begins rapidly, with a half-dozen events scheduled
in January, including a special NTC Tech
Roundtable on Blogging for Business, calendar
CONNECTIONS: Tate is confirmed
for FCC... Metro Telecom Task Force resumes
work... BellSouth adds VoIP
alliance, links with
satellite, announces layoffs... and More...
HEALTHCARE: American Healthways
may leave Davidson County...
Transcend-Xtensia... St. Thomas parent CEO
predicts billions for IT... eTransX and
LBMC in alliance... Technology Access for
those with disabilities... Correct Care retains
BCA... HMS revenue leaps... Perot checks into
Nashville General... Spheris/Vianetta... Virtual
Doc's office... ReDoc... Centerstone... Sy.Med,
and More...
VENTURES: Black Box makes
second local acquisition... Asurion
completes Lock/line DST merger... Luminetx
eyes Security play... VU ventures resources...
Valley VC... Idleaire... Indie artists...
Harpeth Capital's merger... iPayment...
Private Business... Online retailers...
ClientLogic and Viisage complete transactions...
Harbert plans investor
site... More....
PARTNERS: Cumberland
Consulting, Xebec IT, Symbility, Centresource,
East Academy and FRA, Equinox IS, Stored
Value, Symphony Center gets IP... and More...
TVA, DOE, Qatalyst,
Remotec — Plus, new leaders at
Nashville, Chattanooga and NE TN technology
councils... First Tennessee phishing
incident ... other items from around
state. More...
GOVERNMENT: Agency's proposed
Software tax meets Tennessee business
resistance... Legislative Plaza goes
wireless... Tellenium wins contract in do-over...
to CIA's In-Q-Tel... First Data of Colo.
wins 511 Travel Phone RFP competition... Metro Gov
IT fees... Smart Data win... State ITPRO contracts
to be let to three bidders... New RFPs/RFI
and More...
Key elected officials
are pressing for improved R&D, and more
aggressive education for Math, Science,
Engineering... Tennessee's highly regarded
Comptroller make a radical proposal for funding
public education... and More.
multi-university contract for IT... Push
intensifies for Tech Corridor in E.TN....
State ranks well in In-Sourcing... NASA grant...
IP commercialization... cyber-charter schools
... More...
RESOURCES: E-commerce and Internet
IT Jobs growth, Wikipedia and Seig...
Musicians vs Napster... Security, and More...
TN Regulatory Authority's Debi
Tate, former aide to Governors Alexander and
Sundquist, has been confirmed as FCC
commissioner, Tennessean, Dec.
23. FCC's Martin on
key issues, Washington Post, Dec.
23. Martin advocates
broadband access for everyone, sees promise in
Broadband over Power Lines, Modesto Bee, Dec.
22. Tate
declined to offer
specifics during confirmation hearing,
Tennessean, Dec.
14. More Net
taxes proposed by FCC chair, CNet
News, Dec.
Metro Council Telecommunications
Innovation Task Force next meets Jan. 9,
2006, 1:30 p.m., Metro Courthouse, 225
Polk Ave. Related: America's municipal
broadband map, CNet News here.
BellSouth CTO Bill
Smith again among those
advocating varying charges for web
performance, Cox News
via Tennessean, Dec. 13, not on web.
Near-identical story, Baltimore Sun, Dec. 13,
here. Related story, Wash.
Post, Dec. 15.
BellSouth and 8X8 team to offer
residential VoIP, CNet, Dec. 9. Comcast rolls-out VoIP in DC market,
Wash. Post, Dec.
10. BellSouth
adds SES Satellite service to its IP mix, CNET, Jan. 4.
to Digital TV seems likely by February 2009,
as analog licenses are surrendered for
wireless and broadband applications, NY
Times, Dec.
20. Industry praises
Senate, House action on DTV conversion, but
consumer group complains about cost, NY Times,
22. Tennessean editorial
cautions DTV shift must not deprive anyone of
access to free television, Jan. 2.
Verizon launches
BroadbandAccess and V CAST wireless services in
Memphis, release Dec. 12. Memphis Bus.
Journal, Dec. 16. Investors may be
growing restless paying premium for Verizon, NY
Times, Dec. 28.
Knoxville-based Home&Garden TV
(HGTV, Scripps) launches one of five broadband
channels, AP via Knox. News Sentinel, Dec. 16.
Congressional Telecom rewrite will
take a fresh look at broadband, CNET
News, Dec. 19. Related BellSouth
statement, Dec. 16.
BellSouth to cut 1,500 management
jobs, citing competition from cable
providers, AP via Tennessean, p. 2E, Dec.
16, not on web. Same story, Charlotte Observer. Release Dec. 15 here.
Cable TV operators may be forced to
serve-up programming by the channel, rather than
by the package, Tennessean editorial,
17. Comcast Corp. will
offer family package. Tennessean, 1A, Dec.
23. Related FCC Statement,
eTransX alliance with LBMC eHealth,
in the Spotlight feature on eTransX Founder P.
Mohan, below.
Correct Care
Solutions, serving Metro
Corrections, has retained Business Computer
Applications to
implement CCS' PEARL EMR
system, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Dec. 30,p. 12, not on web.
Healthways reportedly leaving Davidson County for
Williamson, if tax abatement approved,
Tennessean, Dec. 23.
American Healthways, Inc. announced appointment of
Robert L. Chaput to EVP and CIO,
Release Dec. 15. Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec. 15.
Healthcare Management Services
(HMS) revenues leap $41 million under Stephenson’s
leadership, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 4, Dec.
16. HMS adds technical
systems engineers, app support analyst, scroll
down here, Tennessean, Dec.
Health-information exchange grant
awarded Tennessee by Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation, Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec.
14. Release, Dec.
Ascension Health CEO Tersigni
projects St. Thomas - Baptist parent company will
spend $2 Billion on IT
in EMR era, but forecasts no assured ROI and notes
industry's IT-implementation record isn't perfect,
adding technology primarily enables provider to
fulfill its calling, Tennessean, Dec.
Nashville's General Hospital hires
Perot Systems to collective accounts
receivable, aggressively, City
Paper, Dec. 23. Perot
Lanterns in
windows of Caterpillar Financial Services
Building reflect growing support
among groups and individuals helping the
Technology Access
Center of
Middle Tennessee provide assistive
technology to individuals with disabilities,
Tennessean, Dec.
Avega Health
Systems, which says
it has an office in
Nashville, lands
Minneapolis' Fairview Health Services and Tucson's
TMC Health as customers for decision-support
system, enterprise reporting and related.
Spheris (Franklin) buys Vianeta
Communications, and will enhance and service
Vianeta software for medical community,
Tennessean, 3E, Dec. 20, not on web. Nash. Bus.
Journal, Dec.
19. Release, Dec.
Leadership Health Care's
addressing "virtual doctor's office"
project that would
use telemedicine to provide cost-effective triage
at night's and on weekends; Humana Chief
Innovation Officer urges providers to give
consumers 'a fair shake'. Tennessean, Dec.
Transcend Inc., revenue-cycle
management firm, buys contracts, hires employees
from Xtensia, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 1,
Dec. 9.
Gerry Stone’s ReDoc Rehab
Documentation alleviates
clinics’ redundant data entry through
automation, Nash.
Bus. Journal, p. 5, Dec. 9, not on web.
(more) Osborn, Gallivan discuss
formation of Health Care Solutions Group,
Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 30., Dec.
Guth of Centerstone says Healthcare
IT will play growing role in treatment of mental
disorders, p. 31, Nash. Bus. Journal,
Dec. 9.
Sides of Crosslin Vaden emphasizes
documentation systems in medical, healthcare
accounting, p. 34, Nash. Bus. Journal,
Dec. 9.
Pres./CEO Warren of CIMplify
stresses urgency of meticulous planning in move to
Electronic Medical Records, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Dec. 9.
Sy.Med promotes Casalone to VP for
client resources,
Tennessean, Dec.
signs manufacturing agreement for VeinViewer with
Plexo (Wisc.) for initial manufacturing
in Chicago, Memphis Bus. Journal, Dec.
Release, Dec.
9. See
related story in Ventures, below.
Memphis biotech 7th least
costly, Memphis Bus. Journ.,
Alabama biotech update, Dec.
23. Memphis will need more
than low costs in the Biotech War for
ventures, Comm. Appeal, Dec.
Memphis law offices adding
attorneys specializing in biotech, recognizing IT
aspects, Memphis Bus. Journal,
Black Box acquires Converged
Solutions Group, itself the result of Brian Jones'
purchase of Expanets from Avaya, City
Paper, Dec. 27. Nash. Bus.
Journal, Dec.
27. Release, Dec.
23. Black Box has offices
in Nashville, Murfreesboro and Johnson City.
LBMC Technology sees
continued rapid growth, increased coherence in
organization, Nash. Bus. Journal,
23. LBMC Technologies is
among 2005 Top Pacesetters in U.S. in ranking by
Accounting Technology and sister pubs, Tennessean,
iPayment accepts Daily bid,
essentially putting company into private
hands, with financing boost from Bank of
America, Tennessean, Dec.
28. Nash. Bus. Journal,
28. Daily announces
Grimstad joined offer to buy-out the
payment-processor,Tennessean, Dec.
Phillips, Pres/CEO/Chair
of Luminetx Corp. says Snowflake application will
apply VeinViewer
technology to security screening, Comm. Appeal,
Jan. 1. See related story
in Healthcare, above.
Business' leadership and product maturity will be
watched in '06, after 52 percent
stock-price downturn, Tennessean, Jan. 1. Private Business and Captiva say they've
completed their merger, release Dec.
Asurion completes
merger with Lock/Line (DST), Nash. Bus.
Journal, Jan.
Release, Jan.
Revenue now predicted at $1 billion, City Paper,
Jan. 4. Earlier coverage: DST
provides extended warranties for telecom carriers.
Oct.27. Nash. Bus. Journal, Oct.
Related, City Paper, Oct.
Nashville-based Documentary Channel
debuts on Nashville Public Television NPT2 digital
space, City
Paper, Dec. 30. Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec.
29. Release re Jan. 1 launch. Related item,
Tennessean, Jan. 4, scroll down.
Startups: Mildred Walters,
exec. dir., Nashville Business Incubation
Center said
yesterday that 33 finalists have been identified
in the Center's Business Plan competition.
Next, finalists attend FastTrac
classes this month on development of business
Terrablogs, spawned
by CEO of Chattanooga's Coptix, spawns 700
blogs for those in search of
community, Times Free
Press, Jan. 1.
Online nostalgia?
Tennessee's oldest business - St.
John Milling Co. - will introduce computers and
sell products online, Kingsport Times
News, Dec.
29. Tennessean, Dec.
30, 1E. First
website due by end of
January. Mast
General Store, based in
NC, opens Knoxville shop, Knox. News Sentinel,
Jan. 1.
Harpeth Capital, West End Capital
merge; Stevens retains CEO job, Byrge named
President of firm doing business as
Harpeth Capital, Tennessean, 3E, Dec. 20, not on
web. Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec.
16. Release, Dec.
Harbert Management Corp. says it'll launch
investor center, later this month.
Vanderbilt Ventures: VU
Office of Technology Transfer and Enterprise
Development, Mission here. Investment criteria, here. McKinney comments on IP management,
licensing, venture funding mission, here. VU science and research news update,
here. Summer 05 update on VU biomedical
commercialization efforts, here.
Synchronics (Memphis), which
develops software for retailers, is being acquired
by Radiant Systems (Alpharetta). Comm.
Appeal, Dec.
23 and Dec.
Viisage completes Integrated
Biometrics purchase, City
Paper, Dec. 20., Dec.
(more) ClientLogic sells
list-management and insert media unit to
Mandel, Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec. 8.
Battelle-affiliated Innovation
Valley Partners, a $35 million venture fund, is
participating in $4.65 Million Series B
financing of Multispectral Imaging
(infrared-imaging), an Oak Ridge NL licensee.
Ridger, Jan.
Beegle's Ten Million Dollar Indie
Billboard announced website to promote
Indie artists by selling 1 million pixels
of internet ad space. Release, Dec. 29.
Related, City Paper, Jan. 4, not on web.
Idleaire finalized capital deal for
$320 Million, via debt and stock, Knox.
News Sentinel, Jan. 4.
leads Nashville enterprise integrator eTransX,
teams with LBMC eHealth for new real-time BI
Shortly after
his birth on this date, 46 years ago in India, the
single name Mohan was bestowed
upon the man who is now the
founder, chief architect and consulting principal
of Brentwood-based eTransX, Inc.
clients have thus
far included Duke Energy, U.S. Army,
NASA, Exxon Mobil, IMB, Sara Lee Corp., Accenture,
Quorum Health
Resources, U.S. Department of Transportation,
Dalcon Technologies, and numerous others. eTransX
has offices in Brentwood, Huntsville, Houston
and Boston.
Mohan says his
six-year-old system- and application-integration
firm has grown to 22 full-time employees,
with annualized revenues exceeding $1.5 million.
Mohan says the firm has yet to offshore any IT
work, primarily because he
believes the actual costs of 24x7 operation are
disproportionate to the benefit for his firm and
its clientele.
Mohan describes
eTransX as providing "comprehensive
solutions and professional services
related to information technology, with a focus on Enterprise
Application Integration (EAI) and Business
Intelligence (BI) dash-boarding technologies." At the heart of eTransX
offerings is eTXIntegrator, an
EAI technology that enables companies to
"leverage existing information
infrastructure to facilitate Real Time Entertprise
initiatives." eTransX's technology suite
also includes products that build upon
eTXIntegrator: eTXHL7 (Health
Level 7 messaging for healthcare industries);
and, eTXIntel
(Business Intelligence and data-boarding
Mohan says a new revenue-cycle
management solution for hospitals, based
on eTXIntel and eTXIntegrator technology, will be
central to a new offering that will soon be
announced in partnership with LBMC
eHealthSolutions, which
is led
by President Tom Tarver.
Prior to founding
eTransX, Mohan worked in the Franklin
office of San Francisco-based URS Corporation
(known as one of the largest global engineering
firms, particularly in environmental and
transportation fields) as vice president and
senior project manager, leading an array of
engineering and systems-development projects for
industrial and commercial customers. Earlier
still, he rose to vice president with the Baton
Rouge branch of Woodward-Clyde Consultants. There,
his many achievements included designing and
developing an Internet-based data-services system
for Healthcare Financial Administration (HCFA)
Hospital Cost Reports, as well as numerous
environmentally oriented IT projects. He
previously served Louisiana State University as
computer programmer, research assistant and
administrative and system analyst.
Mohan earned his B.S. in chemical
engineering at the University of Madras
Regional Engineering College, generally regarded
as second in prestige only to the Indian Institute
of Technology. He subsequently was awarded a full
scholarship by University of Windsor (Canada),
enabling him to earn his M.Sc. in Chemical
Engineering. He then earned his M.S. Computer
Science at Louisiana State University. He is a
certified Siebel 2000 Business Analyst and Core
Consultant; an IBM e-business solution designer;
and a Professional Engineer (PE), among other
credits. Mohan and his wife have two sons
and reside in Brentwood. Though his given name of
Mohan is complete in itself, he explains that in
keeping with Indian custom, he adopted the first
letter of his father's name, Perumal, making his
full name P. Mohan, for official purposes. Mohan
has lived more than half his life in the U.S. and
Canada. After successively holding a Student Visa
(F1), a Work Permit (H1-B), and a Green Card (GC),
Mohan became a U.S. citizen in 1999.
BMI named Scott Andrews
(at left) director-business development
for new media licensing, having previously
directed Internet licensing for BMI, Tennessean,
18 (scroll down) and
Gibson Guitar adds wireless feature to Wurlitzer
Digital Jukebox,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Jan.
Related story, 2/05, here.
Cumberland Consulting Group
(Franklin) adds Fareed Naeem as
principal, from BlueStone LLC (Chicago),
Tennessean, Dec.
Carter, IT chief for FedEx, is integral
participant in FedEx strategic planning,
Comm. Appeal, Dec. 9. Related Information
Week cover story.
Michael Galo, formerly in business
development for Northpoint Software & Services' Nashville
presence, has joined XebecIT as
Director-IT Services. Release
Schermerhorn Symphony Center will
have IP communications, provided by
Southeast Telecom Inc., City Paper Profits &
Profiles page 8, Dec. 14, not on web. News
Release, Nov.
technology enhancements will enable multi-campus
education, with ISDN-Net providing
IT and network services, Tennessean Davidson A.M.,
Franklin Road Academy adopts Meru
Wireless via Nashville's Converged
Solutions Group, release Nov. 14.
DigiScript Inc. retained Avankia LLC to implement CRM software; Avankia
provided workflow,
business-process optimization, data-customization
and related administrative services for
Nashville's Griffin announces more
iPod products, Dec. 9 release.
named client-services support group manager in IT
services unit of Baker Donelson,
Tennessean, Jan.
Memphis Daily News, Jan. 4.
Technology Group (formerly Protemp), based in
Knoxville, names Asbury VP-sales and
strategy, Tennessean, Jan. 1.
Developware (Louisville-based
asp for project management) staffing announcement
suggests push into mid-TN, Tennessean,
Dec. 25, scroll to end here.
Dialogic Communications Corp.
announces annual grants winners in
Calif., Ore., release Dec. 7.
Stored Value Systems (Comdata,
Brentwood) announces gift-card deal with
Hyatt Hotels, release Dec. 21.
Nashville's Frugal Reader Founder
Gene McCabe continues to refine offerings,
forms Advisory Board, pushes member recruitment,
expanded catalog, on trek toward sustainable
Brentwood-based Information Impact International's
Larry English received Distinguished
Alumni Award from Hardin-Simmons University,
Abilene. He is cofounder of the Intl. Assn. for
Information and Data Quality, Tennessean, Dec. 18.
Symbility Solutions (sub.,
Automated Benefits) named Mike Lees VP-Sales in
Nashville, Tennessean, Dec. 18. Symbility develops
mobile claims systems for the insurance sector.
Nashville's touring musicians are
signing with Tampa's RoadBeetle for management
software, Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec. 13.
Equinox IS lands Startec business
for telecom software applications,
Memphis Bus. Journal, Dec. 14.
(more) Private Business completes
Captiva acquisition, Memphis Bus.
Journal, Dec. 14. PBiz' new CEO Lynn
Boggs has joined its Board, while President/COO
Baroco and Sturm resigned from Board, Tennessean,
Dec. 15, scroll down here.
Multi-Media Solutions (Alcoa and
Brentwood) announced CEO Mike White has
joined the InfoComm International Board of
Governors, release Dec. 14. retains CentreSource to help with
online presence for market for short-term
temporary employment, Nash. Bus. Journal,
p. 2, Dec. 9, not on web.
P&G is getting into
music-download business by using Passalong
Network's p2pRevolution technology, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Dec. 8.
Web wins Web
Marketing Association Best Legal Website
WebAward for firm with Nashville office,
Tennessean, scroll down Dec. 11.
Jan. 1, 2006, as previously announced, Jeff
Costantine began serving in an interim basis as
President of Nashville Technology
Council, serving middle Tennessee, Dec. 5
Chattanooga Technology Council
appoints Novobilski new president, Times Free Press, Dec. 22.
Novobilski is head of CS/EE at UT-Chatta.
NE Tenn. Tech. Council now led by
Executive Director Debbie Boggs,
Kingsport Times-News, Jan. 1.
West Virginia
mine rescue team used Remotec (Clinton, TN) robot
in failed effort, WVLT TV, Jan. 3.
Insurance (Chattanooga) adopts California firms'
technologies: Steel Card and Guidewire's
ClaimsCenter, Insurance
Networking, Jan. 1,
Knoxville News
Sentinel to launch Knoxville Business Online,
around Jan. 17. Knox. News Sentinel,
Louisville's adding
Irvine data center, Louisville Bus.
Journal, Dec.
Munger takes DOE to task for delaying announcement
of Oak Ridge NL IT outsourcing contract
recently held by SAIC, and for treatment of
long-time IT workers, Knox. News Sentinel,
TVA touts
economic-development, industry-recruitment
efforts, Times Free Press, Dec.
Most Vought
Aircraft Industries jobs will stay in Davidson
County, Tennessean, Dec.
20. City Paper, Dec.
Gayle Technologies and Quadrascan compete to
provide soundwave technologies that help
automakers spot air, water leaks, Tennessean,
Qatalyst puts
Logistics Information Systems distribution unit in
Memphis, to support computer
configuration for large customers like HP, Memphis
Bus. Journal, Dec.
First Tennessee
phishing incident prompts review of the scam
within Memphis area, Comm. Appeal,
Owner of
ITNiche in Memphis is among entrepreneurs
launching web portals to serve Asian
Indian communities in major metro areas,
Comm. Appeal, Dec.
Arxceo Corp. will license its network-protection
technology to California-based
Shotspotter, for military applications,
Birm. Bus. Journal, Dec.
New Directions
Academy in Charlotte (Dickson Cty.) received a
$100,000 state grant for advanced online
courses and has been selected as a beta testing
pilot for online curriculum, through TN's e4TN
program, Robertson County Times, Dec.
Knoxville website helps you navigage automated
phone trees, WATE 6, Dec.
Software Earnings hopes Check21 legislation will
help firm expand check-imaging technology
into smaller banks, Memphis Bus. Journal,
Dec. 9.
The board of
directors of Eastman Chemical elected as director
Howard Lance, chairman of the
board, president and CEO of Harris Corp.,,
Dec. 9.
Business executives express
concerns about costs of proposed Tennessee
personal-property tax on business
software, Times
Free Press, Dec.
25. The TN
Board of Tax Equalization
has scheduled a public Notice of Rulemaking
hearing on the matter for Jan.
23, 10:30 a.m. CST (17th Flr. conf. rm.,
Polk State Ofc. Bldg, Deaderick St.). No prior
registration is required to speak, although
persons with disability are asked to call ahead
for assistance. The Board’s Executive Secretary
Kelsie Jones said yesterday that he
anticipates estimates of revenue associated with
the proposed change will be produced by Board
staff between now and the hearing; and, he
believes the hearing will attract representatives
of corporations doing business in various states.
Jones said he believes the issue arose from the
Board Division of Property Assessment identifying
inconsistencies among Tennessee counties that make
distinctions between operational and application
software. The Division of Property Assessment
recommended that a distinction between the two
classes of software no longer be made, and this
led to this month’s scheduled hearing. Jones said
tax rules relevant to this matter have been
in-place since 1988.
Former DHS Cyberchief Amit Yoran
becomes CEO of CIA-linked In-Q-Tel venture-capital
firm, Wash. Post, Jan. 4.
Plaza: Wireless Internet access,
multimedia presentations systems among
improvements nearing completion, AP via
Tennessean, Dec.
29, p. 4B.
The First Annual Geospatial
Integration for Public Safety Conference will be
April 10-12 in Nashville. Jointly
sponsored by URISA, NENA, for
911 professionals, GIS professionals, addressing
coordinators, incident management and emergency
response specialists, addressing mapping in public
safety and emergency management.
Tennessee Retirement System and
state Education trusts seek IT sector's
input on proposed Trade Order Management
System, RFI
309-.01-081. Comments are
sought by Jan. 20.
State ITPRO bid
evaluations: The State advised Dec. 16 that
CIBER, Majestic Systems and KBM
Enterprises were "the best apparent
evaluated proposers," in response to RFP
317.03-127, which had been
issued Oct. 25.
delay on RFP 403.85-002, TDOT is
finalizing terms of 511 Travel Phone
Service contract with Colorado-based
Data Corporation
Government Solutions Group; Related story, City
Paper, Jan.
After a State RFP failed to attract
any bidders, Tellenium Group (Mt. Washington, KY)
has been awarded the State's TNII Network
Consulting Services (RFP
317.03-129), worth more
than $390K over two years, addressing support of
"sunset" SNA technology. The non-RFP award was
made through "competitive negotiation" among nine
IT providers identified by the State, in the
interest of having a firm inplace prior to end of
current contract. Eventually, there'll be an RFP
to replace this network.
TBI request for electronic
fingerprinting services, proposals due Jan.
19 for RFP
RFP 325.05-003
Re-Release: Computer Services for Regulatory
Services Division
Programs, due Jan. 27.
For Metro Schools, Metro Government
seeks E-rate eligible Wireless Services,
proposals for RFP
05-131 are due Jan.
Responses to Metro Government's
Chancery Court Case Management System
05-82) are due Feb. 1.
Smart Data Strategies will handle Williamson
County conversion to Manatron GIS
property-appraisal mapping software, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Dec. 15.
Cleveland, Tenn., prepares to
implement Intelligent Transportation
System, Times Free Press, Jan. 1.
State launches online database tracking
Methamphetamine offenders, Times Free Press, Dec. 31.
Metro/Nashville Government again
in top rankings for e-Government, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Dec.
TDOT launches web-based SmartWay mapping system showing
real-time road conditions, Tennessean, Dec. 23.
U.S. Homeland Security is preparing
to distribute GIS information-sharing software and
other commercial IT tools to local
jurisdictions, Govt. Computer News, Dec. 12. Homeland Security background paper.
Nature and level of Metro
Government internal fees for IT services among
those reportedly questioned by some Metro
agencies; Council Member McClendon says many Metro
officials are reluctant to speak publicly about
their complaints, Green Hills News, p. 3, Dec. 22,
not on web.
Knoxville Utilities Board licenses
Emergis (Montreal) electronic-payment
patent, release Dec. 22.
County Election Commis. opts for Diebold over
Electronic Systems for e-Voting, Comm.
Appeal, Jan. 4.
Wireless SCRAM monitoring
system worn on ankle
transmits alerts for Davidson County
Criminal Courts when alcohol offenders stray,
Tennessean, Dec. 17.
Unsealed documents detail recovery
of Ganier e-mails in case involving Education
Networks of America and Sundquist
administration, AP via Tennessean, Dec. 16.
Law enforcement efforts to track
individuals via their cell-phone whereabouts comes
under increasing court scrutiny, NY
Times, Dec. 10.
Bredesen says Tennessee cattle
should be tracked at more than 5,000 TN
locations, and Ag Dept. will begin
tagging individual animals, in '06. AP via
Tennessean, 2B. Dec. 9.
How State IT purchasing power can
fuel rural economic development (Va. coal
country), Wash. Post, Jan. 2.
pushes Math, Science education, diversity of
thought on campus, Tennessean,
10. Sen. Alexander makes case for technology
investment during Bush Administration's final
three years, Times Free Press, Dec.
16., Dec.
15. David Broder column on Alexander
initiative,, Dc. 19. Sen. Alexander says in New Year
he'll push legislation to strengthen American
brainpower and lower energy costs, improve
science, math and engineering education, Times
Free Press, Dec.
24. Sens.
Alexander and Bingaman met with President Bush,
Dec. 15, release here.
Rep. Gordon (TN's 6th Congressional District)
reviews legislative iniatives responding to
National Academy of Sciences report
(click report cover at right), and
addressing education (including AP and IB);
doubling funding for the nation's basic
scientific, mathematical and engineering research;
and, new energy technologies, Tennessean, 7A, Jan. 2. Related Gordon release,
Dec. 9.
Morgan offers
radical idea: Fund Tennessee's public
education with solely State budget
dollars, City Paper,
20. Morgan says Tennessee education will
never catch up with leading states, otherwise.
City Paper editorial supports Morgan proposal for
State funding of K-12, City Paper, Dec.
22. Tennessean editorial supports
debate of Morgan proposal, Jan.
Relate analysis, Commercial Appeal,
28. Related, AP via Tennessean, 2B, Dec.
29. E. TN officials wary of Morgan proposal,
Kingsport Times News, Dec.
Governor's Schools in
Tennessee are adjusting to Gov. Bredesen's
insistence on "hard science" and college
credits for summer efforts, Tennessean, Dec.
Editorial applauds raising expectations for
Governor's Schools, Tennessean, Jan.
must take steps to improve lagging ACT scores, so
more students make it into colleges and
competitive jobs; math, science education are seen
as the culprits, Tennessean, Opinion,
SMART (pushed by Sen. Frist) and Competitiveness
grants provide additional scholarship
funding for Pell-eligible students studying math,
science, engineering, technology, key foreign
languages, Tennessean, Dec. 22, scroll
Nashville conferees urge
higher education to do more to produce workers who
can compete globally, Times Free Press,
Chattanooga, American Electronics Association
President Archey rebukes U.S. policymakers for
choking-off supply of Green Cards for
students from other nations to pursue advanced
studies here; fears further weakening of U.S.
competitivenss in reaction to 9/11, Times Free
Press, Dec.
new Teach Tennessee program to equip non-teaching
professionals for the classroom is
helping the state meet the high demand for math
and science teachers, City Paper,
Area Chamber President Mike Neal says innovation,
entrepreneurship, education/workforce and
infrastructure will get a stronger push in
Partnership 2010 five-year plan to be unveiled in
January, Tennessean, 1E, Dec.
Nashville is
highlighted by Next Generation Consulting,
evaluator of "cool communities," here. Related white paper, here. Earlier press release on
Nashville work, here. Related,
Young Professionals.
re Fordham Foundation report on Tennessee
science-education improvement, by Clif
Cleaveland, a President Emeritus of the American
College of Physicians. Times Free Press,
Research, Commercialization and Universities
Google, Microsoft and Sun
Microsystems toss in $7.5 million to help fund
U. California
center for basic research to create
more reliable, adaptive, distribute computing
systems, NY Times, Dec. 15. San Jose Mercury News,
Dec. 15. Of interest:
Vanderbilt University School of Engineering
Distributed Object Computing (DOC) Group for
Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems, here.
SunGard SCT
gets the assignment: 19 TN Colleges pool $50
million to upgrade antiquated technology,
City Paper, Dec.
29. CIOs from TBR, MTSU,
Vol State among sources cited.
MS/MBA program officials say $600K NSF grant will
advance efforts to create a "Silicon
Valley"-type high-tech business corridor,
by strengthening entrepreneurial focus of
tech-oriented studies, Oak
Ridger, Dec.
Knox. Metro. Planning agency
begins review of Technology Corridor overlay that
could eventually link Innovation Valley
from Oak Ridge NL to the Knoxville airport, Knox.
News Sentinel, scroll down
here, Dec. 12.
Tennessee 16th
among states in number of in-sourcing jobs with
subsidiaries of international companies,
Memphis Bus. Journal, Dec.
inventors from Y-12 Security Complex honored for
their patents, Oak Ridger, Dec.
E-Learning: BellSouth
Foundation and federal funding will push online
education in Nashville area, City
Paper, Dec. 23.
IBM, HP, Intel,
Cisco, Kauffman
Foundation and a cluster of universities
establish IP and commercialization
agreement, NY Times, Dec.
19. IBM release, Dec.
NASA's Science
Mission Directorate, Solar System Division,
Washington, selected the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, for a grant to
support the Mars Odyssey research program.
Release Dec.
Oak Ridge NL
wireless savvy for harsh environments may help
industry, Oak Ridger, Dec.
Page Mid.
School in Franklin (Williamson Cty) volunteers for
student achievement asessment pilot to
strengthen Math, Language, Tennessean, Dec. 29. Other schools wading into
frequent, online assessments. Many schools don't
have tech infrastructure to participate,
Six Murfreesboro schools
will get Apple Computer resources, Tennessean,
Cyber Charter Schools urged in
released by Tennessee Center
for Policy Research, cites omission of
cyberschooling authorization in 2002 charter
schools legislation, Oct. 31, 2005.
Regional Library System and West Tennessee
libraries offering downloadable e-books,
Comm. Appeal, Dec. 31.
Nashville School of the
Arts gets guitar lab, Tennessean, Dec. 16.
Jan. 12, 2006
-- Nashville Technology Council Tech Roundtable,
"Blogging for Business," covering
Blog platforms, RSS/XML feeds, collaborative
communities and social networking, and their
relationship to business processes and other
issues. Panel discussion and presentation, with
Nick Bradbury of Bradbury Software and NewsGator
Technologies; Brittney Gilbert, Blog Producer,
WKRN Channel 2; Rex Hammock, President, Hammock
Publishing and owner of Moderator Ken
Russell of ISDN-Net. Workstations available
for demonstrations following program, covering
blog authoring, setting-up and navigating
Reader/Aggregator, and Social Networking/Tagging.
Location: Auditorium, Nashville State Community
College, 120 White Bridge Road (37209). $15 NTC
Members; $25 Non-Members. Details and online
registration at or phone (615) 743-3160.
IT sector among hot industries in
2006, says Wall St. Journal. ERP- and
IP-comms-related jobs are emphasized,
Wall St.
Jrnl., Jan. 4.
Rising concern about
Nanotechnologies in Washington, D.C.,
Hoover column, Nash. Bus. Journal,
9, not on
web. Same story via Memphis Business Journal, Dec.
9, here. Related, AP via, Dec. 11. Related resource, Project
on Emerging Nanotechnologies.
SECURITY: 2005 termed
worst year for known computer-security breaches;
cybercrime value surpasses $100 Billion
mark; Cybersecurity Industry Alliance and DHS at
odds over pace of improvement, USA Today,
28. (Same
story, Tennessean, Dec. 29, 12A, not on web.)
AT&T launches "Internet Security News Now"
IPTV cast for network managers, San Jose Mercury
News, Dec.
enables consumers to connect with their homebound
cable-tv or satellite feeds while on the
road, NY
Times, Dec.
Convergence: This time we
Mean It, a prelude for Intl. Consumer Electronics
Show, NY Times, Jan.
Palm CEO Colligan talks about
future of handheld devices, NY Times,
10. Poll: American consumers
increasingly tethered to high-tech gadgets,
Internet, AP via Wash.
Dec. 21.
Seigenthaler vs Wikipedia:
Seigenthaler column warns that Wikipedia calumny
may lead to federal regulations governing
speech on the Internet, Tennessean,
Federal law should be changed to allow offended
persons to sue those who serve-up false
information via Internet, City Paper, Opinion, Dec.27. Hoaxer comes forth in
Nashville: Local man who created original
Wikipedia false bio of journalist steps forward,
apologizes; Seigenthaler asks perpetrator's
employer not to accept his resignation, Tennessean, Dec. 11. Book indexer tells how he
tracked-down Wikipedia hoaxer, CNET, Dec.
Wikipedia ups and downs: Free-range site now
challenged by Digital Universe, NY Times,
24. Journal
says Wikipedia is close to Encyclopedia Brittanica
in accuracy of science entries, Nature, Dec. 14.
Transcript: Wash. Post
Reporter David Vise, a Nashville native, is
interviewed online re Google culture and
future, Dec.
MCS Music America, a
Nashville-based publisher, is accused of greed as
it moves against Napster in belief its
copyrights have been infringed by downloading in
advance of license agreement, The City Paper,
22. Nashville-based publishers group
fighting Napster, Tennessean, Dec.
industry, including Nashville songwriters,
reportedly has concerns about Sirius Satellite
Radio's new S50 receiver-download device,
Tennessean, Dec. 11. NY AG Spitzer
investigating record labels' pricing of downloads,
NY Times, Dec.
24. Recording Industry Assn. of America
(RIAA) announces filing copyright-infringement
lawsuits against 751 more alleged offenders in a
dozen states, release
Dec. 15.
Announcement highlights role of Kazaa and
Limewire. What's up with downloading since the
Supreme Court ruling? Social networking sites
ramp-up role, CNet
Dec. 16.
File-sharing services seek more cordial
relationships with labels, AP via Tennessean and
Washington Post, Jan.
Online marketing via AOL,
Yahoo, social-networking venues is now an impetus
for new Nashville talent, as niche-linked
fans seek increased volume of artist-related
content, Tennessean, Dec. 27. Related: Net exposure is boon
for Indie labels, NY Times, Dec.
27. Book
publishers and authors expand online content in
search for visibility and readers, NY
Times, Dec.
E-Comm: Holiday
purchases leap 25 percent over
year-earlier, NY
Times, Dec.
30. Small retailers using Web commerce to level
the playing field; eBay exposure competes with
click-through advertising, NY
Times, Dec.
19. Mondays may be biggest web-shopping day of the
week, Times
Free Press,
Dec. 10. Japanese may be leading the way to
cashless society, using e-Cash everywhere,
Dec. 12.
Internet usage, benefits may
vary by role and gender, with Women gaining
ground, but disparity among oldsters
maintains participation-edge of Men, according to
report by Pew, AP via Tennessean, p. 2E, Dec. 29,
not on web. Pew release, Dec.
28. Related
story, Washington Post, Dec. 29.
offers IT managers' resolutions for New
Year, including testing Xbox and 3 types
of software, Cnet, Dec. 9.
UN-sanctioned Video game offers players a
chance to feed peoples,
(Jan. 10) PMI East Tenn.: Alan Hammersmith - VP
and CIO, Siemens Medical Solutions, 5:30
p.m., Details here. "Implementing a PMO."
Details here.
11) NTC
members get discount reg. for Nashville Chapter,
Amer. Marketing Assn. luncheon program
with Nichole Becker, Senior Marketing
Research Mgr. for Yahoo! Search
Marketing. Maggiano's. Info here. Registration here.
12) NTC Tech Roundtable,
"Blogging for Business,"
details here.
(Jan. 12) AITP Nashville,
Death March Projects: Gary Ellis, Atiba
Software. 5:30 p.m. Details here.
(Jan. 17) PMI
Nashville Chapter
presents Angela Grett, PMP, a CORE BTS Business
Consultant on "Strategic Project
Management," 11:30 a.m., at Select will present
"Strategic Project Management". 11:30 a.m.,
Select Hotel Holiday Inn.
19) Nashville Health Care Council Health Care
Industry Analyst Panel Discussion,
details here.
(Jan. 24) WITTN, program with Vanessa Hickman,
CEIO, Metro Nashville Airport Authority,
including data-center tour. 11 a.m. registration,
details here.
2) NTC Tech Roundtable, program: Web 2.0,
details TBA.
(Feb. 19) Engineers Week, national and state.
22) Nashville Capital Network educational
event on raising outside
1-2) Leadership Health Care delegation to
Washington, D.C. Details here.
2) NTC Tech Roundtable,
program: Content Management Systems, details TBA.
6-9) Major Software Engineering process
at Nashville, via Carnegie
Mellon Software Engineering
* (March 7)
TN Soc. of Professional Engineers Day on Capitol
Hill (Legislative), Details here.
15) 2nd Annual NTC Technology Innovation
Conference, BellSouth Auditorium. Details
16) Manufacturing
Excellence Conference at MTSU, March 16,
2006. For info, write here.
(March 18) State MATHCOUNTS
Competition. TN Soc. of Professional
Engineers. Jack
Wood Hall, Adventure Sci. Center.
18) Leadership Music Digital Music
Summit, Belmont University. NTC
Members get discount
registration. Details TBA.
(April 27-28) PMI Nashville Spring Project
Management Symposium, with PDUs.
Details here.
2) Tennessee Digital Government Summit.
Details here.
(May 3-5) HIMSS
2nd Annual NHIT
Summit, HiMSS TN Chapter,
(May 16) Tour - Comcast facility, Society of
Manufacturing Engineerings SME Nashville,
details here.
17) 6th Annual Technology! Nashville
conference. Hilton Suites Downtown.
Details write
Became NTC's interim President, Jan. 1,
2006, succeeding Ray Capp. Dec. 5th release
Rex Hammock
panelist —
'Blogging for
Jan. 12, 2006
Sustaining Sponsors
HCA and Caterpillar
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