Thursday, Sept. 15, 2005 (No.
62) Editor &
Publisher Milt Capps For previous
issues or date of next issue, visit the
Sept. 20 Vote:
Metro Nashville may develop municipal
Internet; ISDN-Net and BellSouth
reportedly see varied role for government; Comcast
waiting to see, while Tuesday's action in Metro
Council may advance Briley broadband
force resolution, The
City Paper, Aug.
TN ECD Commis. Kisber trying to
sell broadband infrastructure support for
rural areas; most see broadband as prerequisite to
retaining and attracting jobs, Tennessean,
HealthStream searches for new
products for next phase of development;
Frist reportedly expects substantial increase in
profits, Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
court relief stops Cookeville-based Source
Resources from obtaining and selling
Verizon customer information, release
The HCA Tech Refresh is
the subject of the Oct. 6 NTC Tech Roundtable,
register here.
Nashville loses PodCast
Alley startup to San
Fran's PodShow,
Cerf's Up, Sept.
8. PodShow release
7. Related story, the City
Paper, Sept.
SESAC's Collins in Q&A says
educating young songwriters about value of
IP is one of his biggest challenges, City
Paper, Sept.
Ned Ramage launches Digital
Security Associates, after stint at First
Amendment Center, Tennessean, Sept.
Gibson inks videogame deal with
RedOctane (Sunnyvale), Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug.
Major Software Engineering process
conference will convene in
Nashville in March
2006, with push from Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering
Music plans to hold its
2nd Digital Summit,
in March-April 2006 timeframe. This year's summit
Katrina: Incubator
Group launched the
Open House
Project to
identify free shelter for evacuees, according to
Shane Messer. His partner David Reilly appeared on
MSNBC about the effort, here. Messer said Sept. 9 that the group may
develop new services for small businesses affected
by Katrina.
McDonald Consulting Group (Atlanta) joins with Avalar for Nashville
market entry in financial-solutions segment, with
new office under Barry Pollack. Related release,
1. Related story
appeared in Tennessee Tribune, Sept. 8.
Founder/President Menter says is just now becoming
may move U.S. headquarters to mid-Tenn. or
Texas, The City Paper, Sept.
Tennessean, Sept.
Nash.Bus. Journal, Sept.
Avaya selects Dialogic
Communications as emergency-notification
provider, release Aug.
17. Tennessean, Aug.
20. City Paper, Aug. 22,
p. 9, not on web.
(Oct. 6) 2nd
Annual TN Valley Conference on Science and
Business of Nanotechnology convenes at
Caterpillar Financial Center, a project of
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of
Management, Vanderbilt School of Engineering,
Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and
Engineering, the National Science Foundation and
Nashville Technology
Council. Full program and
free registration
Procurement: The State of Tennessee
is assessing State procurement
policies, rules and statutes
related to procurement of goods and services, and
any recommendations for improvement that might
result are likely to emerge by February 2006. In
2004, a more limited procurement study covered
professional services, only; that effort gathered
input from IT vendors, among others. The current
broader effort is led by Project Manager Kendra Gipson. In a recent
interview, project team member Ronald Maupin,
director-audit and consulting services within
F&A's division of resource development and
support, said the initiative has the trilateral
sponsorship of the commissioners of General
Services and F&A (Gwendolyn Davis and Dave
Goetz, respectively), as well as that of
Comptroller John Morgan. The project group,
chartered in April, will among other things
"consider the future implementation" of ERP,
including a possible procurement component. Maupin
said the procurement assessment was prompted
largely because State agencies have often found it
takes too long to fulfill their requirements,
while many vendors have consistently complainted
that it's "too hard to do business with the
State." Meanwhile, 21-year OIR veteran Jane
Chittenden is the new director of
procurement and contract management for Tennessee
Office of Information Resources (F&A
Div.). Also, the State has announced it will
issue a major RFP
317.03-134 for
ERP Software and Services, Oct. 21,
2005. back to top
New NTC Members, as of Sept.
14 (since Feb. 1). Previous new-member
report, here.
• For information
about NTC Membership here. About Spotlight or NONT, write
Milt Capps
or call (615) 244-3222.
| back to top
Been away? Back
issues right
Spurred by Nashville Capital
angels' funding, SmartVue is ready to ship
products, and readies launch of tech
upgrade for counting persons viewed by cameras,
City Paper, Sept.
6. NCN
Executive Director Sid Chambless is scheduled to
appear on the Friday, Sept. 16, edition of
Nashville Business, on NewsChannel5+ with NBJ
Editor Geert DeLombaerde (Comcast, Ch. 50, 8 p.m.
and other airings).
Word Distribution (division of
Warner/Curb's Word Entertainment division)
launches "Give Music. Get Music" campaign
with e-commerce site, Nash. Bus. Journal,
Digital Reasoning
Systems and SmartDM
reflect premium placed on intelligence
and data-mining
technologies, City Paper, Aug.
Digital Reasoning Systems Interceptor technology
update, Federal Computer Week, Sept.
Sedgwick Claims
Management Services Inc. (Memphis) is looking for
a suitor-buyer, Memphis Bus. Journal, Sept. 6.
Triad Semiconductor star
Wrappe cites Tennessee (with NC, VA) as among
emerging focal-points for medical, sensor
and wireless-technologies development, TMCnet,
BMI's music-rights-monitoring technology
acquisition of BlueArrow (Shazam
London) matches ASCAP, spurs SESAC, and promises
increased global revenues for songwriters, more
audience-response-driven radio programming and
perhaps more acute monitoring of downloads. BMI's
new tech unit is Landmark Digital Services, in
Nashville. Tennessean, 1E, Sept.
12. Nash.
Bus. Journal, Aug.
Radio & Records, Aug.
31. BMI
release, Aug.
Shazam release, here. BMI
sees $11.4 million in annualized ringtone
revenues, Tennessean, Sept.
Fox departs NashvillePost.com for Titan
Advisors post in Nashville; Ruble
succeeds Fox as editor, BusinessTN
magazine, Tennessean, Aug.
Separately, in a message to subscribers,
NashvillePost.com signals possible cessation of
online publication. Tennessean, Aug.
Tennessee Valley Venture
Forum (Oct.
6-7) announced this year's presenting companies,
including Accurate Automation Corp.
(Chattanooga); EcoSMART
Technologies (Franklin); Eonstreams
(Knoxville); FileKeeper (Knoxville);
Garments Holding
(Louisville); Multispectral Imaging
(Oak Ridge); NuMarkets
(Etowah); PlayMotion!
(Alpharetta); ScanTech Holdings
(Atlanta); SemiSouth Laboratories
(Starkville); Smart Furniture
(Chattanooga); Sunlight Direct (Oak
Ridge); TapLogic (Murray);
(Knoxville); TicketsXchange
(Oxford); TradeWind Technologies
(Knoxville); Tricycle
More: Xebec Management Inc.
completed purchase of InfoAdvantage Inc.;
Xebec IT unit to be headed by Greg Flanagan, City
Paper, Aug.
Tennessean, Aug.
column reviews Ipix roller-coaster, notes cuts in
IPIX's Oak Ridge complement, sees CEO
Conti targeting homeland security market and
retailers from Reston headquarters location, as
losses continue and reserves look vulnerable,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug.
Related Conti/Ipix coverage, Washington Post, Aug.
18 (archive). Ipix Corp. locks distribution
agreement with PSA Security Network, Knox. News
Sentinel, Aug. 29, not on web. PSA release, Aug.
23 here. New Lockheed electronic surveillance
technology may trump Ipix and other offerings,
Wash. Post, Aug. 29 (archive paid).
Emerging Technologies announced expansion of its
Life Science
facilities, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Sept.
14. CET
life-sciences incubator adds Aetos Technologies'
and its CytaViva microscopy technology that fills
the gap between light and electron microscopes,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
26. Cornwall of Belmont's Center for
Entrepreneurship sees VC-Angel capital in
abundance, but not enough deals meet
investors' criteria, Tennessean, Aug.
Memphis' Luminetx adds subcutaneous
vein-pattern recognition to
biometric-identification quivver, Comm.
Appeal, Sept.
Aylward of SyMed Development
says new OneAppHR marketed
via SyMplify
unit will support HR in all sectors, marks
departure from healthcare-only sector, Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 6, Sept. 9, not on web.
Incubators: Encapsula
NanoSciences springs to life in Cumberland
Emerging Technologies Life Science
Center, City Paper, Sept.
Innovation Valley Partners in
Knoxville affiliated with Battelle
Ventures, which will station a VC expert
in Knoxville, SmallTimes, Sept.
to top
Profile: Shan Dixon of Zortec says
focus is key to success,
notes that Java and .Net are not as dominant in
software-development as folks think, reminds us
there's plenty of COBOL out there, awaiting
transformation with System Z. p. 13, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Sept.
Business Systems
names Dunham first CTO, The
Tennessean, Sept.
2. Release Aug.
Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
Renard François, an associate in
the law firm of Bass, Berry & Sims
PLC, has been appointed chair of the Intellectual
Property and Internet Law Committee of the
American Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division.
Release here.
Joe Rolwing, executive director of
the TN. Biotechnology Assn. and director
of Cumberland Emerging Technologies, is now also
president of Mid. TN. Healthcare Executives' board
of directors, Tennessean, Aug.
eTransX (Brentwood)
says it has contracted to provide onsite network
engineering and system admin support services for
National Transportation Systems
(USDOT). Release Aug.
ClientLogic opens
Oklahoma call center,
Release Sept.
Saville will handle HR and IT functions as EVP,
Release Sept.
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
Ozburn-Hessey Logistics hires
Gordon, with lengthy supply-chain
history, to be EVP business development,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
eDatingPlanet (Old Hickory) is
adding VoIP service to enhance matchees'
international pleasure, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Aug.
adds Poteet, formerly of ARx, as VP marketing
operations, City Paper, Aug.
Former hired hacker Buzek of IHL
Consulting says Nashville ranks high in
self-checkout equipment use by grocery
shoppers, City Paper, Aug.
Cumberland Consulting Group
(Franklin) adds Bailey from PWC as
consultant, City Paper, Aug.
achieved premier certification from Cisco
Systems, Comm. Appeal, Aug.
Former SmartDM SVP-Sales, Angela
Jordan-Perry, joins MailNet Services as
national sales manager, along with Brad Aniker,
formerly of Japs-Olson (Minneapolis). Tennessean,
Mitchell is forensics lab manager for LogicForce
Consulting LLC, previously served with
MNPD Computer Forensics Lab, Tennessean,
Comdata Corp. has signed a deal
with Fiscal Systems (Madison, AL) to market
OmniDesq (FS' Trav Star 1 POS backoffice
system), Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug.
Comdata Atlanta Falcons deal, Nash. Bus. Journal,
Robert Half International opens 2d
area office at Cool Springs, Nash. Bus.
Journal, Sept.14.
ClearTrack Information Network, a
provider of comprehensive supply chain software
and services for the consumer retail
industry, was named a 100 Great Supply Chain
Partner for 2005 by Global Logistics and Supply
Chain Strategies magazine. Release here.
Member Buffkin
Associates announces
admission to Association of Executive
Search Consultants.
Passalong Networks uses its P2P
Revolution and adopts SoniqCast SoniqSync
for unprecedented Wi-Fi Coldplay sales, release
Nashville Area Chamber
of Commerce and affiliates
launched My News
intranet, Aug. 31. My News was created by the
Chamber, and produced by Cool Springs
Column: Cowan Benefit's
Mueller stresses virtues of Human Resources
Management Systems technologies, p. 23,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Sept.
9. back to top
HCA Tech Refresh: The Oct. 6
Tech Roundtable
program: "How
does a de-centralized Fortune 100 company refresh
its technology? - an HCA story,"
presented by Lee Adams, VP-Service Management
& Delivery for HCA IT&S. Registration here.
Rebrovick address Dell's Healthcare
business initiatives, City
Paper, Aug.
IT&S recruitment open house for IT and
Clinical technology professionals is Sept. 24 at
HCA. Email resumes in advance
State of TN Mental
Health & Developmental
Disabilities Office of Managed
Care, looking for
Director Healthcare Informatics, Tennessean
employment, Sept. 11. Search
here. Tiny
URL might work for specific job.
Decision Resources (Waltham, Mass.)
quick to resell Nashville-based HealthLeaders
Media to HCPro (Marblehead, Mass.),
Tennessean, Aug.
23. Nash.
Bus. Journal, Aug.
NashvillePost.com, Aug.
Former CEO McQuigg said pursuing other
Franklin's Spheris near top of
med-transcription business, Nashville
Medical News, Sept.
Corp. has $130 Million
goal for sale of shares in WebMD
Health, Tennessean,
Sept. 15. Related earlier story cites lower
target, Red Herring, Sept.
14., provides more background on WebMD
HCA IT spending is weighted toward preventing
medication errors, includes investment in
ePOM, eMar, Robot-Rx; more data warehousing,
RFID, etc., are over the horizon, Nash. Bus.
Journal, HealthCare 100 supplement, 52A,
Sept. 9, not on web.
Centerstone is a leader in
web-based Electronic Medical Record,
Nash. Bus. Journal, HealthCare 100 supp., 52A,
Stinger Medical engineering exec
joins Integrated Health Systems (Seattle)
as EVP Engineering, release Aug.
Healthcare Management Systems signs
with Bedford Regional Medical in Indiana,
Nash. Bus. Journal. Release Aug.
Net-RX ProfitOptimizer analysis
tool for pharmacies will be married with Hamacher
Resource Group market-specific
prescription data, as result of alliance announced
to step down as HealthSouth chairman,
Birm. Bus. Journal, Sept.
Lehman of named associate dean for health care at
Owen GSM at Vanderbilt, overseeing new
Health Care MBA, Tennessean, Aug.
24, here; City Paper, Aug. 24, p. 11, not on web.
Nash. Bus. Journal, Aug. 26, not on web.
Ardent Health
Care Services announced adding Charles
Higgins, apps. developer (previously,
Direct Insurance Co.); and, Marsha Pierce,
database administrator (prev., Rezultz).
Tennessean, Aug.
Health Management Systems named
former Ardent Health CIO Steve Starkey its new VP
product development, in addition to other
sales and implementation hires, here
Sept. 4, Tennessean.
EDS signs extended IT services
agreement with Express Scripts pharmacy-benefits
manager, release Aug. 31.
National Alliance for Health IT,
which includes HCA and Blue Cross Blue Shield of
TN among many others, on Sept.
9 announced
its support of the "new five-year demonstration
project from the federal government to couple
redesign of the healthcare delivery system with
alternative models of payment for healthcare
services." This is the Medicare Health Care
Quality Demonstration project led by CMS.
RAND report
says Healthcare IT could save more than $80
Billion per year and improve patient
care, GovHealthIT.com, Sept.
GovHealthIT.com healthcare IT
events calendar, here.
Pressure on BCBS for profits,
acquisitions, IT purchases, Times Free
Press, Sept.
Nashville's GM Medical Ventures
chose Bluegate IT outsourcing and managed security
provider for its Town and Country
Hospital, Houston, release Sept.
Nashville's Anesthesia Medical
Group, member of Anesthesia Business
Group, is among adopters of IDX Groupcast
practice-management solutions, release
Johnson City-based Mountain States
Health Alliance is a forerunner in EMR
with its Safety First program and Siemens
technology; HCA spokesman Prescott cautions
against exaggeration in projecting universal EMR,
BusinessTN, p. 42, September 05.
Rationale for ASP model for
services in provider reimbursement offered by
IMaCS pioneer, as Nashville
practice-management conference approaches, Nash.
Med. News, Sept.
Knoxville's Southeastern
Dermatology Consultants group is high on
eClinicalWorks upgrades for EMR and
practice-management, BW release Sept.
HealthChoice's TelMedCo
telemed solution goes to
Tennessee, Texas hospitals for second-opinion
support, PRN release Sept. 13.
EHR for
Katrina evacuees in 150 zipcodes gives boost to
online health records, Wash. Post.,
Inaugural meeting of
American Health
Information Community,
mandated by President
Bush, is Oct.
7. Charter here. HHS Scty. Leavitt announced
initial Community members, Sept.
Notice of formation of ONCHIT appeared in Federal
Register Aug. 19, here.
Frist advocates Wire for Healthcare
Quality Act,
column, pp. 8A-9A, Nash. Bus. Journal
HealthCare100 section, Sept.
9. back to top
Link to key in-state
government bid-tracking
resources, here. Also, see previous
issues, here.
As noted in Upfront,
above, the State has issued a formal
timeline for the projected
Oct. 21 release of its RFP 317.03-134 for ERP
services and ensuing bid process.
Gov. Phil
Bredesen is scheduled to visit Joint Institute for
Computational Sciences Building at
ORNL, this afternoon.
TRA's Tate still said to
have inside track on FCC apppointment, MetroPulse,
15, scroll down
here. TRA Director Debi Tate's name
bandied about for FCC post, a move that could
bring Republican FCC chair the influence he needs,
Tennessean, Aug. 21.
State and Local IT spending
will increase by billions during next five
years, according to DataMonitor, FCW, Sept. 6. Streamlined Sales Tax
Update, CNet News, Sept. 9.
State of
Tennessee seeks IT industry comments on future of
WAN and related infrastructure, foreshadowing
future RFP for hardware and implementation;
responses requested by Oct. 7.
Dept of Mental Health, et al,
Medical Transcription Services, proposals
due Oct. 4.
Port of Memphis will upgrade
surveillance with Homeland grant,
Southern Std., Sept. 15.
FBI Crime Database for background
checks may be unreliable, Times Free
Press, Aug. 27.
Person to head Comcast's legislative efforts, as
company looks to deal with State regulatory
activism, Tennessean, Aug. 27.
Tennessee job hunters may be
victims of online employment scam originating in
Latvia, City Paper, Aug. 24.
Tennessee politicians do more
campaigning online; Gov. Bredesen acknowledges his
blog is inactive, City Paper, Aug. 24.
VoIP 911
deadline extended til Sept. 28; FCC
statement, Aug. 26.
Tennessee voter database should be
in compliance with Help America Vote Act by
January, Times Free Press, Aug. 22.
Tennessee Network Consulting Services (new TNII)
is focus of RFP 317.03-129 deadline Sept. 28.
Columnist says
UT-Battelle jockeying for greater compensation at
Oak Ridge National Lab, Knox. News
Sentinel, Aug. 31. UT President Petersen
describes virtues of Oak Ridge NL partnership,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 31.
Commissioner Kisber unveils TN Leadership Center
for economic development, Tennessean, Aug. 30.
Backup: Jim White, SunGard Availability
Service's operations manager in our
region, confirmed an earlier story by
NashvillePost.com, regarding Metro Fire and NES
ordering SunGard, in an effort to assure the
safety of responding firemen, to shutdown the
SunGard backup generator. This followed a Commerce
Building power outage. The shutdown order came
after Metro personnel became aware of smoke in the
building's underground NES transformer vault.
SunGard customers were reportedly down less than
an hour on Sunday, Aug. 7. Reported by
NashvillePost.com, Aug. 8.
TRA votes to approve contract for
CapTel via Sprint for hard-of-hearing,
Tennessean, Aug. 23. Sprint wins TRA
Captioned Telephone Service contract, Memphis Bus.
Journal, Aug. 31.
Knox County
Mayor Ragsdale begins podcasting, Knox.
News Sentinel, Aug. 30.
Chattanooga enterprise expert J.R.
Clark tells Chattanoogans that government
shouldn't be in the Internet-services
business, Chattanoogan.com, Sept. 14.
Knox County tries high-tech
sex-offender tracking, Knox. News Sentinel,
13. Shelby County
begins using GPS to track sex offenders,
Commercial Appeal, Sept. 15. Offender
tracking system enters pilot phase for Tennessee
Board of Probation and Parole, WKRN, Sept. 7.
F&A seeks through RFP
317.03-128 to
secure Systems Network
maintenance services, with proposals due by Sept.
Metro seeks
bids for RFP
05-85 for
Metro Police Mobile Laptop solution, bids
due Sept. 22.
Economic Development
officials convene annual economic performance
rally at
Nashville Convention Center, Aug. 30-31.
Tri-Cities Business Journal, Aug.
12. ECD
release Aug.
Human Services RFP 345-01.201
for Web-based On-line Vision
Integration Program (VIP), is now due
Oct. 20.
Police Department Advanced Records Management
Systems RFP 05-72 issue
Aug. 11, preproposal conference is Aug. 24 and
bids are due Sept. 30.
back to top
Tech Council
President Andy Czuchry of ETSU faculty announced
that Jerry Brock will
serve as interim executive director following the
departure of long-time Council staff Vivian
Crymble, after she became Community and Government
Relations Manager for Mountain States Health
Alliance. Brocks says he has in recent years
worked with Dover Associates, Vanderbilt
Bio-Medical Engineering program and with
Micro-Nova Technology, among others.
Knoxville's Control Technology
Inc. takes its programmable logic controllers on
Australian roadshow, ferret.com,
Intergraph Workforce Management
technology goes into service with Knoxville
Utilities Board, release Aug.
Memphis MidSouth
VoIP offers FlashPhone for
video-conferencing, Comm. Appeal,
Chattanooga's premier industrial
park faces stiff competition as rumored
automakers' site selections for capacity
investments appear in-the-offing, Times Free
Press, Aug.
Memphis' Accuship adds Rau of Red
Prairie and i2 Technologies to its board of
directors, Memphis Bus. Journal,
Herrin brought European business
emphasis to IT recruiting shop J&D
Resources in Memphis, Memphis Bus.
Journal, Aug.
NuVox (Greenville, SC) offering
VoIP in Nashville and Knoxville, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Aug.
UPS, with more than 1,500
employees in Memphis, is an early adopter of U.S.
Customs-developed Automated Commercial
Environment, Memphis Bus Journal, Aug.
Memphis Aegis Interworld names
Maready among new management team,
release Aug.
Launches division with Indian capital to tackle
BPO sector, release here.
Memphis Bus. Journal, Aug.
Chattanooga Gas parent AGL
acquires ArcGIS GIS enterprise license for its
companies, release Aug.
Innovative Processing Solutions offered free
Transfunds in-cab messaging services for
fleet, in recognition of Katrina relief effort,
release Sept. 2.
Oak Ridge's Sunlight Direct
employs ORNL-developed technology in venture led
by serial entrepreneur Morris, Knox. News
Sentinel, Aug.
FileKeeper releases FileKeeper Enterprise 2.1 for
file backup and recovery, release
n*tara of Johnson City captures
Forrester emerging-technology
innovation award, Release Sept. 1.
Cleveland State
Community College will offer two new IT
certificate programs, Cleveland Daily
Banner, Aug.
Net adopts new identity, launches new regional
portal for nonprofits and events at DiscoverET.org.
Related story, Knox. News Sentinel, Sept.
Memphis-based Aerospace Products
International Inc. ("API," sub of
Aviation Services,
Westport, CT) announced the appointment of
Jean-Marie (Jim) Pogu as Senior Vice President of
Marketing and Sales. API provides supply chain
management and customized third party logistics
services and technology solutions, including
inventory management services for aircraft
manufacturers and operators. Release Sept. 7.
E.W. Scripps (Knox. News Sentinel,
Memphis Comm. Appeal) adopted Travidia online
shopping channels,
release Sept.
6. Knoxville-area online auctions
underway (Scripps), here.
Bartlett council
defers vote on awarding cable franchise to
Comcast, in hope of getting Comcast
underwriting of government access
television and other concessions, Comm. Appeal,
to top
Bredesen says high-school
graduation rate unacceptably low in
Tennessee, WSMV 4 Nashville, here. Governor is agreeable to
adding fourth year of high-school math
requirement, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 19. Tennessee businesses
want stronger math, science skills in graduates,
Tennessean, Aug. 19.
Tennesseans urged to attend
college, via campaign funded in part by Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, City Paper, Sept. 12.
UT's Petersen has plenty of
partners, as he moves to make UT preeminent
research institution, MetroPulse, Sept. 15.
Stacy Ables named VP-Operations and
IT at Crichton College, Memphis, Comm.
Appeal, Sept. 4.
Jim Johnson, the Dean of
Information and Engineering Technology at
Nashville State Community College, has
been named a Mentor in American Assn. of Community
Colleges MentorLinks organization, Tennessean, Aug. 28.
More on that FedEx grant to enable
U.Memphis to bring "rock star" researchers to
campus for FedEx Institute of Technology,
SmallTimes, Aug. 29. Commercial Appeal, Aug. 26.
Memphis SIM chapter seeks to woo
kids into IT fields, InformationWeek, Sept. 14.
Oak Ridge NL is prepared to
provided $10K subsidies to recruit science
teachers to region's public schools,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 24.
Austin Peay State University
online-education numbers are up 80%
year-to-year, Leaf-Chronicle, Aug. 24.
Vanderbilt University Web
Communications unit takes leadership role in
upgrading VU site, VU page here.
Cleveland State Community
College will offer two new IT certificate
programs, Cleveland Daily Banner, Aug. 26.
UT undergraduate supply-chain
education ranks 10th nationally, Knox.
News Sentinel, Aug. 26.
College textbooks' prices rise due
in part to bundling with CDs, Internet
supplements, other materials, Times Free
Press, Aug. 25.
UT Chattanooga and the
Chattanooga-based Advanced Transportation
Technology Institute (ATTI) strengthened
their partnership and their claims to national
leadership through a pact for a new tech research
program and new campus address for ATTI; release Aug. 19. U.S. Rep. Zach
Wamp is among champions of the effort.
U. Tenn. President Petersen
comments on UT's academic strides, Knox.
News Sentinel, Sept. 4.
Forde joins Oak Ridge Institute for
Science and Education, Knox. News
Sentinel, Sept. 5.
Chattem contributes $300K to equip
middle-schools with math computer labs,
Times Free Press, Sept. 3.
Sales of educational software for
the PC have nosedived, as parents use free online
tutorials, toys with technology and
hand-me-downs, NY Times, Aug. 21.
Paul Gherman, Vanderbilt's chief
librarian, will serve 2005-06 as president of
Southeastern Research Libraries; one SRL
project is cooperative use of a virtual storage
system for little-used holdings, Tennessean, Aug.
21, 5E, scroll down here.
Bradley County Schools allying with
ReConverting to recycle infotechnologies,
Times Free Press, Aug. 21.
UT Knoxville relies upon increased
student fees and support to advance campus' IT
infrastructure, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 22.
Literacy key to succeeding in
technology-driven workplace, Daily New
Journal, Aug. 23.
Oak Ridge NL a leader in wireless
R&D to enable industry to share
bandwidth, Information Systems &
Automation Society newspage, Aug. 29.
Tennessee acceptance of computers
in pre-K classrooms is not universal,
Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 29.
Univ. of Tenn. is closely watching
students' response to its legal-downloading deal
with Napster, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 29.
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
give more grants to Anderson County, Oak
Ridge schools, OakRidger, Aug. 22. More corporate
contributions flow to OakRidge High School,
OakRidgers, Aug. 22.
Oak Ridge NL officials seek
supercomputing leadership, Knox. News
Sentinel, Aug. 22. UT's Dongarra says all
computer makers are in a race for the petaflop,
Taipei Times, Aug. 21. More on ORNL in
Teragrid, Znet, Aug. 22.
Oak Ridge's Pro2Serve underwrites
UT Math Contest, for which registration is now
open for Oct. 27 event, OakRidger, Aug. 26.
Maryville College names Mark Fugate
director of IT, Knox. News Sentinel, Aug. 29.
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and
Education attracts students to research
environment, Oak Ridger, Aug. 26.
Metro Schools unveils new
website, City Paper, Aug. 30.
East Lake Academy in Memphis
celebrates large Plato Learning grant,
Times Free Press, Aug. 31.
UT will use DOE grant to upgrade
Graduate Automotive Technology Education
(GATE) Hybrid Systems research, release Aug. 29.
SW Tennessee Community College will
train schools' webmasters, Memphis Bus.
Journal, Aug. 30.
Data visualization work at Oak
Ridge NL gains momentum with addition of Ahern to
staff, as ORNL computational leadership
grows, Knox. News Sentinel, Sept. 5.
Is the Bush Administration bending
science to political ends, and what part does the
scientific community play? NY Times
Magazine, Sept. 4.
weighs-in on ideal wireless sensors'
characteristics, Electronic Products, Aug. 31.
Murfreesboro's Hobgood Elementary
is site of region's first NASA Explorer
School, emphasizing science, technology,
engineering, math and geography, with emphasis on
disadvantaged students, Tennessean, Sept. 6.
U. Memphis to be second college
campus for training center for SAS business
software, Memphis Bus. Journal, Sept. 2.
Amid controversy, Memphis city
schools allocates more than $1 million for
learning technologies and related,
Commercial Appeal, Sept. 13.
America's K-12 schoolers get
outsourced online tutoring from abroad,
NY Times, Sept. 7.
Tablet PCs now go to all
high-schoolers at Franklin Road Academy,
Tennessean, Sept. 7.
Engineers continuing pruning costs
on $40 million-plus Oak Ridge High School
revamp, Knox. News Sentinel, Sept. 8.
UT Chattanooga adopts UK-based
Touchpaper's HelpDesk, with Novell
ZENworks and Microsoft Outlook
Integration, as their consolidated service desk
solution. BW Sept. 13. UT-C CIO Monty
Wilson said Touchpaper met their
requirements. back to top
Recent Jobs Postings to NTC
Careers page, here.
Kiplinger.com names Nashville one
of nation's seven "Coolest" cities, Nash.
Bus. Journal, Sept.
Also cool, but pricey: Former
Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, former SEC
Chairman William H. Donaldson and
Chancellor of the Delaware Court of the
Chancery William B. Chandler III will headline the
2005 Vanderbilt Directors College, Oct. 6-7.
For registrant eligibility, costs and details,
Rights of access? Supreme Court
nominee John Roberts may grapple with numerous
issues of science and technology, from
patents and copyright, to cloning and privacy. NY
Times Magazine, Aug.
H1B visa cap for the year was
reached in August, San Jose Bus Journal,
Nanotechnology coalition unveils
nanotech, health and safety database,
nanotechwire.com, Aug.
Hubbard, former head of Presidential Council on
Competitiveness, will discuss the U.S.
economy, Wilson Hall, Vanderbilt
University, free lecture, Sept. 22, 7:30 p.m.
Nashville-area IT experts are sought
to address doctoral candidates,
discussing their work in IT and software
development, in Tennessee State University's Dept.
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, beginning
in November. For further information, please
contact Prof. M. Bodruzzaman, Ph.D. Course meets
for one hour and the commitment is for one session
for each volunteer. For more information, call
(615) 963-5367 or write
CareerFest 2005 at Tennessee State
Fairgrounds Oct. 25, 2005, 1:30 p.m. - 6
p.m., sponsored by Nashville Area Chamber
of Commerce. Details here.
Nashville Business Journal has
finished compiling its list of IT Employers and
will publish it Sept.
Folks at Emma (ColdFeetCreative)
today plan to begin winnowing nonprofit
candidates for free Emma accounts,
details here.
HR-XML consortium to meet in
Nashville, Oct. 3-4, details here.
Profile of Dell's Kevin
Rollins, NY Times, Sept.
Technology Institute, UT Chattanooga Coll. of
Business and the Center for
Entrepreneurial Growth offer a course on
technology and entrepreneurship. For info,
(423) 425-2177.
technology helps parents track teenagers, but
brings trust dilemmas, as well,
editorial, Nashville City Paper, Aug.
As emphasis on onshore programming
declines, the role of Computing rises to status of
Third Pillar of Science, affecting all
other fields. NY Times, Aug.
Google antes-up with
Blog-searching tools, Wash. Post,
Australian court orders
Sydney-based Kazaa to modify software to
discourage illegal file-sharing, echoing
US Court rulings, NY Times, Sept.
An aging, successful author,
Warren Adler embraces Internet publishing, free
books and time-tested self-promotion, NY
Times, Aug.
Trick for your website's
traffic: Yahoo unveils hotzone war-zone coverage as
audience-builder with journalist Kevin
E-Commerce: Solving
the 'too-many-clicks' problem in online
retailing, NY Times, Sept.
Chinese Internet entrepreneurs and
Western partners hope to find next Google or
eBay, NY Times, Sept.
to top
indicates new or revised item)
1) NTC Tech Roundtable, "Learning to Partner,
Leveraging for Growth, " with speaker Ken
Thoreson, President,
Acumen Management Group on creating sustainable
revenues through business partnerships. 4 p.m. - 6
p.m., Wildhorse Saloon, 120 2nd Ave., N. (37201).
$15 NTC Member, $25 Nonmember. Registration online
at www.technologycouncil.com Contact
mtribble@technologycouncil.com or phone (615)
(Sept. 7-9)
National Health
IT Summit and
National HIPAA
Washington D.C.
* (Sept. 7-9) RFID
Journal offers RFID training course at
International Paper's RFID Test Center,
Memphis, details here.
(Sept. 8) AITP Nashville, with
speaker David Cochran, IT manager,
Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. For information,
(Sept. 14) Nashville Capital
Network program, "Managing the Fast-Growing
Business," 5:30 p.m., Averbuch Audit.,
Owen GSM, Vanderbilt. Details TBA.
* (Sept.26) InfraGard Mid-TN
meeting at Wildhorse Saloon, 4 p.m., with
presentations from Patrick Gray of Internet
Security Sys. X-Force; and, presentation by Tech
Systems. Details, registration, scroll down
(Sept. 26-29) Fountainhead College
of Technology's Center for Information Assurance
& Cybersecurity Training (IACT) hosts
National Security Agency's (NSA) INFOSEC
Assessment Methodology (IAM) and INFOSEC
Evaluation Methodology (IEM) training and
certification courses. Details here,
phone (865) 688-9422 or write
* (Sept.27) Women in Technology
Tennessee (WITTN) program, 5 p.m., Jim Gray, CIO
of O'Charley's at O'Charley's Hqtrs.
Training Center, RSVP here.
29) Music City Future 50 Awards
(Oct. 6) Nanotechnology
conference, Co-sponsored by NTC and Vanderbilt, 10
a.m.-3 p.m., Caterpillar Financial
Auditorium. Details here.
(Oct. 6) NTC Tech Roundtable, "How does a
de-centralized Fortune 100 company refresh its
technology? - an HCA story,"
presented by Lee Adams, VP-Service Management
& Delivery for HCA IT&S. Registration.
(Oct. 6-7)
Tennessee Valley Venture Forum,
* (Oct. 10) Chatta. Engineers and
IEEE Computer Soc., 11:00 a.m., "Digitizing IPIX
Photography for Security Systems,"
Vistascape Security Systems, University Center.
For information, Judy Driggans at (423) 751-7616.
(Oct. 13) "Time and Event-based system software
construction," presentation by Dr. Chris Gill of
Washington Univ., Featheringill Hall,
Vanderbilt Engineering, discussing his efforts to
develop a suite of techniques and tools for
software development.
17-18) Healthcare M&A conference in
Nashville, details here.
* (Oct. 19) Memphis Technology
Council mixer, with speaker Michael Schmidt,
director of Center for Multimedia Arts,
FedEx Institute of Technology, U. Memphis.
Details here.
* (Oct. 20)
Vanderbilt Engineering Featheringill Audit., Dr.
Mike Wagner, M.D., U. of Pittsburgh, use
of AI in disease surveillance of populations and
3) NTC Tech Roundtable, presentation by Debbie
Gordon, CEO, Snappy Auctions.
3) Regional Business After Hours, Gaylord
Entertainment Center, 5 p.m. -8
p.m. For info, write here.
(Nov. 10) "Understanding Business
Valuation" seminar, cosponsored by
Nashville Technology Council and Owen
Entrepreneurship Center, focusing on how to
maximize business valuation across growth
stages. Topics include a Valuation primer;
pre-Seed Money valuation; Early/Seed enterprise
valuation; Growth company valuation; and, a CEO
panel discussion. Confirmed speakers, registration
fees to be announced. Venue: Curb Center, Belmont
University. For further information, call (615)
743-3160 or write info1@technologycouncil.com
14-17) Oak Ridge: International Energy
Agency's Ad Hoc Group on Science and
Technologies Workshop for the Development of
an International Strategic Plan for energy
resources, at Oak Ridge NL. The seminal
strategic planning workshop will guide future
activities on AHGSET and international cooperation
in basic research for energy. Aug. 1 release here.
1) NTC Tech Roundtable, program on Meaningful
Metrics in IT, with participants from
HCA, Gartner, Caterpillar Financial. Details
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