.
Northcrest Med.
Cntr.-Springfield named Kim Huddleston dir.
revenue integrity and interim director of Health
Information Mgmt., Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 5.
Nashville's Thomas Nelson executives will be
on the horn tomorrow in a conference call,
explaining their go-private deal with Intermedia
Partners, a private-equity firm that invests in
media companies. Release
5:30 p.m.) Nashville Capital Network
seminar on "Raising Outside Capital," 5:30 p.m.,
Averbuch Auditorium, Owen GSM, VU. Moderator and
panelists: Marc Fortune, Century II Staffing; and,
Matt Burnstein, Waller Lansden; Cliff Duffey,
Cybera; David Fitzgerald, Richland Ventures; Bobby
Frist, HealthStream; Tom Roady, Bank of America;
John Titus, Boult Cummings. No fee, no advance
registration required. Seating limited. For info,
NTC's Nashville Technology
Innovation Conference, March 15 (BellSouth
Auditorium), has opened for
registration and sponsorship. Speakers include
execs from Intel, EDS, IBM, Vanderbilt School of
Engineering and Utah's UTOPIA broadband
initiative. Details
ramps-up Medical Center tech transfer and
commercialization efforts with Holroyd
appointment as vice chancellor, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Feb.
Dr. Bill Stead's informatics organization may grow
in importance.
Software maker
Momentum Healthcare relocates to Tennessee,
retains Harpeth Capital for next raise,
City Paper, Feb.
Nash. Bus. Journal, Jan.
company American Learning
Solutions (Nashville)
acquires American College of Computer
& Information Sciences and has consolidated
course offerings of ACC&IS and ALS' American
Graduate School under the name American Sentinel
University, Tennessean, Feb.
NashvillePost.com, Feb.
closes, but Verus CEO Roberts still pursuing legal
action of acquirer Sage Group, alleging
underpayment, Tennessean, Feb.
BTS (Indianapolis, Nashville) evolves into larger
provider, retaining the CORE name, after
its acquisition by Convergence Technologies (White
Plains), in deal largely funded by Founders
Equity. CTi has been on the acquisitions trail for
more than a year. Converge release, Feb.
Bio-Mimetic Therapeutics Inc. filed intention to
sell stock, Tennessean, Feb.
Ventures III fund should close in June with up to
$150 million for 15 to 18 companies,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb.
Only a small portion of the new fund is said to be
slated for healthcare IT
firms. Phoenix Partners'
Joyner and Holmes join 2nd Generation
Capital, Tennessean, Feb. 10. New blood
represents 2nd Gen's pursuit of 'true
enterprise' status, through succession planning,
Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 1, Feb.
Business wraps-up Goldleaf Technologies
acquisition for $17.2 Million,
Tennessean, Feb.
Brentwood-based Private Business added John
Schneider to its board, while Howe of investor
Lightyear resigned. Tennessean, Feb.
Related, here. On Feb. 21, PBiz
also announced adding Lawrence Hough of Stewart
Mill Capital to its Board and Audit
QuadraScan Technologies sues Gayle Technologies
over leak-detection patent infringement,
Tennessean, Feb.
Idelaire venture's numbers seem
to be lagging vs plan, but Knoxville
truckstop-connectivity enterprise, which
faces competing technologies and difficult
economics, has attracted funding and about 1,500
individual investors, mostly in E. TN, Knox. News
Sentinel, Feb.
Keim column notes Idleaire venture could be local
boon, but has many 'holding their breaths',
on Kleiner Perkins BioDefense, Pandemic and
clean-energy funds; priorities tied to Federal
initiatives, Wash. Post, Feb.
Biotech's sparse harvest: Genetically
engineered agricultural commodities are slow to
emerge, NY Times, Feb.
Dunlap positions
Nashville's ISDN-Net for
'Triple-Play' Digital
Jerry Dunlap,
Co-Founder, President and CEO of Nashville-based
will probably be found at the center of the action
when the Federation of Internet Service Providers
of the Americas (FISPA) convenes in Nashville, March 2-4.
His influence stems chiefly from
his role as chairman of the
Vendor Relations Committee of FISPA,
which, despite FISPA becoming more
active in public
Dunlap currently sees
as primarily a purchasing
group. As vendor-relations
chairman, Dunlap is overseeing vendor
presentations during the FISPA convention,
here. Dunlap founded ISDN-Net in 1994
and the company is widely
accepted as the "oldest and largest" independent
Internet Service Provider in Tennessee. The firm
is now six years into an aggressive campaign of
diversification of services, acquisition of
smaller providers and – with key technology now
tempered by a three-year development push –
positioning for a larger role in the Triple-Play future
of digital voice, data and entertainment.
ISDN-Net's footprint is far
broader than Dunlap and Co-Founder Ken
Russell imagined in 1994: A year
ago, the company introduced its VonX
suite of voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, after two
years' testing. Less than a year ago, the
firm formalized its IT services
business as Network
Assessment and
Management Services. Those offerings
fleshed-out the ISDN-Net bundle of services,
with emphasis on voice (IP telephony), security, satellite,
connectivity, colocation and
managed services.
Dunlap also sees a
growing role for ISDN-Net's Nashville Regional
Exchange Point (NREP), which he describes as the region's first
carrier-neutral secure-data colocation service,
with facilities atop One American Center.
NREP residents include BellSouth, AT&T Inc., XO Communications, TelCove and Xspedius. ISDN-Net also is
an owner and operator of Digital
Crossing Networks in
Dunlap says
ISDN-Net, which he notes has often itself been
courted for acquisition, is not to his
knowledge currently an acquisition target. In
fact, he says he is looking to add more
companies to the clutch of operations assembled during the past five years within the
ISDN-Net network, including Acelink, MultiPro, Net-Serv,
Access LLC and others.
Dunlap explains
that ISDN-Net emerged from the Dot.com Bust
virtually "unscathed," partly because
"all our competitors went bankrupt." He explains
that that experience, plus a dramatic change in
the telecom regulatory environment, mean that
"while there's been no repeat of the investment
boom of the Nineties, business has been
sufficiently steady to allow ISDN-Net to
diversify, strengthen our margins and prepare for
the big play in voice, data and video, and we
intend to be right in the midst of that."
Dunlap keeps a tight
grip on ISDN-Net's tiller and an eye on
the technology horizon: He's cautiously
rebuilding a workforce that now totals 35 in
Nashville, Cookeville and Dallas. He declined to
provide current customer or revenue
figures. Dunlap has spoken
plainly of his support of FISPA's position
regarding state and local governments'
roles in development of broadband infrastructure
that would support "a self-sustaining market for
wholesale telecommunication services." Dunlap says
he would welcome broadband-improvement initiatives
by the State of
Tennessee and-or Metro
Nashville government,
provided that any government initiatives serve to
encourage development of "carrier-neutral" cyber
roadways, and encourage wholesale or retail
content providers to run new businesses atop those
roadways. Dunlap and his management team are
following state and local developments, closely.
"We believe Metro
Networks are the future,"
says the chief architect of ISDN-Net's ecosystem.
(FISPA headquarters are in Jackson, Tenn. The group originated in Florida and
quickly spread to cover the Southeast, and now has
ambitions. In 2005, FISPA
endorsed the legislative agenda of the Washington Bureau for
ISP Advocacy.)
Prior to
founding ISDN-Net, Dunlap was regularly drafted as
a volunteer in such
projects as an e-learning consortium centered at
Tennessee State University; introducing ISDN
technology to Middle Tennessee State University;
and, as a subcontractor, engineering and designing
the statewide elementary- and secondary-schools
network that gained some national attention as
ConnecTEN. ISDN-Net
also joined Nashville's 1995 CityNet
initiative. Dunlap,
52, is a registered pharmacist, and earned his
B.S. in Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee at
Memphis (1976), having earlier studied at Lipscomb
University. During eighteen years in pharmacy at
Meharry Hubbard Hospital, Dunlap also seized
opportunities to design, adapt, install and
maintain clinical information systems – activity
that proved precursor to his technology
career. He was born and reared in Dickson.
Dunlap, his wife and two sons reside in Bellevue.
Tyler Hall, who was interactive
systems developer for Tricycle and developed and
sold Stephen King website to King's publisher,
joins Sitening as a web developer, Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 19.
Sitening release, Feb. 13. Sitening offers an
interesting blog on web design, SEO,
development, etc. Rivals.com
experiencing leap in webpage views, and company
CTO Gough cites support of RenTech, City
Paper, Profits & Profiles, p. 11., Feb. 8. Lifeway
Christian Resources upgrades software for
management of Vacation Bible Schools, release Feb. 15. Former Lifeway
technology director is now VP-application services
for the insurer, Aflac. Tennessean, Feb. 12. Wayne
Lambert, former Shop At Home CIO, joins
Television as CIO,
release Feb. 13. Garry
Hornbuckle has joined e-learning provider Duthie Associates,
Inc., as program manager. Hornbuckle
previously held senior product-management and
marketing positions with Apple Computer and Sun
Microsystems. Jim Phillips of Pharos Capital Group (Dallas,
Nashville), served as a judge in Venture
Capital Investment Competition for MBA
students, at Vanderbilt
University. Dell, Ingram Micro
among donors supporting e-business supply chain
management program at TN. State
University, City Paper, Feb. 13. Hammock
and WKRN NashvilleIsTalking.com cited in
BusinessWeek review of citizen journalism and
blogging, BusinessWeek, Feb. 20. Sibelius
Software, with a Nashville office, has a "flight
simulator" for musicians, release Feb.
12. EFC Systems signs Bank of
Kentucky, release Jan. 11. EFC
Backgrounder, Feb. 10. iPod
Ecosystem -- accessories represent hundreds of
billions in sales; Franklin, Tenn.-based Griffin
is mentioned, NY Times, Feb.
3. Avondale's Sean Jackson
follows Safenet acquisition of nCipher,
Balt. Sun, Feb.
9. PureSafety adds Bartholomew
of Staffmark to their Board, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Feb. 15. Founders
Harmon and Lewis of Nashville-based Decision
Science Center discuss business
analytics, column, Feb. 10, p. 22, Nash. Bus.
Journal. 'Crossdogs' connects Indie
musicians to gigs, MichNews.com, Feb. 9. BMI
spokesman says technology is greatly improving
ability of BMI to capture royalties,
LongmontFYI, Feb. 17.
growing smarter with automation systems and
wireless technologies, column by
McGonagil, City Paper, Feb.
20. Dawn Gates joined Capitol
Records as director-new media marketing,
overseeing new-media and Internet
initiatives; she was a director of interactive
media development at Word Entertainment,
Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 5. Peter
Cummings, John R. Hall Prof. of Chemical
Engineering, Vanderbilt School of
Engineering, was named Fellow of the
American Physical Society. Cummings' research
focuses on computer-based modeling of chemical,
biological and materials systems, with recent
emphasis on nanoscience and nanotechnology
applications of such systems, Tennessean, 5E, Feb.
5. Nicholas Dugger, founder of TN
Digital Video, was among recipients of a regional
Emmy Award, presented recently in middle
Tennessee, Tennessean, 5E, Feb.
5. Healthcare Management
Systems names Bowman JAVA developer, from
post at Athlon Sports, Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 19. Logic
Media Gp. named Frazier a web developer,
Tennessean, 5E, Feb.
19. ISSA Middle TN Chapter names
board of directors, Tennessean, Feb. 19. Burnette of Gaylord and
Fulford of LBMC are president, vice pres.,
respectively, among others listed from such firms
as Gartner, Ascension, CIGNA, Vanderbilt, NFIB,
Willis and others. Vreeland of
Cumberland Consulting Gp. has been named to Board
of Directors of Consulting SIG of PMI,
Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 19. TVA
transmission engineer Ingram named TVA Engr. of
the Year, Times Free Press, Feb. 18. EAST-WEST
launching 700-person call center in
Chattanooga area, Times Free Press,
21. TechConnect,
aka Oak Ridge Technology Connection, ceased
operations due to lack of capital.
TechConnect had announced it would provide search
and analysis services related to government
R&D initiatives, using software developed for
the military. Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 17, scroll down
here. Gregory Sedrick,
founder and exec. director of New Economy
Institute, as well as a professor of
industrial and information engineering, has moved
the Institute to the UT Space Institute at
Tullahoma. He was at MTSU. Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 5. Alex
Fischer of Oak Ridge NL tech transfer, now adds
Battelle commercialization duties to
portfolio, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb.
11. Knoxville's DPRA Defense
Systems Group is leveraging success with software
for military transportation and
logistical analyses and repurposing for the
private sector, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 20. Eastman
Chemical announces plans to hire 2,000, with
higher minimum-education standards, Knox.
News Sentinel, Feb. 16. First
Tennessee continues layoffs in check-processing
staffing as Check 21-driven technology
automates more tasks, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 2. Commercial Appeal, Feb. 2. Sense
Holdings announces new explosive-detection
chips, release Jan. 24. Company expands
workforce, release Jan.
30. Memphis-based Inventory
Locator Service (ILS) announced that it has
acquired the assets of Internet Business
Applications, Inc. (IBA), including the
intellectual property of its inventory management
software, Aerospace Repairable Management System
(ARMS). ARMS provides tracking of the
maintenance, repair and overhaul process and
inventory management for aviation and defense
industry distributors, suppliers and
manufacturers. In addition, ILS will retain
the services of IBA employees. Release Feb.
2. Birmingham's "Outstanding
Entrepreneurs" listing includes a number of tech
leaders, including one who earlier helped
found ComFrame. Birm. Bus. Journal, Feb. 17.
Chattanooga's Debitek, a card
reader/device manufacturer and stored value
solution provider, has been acquired from
its prior owner Ingenico by Heartland Payment
Systems. Release Feb.
13. Oak Ridge NL's SensorNet
installed in test at Ft. Bragg, NC. UPI
via Science Daily, Feb. 15. Oak
Ridge NL nano-manufacturing processes could
improve manufacturing of computers,
flat-panel displays. Physorg.com, Feb. 15. First
Horizon nearing sale of merchant-processing
business to NOVA (Denver), closure on
NOVA merchant-processing deal, Comm. Appeal, Feb. 1. Tricycle Inc. is the recipient
of the Chattanooga Technology Council's inaugural
Technology Innovation Award, given
as part of the Kruesi Spirit of Innovation event -
attended in 2005 by a record crowd of 1400+. The
2006 Innovation Awards luncheon is April 26. Local
entrepreneur Field offers a personal view on
evolving Chattanooga technology sector, Chattanoogan.com, Jan.
30. LBMC
Technologies/Knoxville has named Stacy C.
Schuettler partner. Schuettler joined
LBMC in January 2005 when the company acquired
Knoxville based IT Solutions. She is the first
LBMC Technologies partner in the Knoxville office.
Also, R. Glenn Sharp II has joined the firm as a
business systems consultant. Knox. News Sentinel,
Feb. 20. http://www3.knoxnews.com/kns/business_journal/article/0,2682,KNS_24796_4468996,00.html
Memphis-based iviation and Advanced Data
Research (ADR), Inc, announced JV to provide
ADR customers with a training,
consulting, sales and financing for electronic
flight bags ( EFB) and related products.
Release Feb. 15. Knoxville
online-auction franchisees believe auctioning is a
wave of the future, Knox. News Sentinel,
Feb. 12. Knoxville Livestock
Auctions go online, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb.
1. Chattanooga benefits from
foreign companies' manufacturing, technology
"in-sourcing" within U.S., Times Free Press, Feb.
6. New technology business park
considered for development close to Oak Ridge
NL, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb.
1. Knoxville's EonStreams in
pact with MediaSpan (NYC) to serve broadcasters
with streaming, release Feb. 2. Related item,
Knox. News Sentinel, Feb.
20. Innovative Processing
Solutions of Chattanooga signs Crusader Staffing
and Impact Logistics, release Feb. 13. Grubb of
Perot Sys. (Knoxville) to president-elect of the
American Society for Engineering
Management. Feb. 20, Knox. News
Sentinel. Memphis Chamber faces
financial difficulties, competition from Memphis
Tomorrow, and pressure to achieve gains
in economic development, particularly in music,
logistics and biotech sectors. Comm. Appeal, Feb. 5. Memphis
Chamber touts Memphis Delivers and other
attributes via industry-specific e-mail
campaigns, Comm. Appeal, Feb.
14. In Memphis, supply-chain IT
provider CTSI celebrates 50th,
Supply&DemandChain Exec., Jan. 31. In
Cleveland (Tenn.), software may help resolve
traffic-flow problems, Times Free Press,
19. Electric utilities
form new EUCG committee for Information
Technology; current EUCG president is
TVA's Saunders, release Feb. 13. Buckman,
pioneer in data-sharing, will receive Entrepreneur
award at U. Memphis in April, Comm.
Appeal, Feb. 12. Gallaher
& Associates Inc., a low voltage technology
systems design and installation company,
named Steven Thomas COO. Thomas spent five years
at ePartners. Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 20. Autodesk
CAD software reseller Hagerman and Co. opens Knox.
office, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 20. RM
Technologies earned Gold Certified status in the
Microsoft Partner Program, for advanced
infrastructure solutions and networking
infrastructure solutions. Knox. News Sentinel, Feb.
20. Knoxville Mayor Ragsdale
employs e-mail newsletter in reelection
bid, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb.
20. Chattanooga map purveyors
cite Internet mapping as a factor in liquidating
map inventory and selling land, Times
Free Press, Feb.
14. Knoxville Trust-management
executive Shelby comments on "The World is
Flat" and the threat to U.S. economy,
Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 12. Alcoa
and Maryville schools will teach Internet
safety, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 15. Shelby
County Schools adopt Edline for 24/7 parental
communications, Comm. Appeal, Feb. 9. GOVERNMENT
Tennessee F&A says $135 Million
IT project for new state payroll system is largest
IT procurement in state history, and
Accenture and Maximus are the bidders, AP via
Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 21. Dialogic
Communications nets Tennessee Homeland Security
district emergency notification contract,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 20. Gov.
Bredesen seeks alternative-fuels strategy for
Tennessee, Nash. Bus. Journal, Feb. 15. Release, Feb. 15. Under
proposed ethics reform, TN legislators would have
votes, expenses and per diem payments posted
online, Tennessean, Feb. 4. Tennessean Columnist
Daughtrey applauds Ethics legislation, notes
Internet may provide access to legislative
dealings, Tennessean, Feb. 5. Metro Gov
RFP for Internet Recruitment and
Applicant-Management (05-98), due March
15; preproposal conference March
2. Master (Person) Tenn.
Index software and implementation RFI 317.03-145, due March
6. Greene County votes emergency
computer expenditures, GreeneCounty
online, Feb.
9. (more) Albion wins
major Human Services IT contract, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Feb. 6. Fuller info, here. TN
Drivers Licensing: FedEx business-process
experts report (pdf) many non-technology
remedies (including test-failure rate and
diverting traffic to the Web), but among 39
recommendations are calls for exploring providing
services via banks' ATMs, providing Internet
access within testing stations and other
self-service channels, conducting customer surveys
via Internet, plus a new centralized call center.
Tennessean, Feb. 17. Voter
databases may not be adequately protected against
election fraud, says Assoc. for Computing
Machinery, NY Times, Feb. 17. ACM release here. Related, ElectionLine.org project
(Pew). Tennessee election officials
race to adopt best voting technologies,
Tennessean, Feb. 20. Knox County election
commission studying new voting technologies, Knox.
News Sentinel, Feb. 2. Related, Feb. 6. Campaign
E-mailing error underscores importance of State
workers not begin engaged in politics, Tennessean editorial, Feb.
2. Metro Parks surveillance
cameras considered, City Paper, Feb. 1. Metro
Government approves use of surveillance cameras,
City Paper, Feb. 8. Nashville
traffic school goes online to cope with volume of
offenders, Tennessean, Feb.
20. Wikipedia had to shut-out
Capitol Hill (D.C.) servers to prevent
congressional staffs' prettifying politicians
wiki-bred bios, Wash. Post, Feb. 4.
Research, Commercialization and
ECD Commissioner
Kisber says Tennessee's
"innovation research" must be strongly
leveraged to create jobs,
citing Vanderbilt research and promising a
new "Innovation Tennessee" initiative for
high-value jobs creation. Jackson Sun, Feb.
ECD Asst. Commis. Mark Drury said this morning
that "Innovation Tennessee" is "the package of
technology initiatives that we've been talking
about," which sprang in part from forums conducted
statewide, to gain input for a report from New
Economy Strategies (D.C.). Drury said he could not
today provide package details or a date for the
release of the tech-centered package, though he
indicated that would occur during 2006.
VU Engineering's Galloway: To remain competitive
and innovative, America should strengthen both
education and research, in line with
President Bush's recent pronouncements,
Tennessean, Feb. 3. Funding
may cease for TSU-based Science, Engineering,
Math and Aeronautics (SEMA) program for K-12
students, City Paper, Feb. 10. Local
funding may be needed to replace federal. TSU
Department of Aeronautical and Industrial
Technology distinguishes Tennessee State, TSU
Meter, Feb. 20. TSU celebrates patent
with Boeing, release Feb. 9. BIOTECH
Education: The sanofi-aventis Southeast
regional " BioGENEius Challenge" is March 4
in Cool Springs Life Sciences Center. The regional
event is organized by the Tennessee Biotechnology
Association ( TBA). Related story, Knox. News
Sentinel, Feb. 18. Rep.
Wamp says Tennessee Valley is poised to leverage
Bush Administration science-technology
initiatives. Times Free Press, Feb. 14. $3 Billion of Bush
Administration's new budget could go to Oak Ridge
Natl. Lab., Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 7. Sen. Alexander column,
Feb. 3, Chattanoogan.com.
Supportive editorial, Tennessean, Feb. 6. Tennessee students need
more Math classes, Tennessean editorial, Feb. 2 and public must be sold
on ed benefits, Feb. 21. Leaders
applaud President Bush's new emphasis on basic
scientific research and education, but
note that Congress' response to speech remarks was
lukewarm, NY Times, Feb. 2. Broder column: Math-,
Science-education initiative may be one of two
opportunities for Bush Administration in its final
three years, Wash. Post, Feb. 2. Commerce
Secretary Gutierrez visited Healthcare Management
Systems as part of his swing to promote
Bush Administration innovation and competiveness
plans, note here. Some
find troubling Tennessee's relatively weak linkage
to Technology economy, Comm. Appeal, Feb. 3. Via UT:
Cyberinfrastructure news site and blog launched as
CTWatch, largely as
result of Dongarra's initiative at Innovative
Computing Laboratory, U. Tenn. News release, Feb. 17. Univ. of
Tennessee to build business incubator, UT
Daily Beacon, Feb.
3. Universities place more
emphasis on high-performance computing;
Oak Ridge NL often a factor, LinuxWorld, Feb. 2. UT-Ga.
Tech supercomputing partnership, Knox. News
Sentinel, Feb. 1 and Feb. 2. Oak Ridge
technology forum brought new understanding of
socioeconomic value of entrepreneurialism
and learning to be 'uncomfortable', Oak Ridger, Feb. 16. Citizens in
technology-discussion forum at Oak Ridge, Knox.
News Sentinel, Feb.
15. Co-Founders Hoffman and
Novak of e-Lab at Owen GSM, Vanderbilt,
were awarded Sheth Foundation/Journal of
Marketing award for research on "Marketing in
Hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environments,"
published in 1996. Related document here. Tennessean, 5E, Feb. 19. Hoffman comments on
Disney's dropping of catalog in favor of online
sales, NY Times, Feb. 20. State's
Virtual School will be housed in Hamilton County
schools facility that will also accommodate IT
expansion; County eligible for more than
$8 million in funding for this purpose. Times Free
Press, Feb. 18. Bellevue
Middle School Principal Duckworth has implemented
technology across the curriculum,
Tennessean, Davidson AM, Feb. 17. Update
on Stratford High School IT Academy, release here. Related story,
City Paper, p. 5, Jan. 10, not on
web. Battle Academy teacher takes
'amazing' ride on NASA C-9 reduced-gravity
flight, reinforces hands-on science and
math lessons, Times Free Press, Feb. 16. Citizens Panel's
evaluation of Metro Nashville Public Schools
finds "aggressive journey" of school improvement
is (p.12 pdf) "in danger of
stalling," Tennessean, Feb. 2.
Roundtable March 2 - "Web Content Management," HCA
auditorium, 4 p.m. registration, program
4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. Panelists and Presenters: Chris
Pair, HCA; Lisa Green, The Tennessean; Nicholas
Holland, Centresource; Chris Jones, Mid. Tenn.
Electric Mem. Corp.; Jim Parker, Vanderbilt
University; moderator Milt Capps, MCC/NONT. Register here.
BusinessTN magazine is now
accepting nominations for the 2006 Fast 50
recognition program. Fax nominations form to (615)
Colleges of Engineering and Business Admin. will
on March 2 conduct a seminar on Innovation through
Integration: Creating sustainable
competitive advantage by linking business and
engineering. Details here.
succeeds Negroponte as leader of MIT Media Lab,
says youthful consumers will lead technology
innovation from the bottom-up, NY Times,
Feb. 20. Twentysomethings arise
again as key to Dot.com innovation, SJ Mercury
News Silicon Valley.com, Feb. 12.
Free Enterprise Fund and allies alleged
Sarbanes-Oxley un-Constitutional and due
revision, Knox. News Sentinel, Feb. 8.
Related document (pdf).
Click here for the Virtual
Weatherman on Knoxville News Sentinel
site. Before you click, move cursor in
small circles around his face.
outsourcing to India growing 30 percent yearly,
that nation's industry is addressing an 'incipient
skills shortage', NY Times, Feb. 17.
alternative to the PDA: The Moleskine notebooks are hot,
hot. Wash. Post, Feb.
(CONTINUING) Engineers Week, national and
state. Vanderbilt
E-Week Calendar.
(Feb. 22) Nashville Capital
Network educational event on raising outside
capital. See Ventures, above.
* (Feb. 22)
E. TN Tech Council, 11:30 a.m., Tech2020, Nell
Walton, Pres., Cyrene Technologies,
provides overview of states' security-breach
notification laws and uniform data protection
legislation before Congress, followed by panel
discussion with execs from Covenant Health, Home
Federal Bank of East Tennessee, others. More info
(865) 220-2020.
(Feb. 22-23)
4th National Medical Banking Institute in
Nashville. Details
(Feb. 23) Intro to Web
technologies for user assistance, Mid-TN
chapter Soc. for Technical Communications,
* (Feb. 28) WiTTN IT Infrastructure
Library program on IT service-management
framework, LBMC headquarters. Details
here. Related
(March 1-2) Leadership Health Care
delegation to Washington, D.C. Details
(March 2) NTC Tech
Roundtable, program: Content Management
Systems, HCA Auditorium, Chris Pair, HCA; Jim
Parker, Vanderbilt; Nicholas Holland,
Centresource; Lisa Green, Tennessean; Milt Capps,
MCC/NONT. Details
* (March 2) Angelbeat seminar on
security, wireless, VoIP, data center, IT
infrastructure. Willis Conf. Cntr.
(March 6-9)
Major Software Engineering process
at Nashville, via Carnegie
Mellon Software
Engineering Institute.
(March 7) TN
Soc. of Professional Engineers Day on Capitol Hill
(Legislative), Details
* (March 7) Business
Communications and Technology Seminar,
Austin Peay State University and Clarksville
Chamber, details here. *
(March 9) AITP Nashville - Mike Gonce, Eastman
Chem. Co., Details here.
(March 15) 2nd Annual NTC
Technology Innovation Conference, IBM,
Intel, EDS, Vanderbilt, UTOPIA execs. BellSouth
Auditorium. Details
16) Manufacturing Excellence Conference
at MTSU, March 16, 2006. For info, write
(March 18)
State MATHCOUNTS Competition.
TN Soc. of Professional
Engineers. Jack Wood
Hall, Adventure Sci. Center. Local
(March 19-22) HDI Annual
Conference in Nashville for help-desk
professionals, here.
(April 3-4) "Security Risk
Assessment, Mitigation Seminar," by VU
Civil and Environmental Engineering and the
International Association of Professional Security
Consultants. For Security, IT security, Risk
managers, others. Details
here (pdf).
* (April 13)
AITP Nashville - OnDemand Middleware, Hector
Hernandez, IBM. Details here.
* (April 18) Leadership Music,
Belmont University, with support of Nashville
Technology Council and other marketing
Sponsors, are holding their 2nd Annual Digital
Music Summit, details here. NTC Members are
among those receiving discounted
(April 27-28)
PMI Nashville Spring Project Management
Symposium, with PDUs. Details here.
(May 2) Tennessee Digital
Government Summit. Details
(May 3-5) HIMSS
2nd Annual NHIT
Summit, HiMSS TN
Chapter, Nashville.
(May 16) Tour - Comcast facility,
Society of Manufacturing Engineerings SME
Nashville, details
(May 17) 6th Annual Technology!
Nashville conference. Hilton Suites
Downtown. Details write
Sustaining Sponsors:
Caterpillar Financial Emdeon
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MccIntel Reports are published by
Milt Capps Communications 211 Commerce Street, Suite
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