Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2005
(No. 49) Editor &
Publisher Milt
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NTC's Flagship
Tuesday, Feb. 15,
Note to Mike:
2005 is
Did you
sign us up
with NTC
ComFrame Software Corporation
Business Technology
Tech Titan Sponsors
Nashville Technology
Finally, Buzz
and Spin are dying. Now: Transparency in
Technology Communications.
Nashville's Digital Reasoning Systems
wins $7+ million U.S. military-intelligence
contract to fight terrorism and
support combat forces. Firm seeks tech talent for
mission. Tennessean, 1E,
Jan. 11.
Related story, NewsChannel5 WTVF, Dec. 14,
Events: Feb. 3
- Tech Roundtable, "Making the Call:
Java, .Net or Both!?, " with Steve Kukulka, Area
Director, ComFrame Software Corp.; Feb. 15
- Technology! Nashville, Hilton Suites
Downtown, details here.
Nashville ranks 68 in Intel's "unwired cities"
index; Columnist Neff advocates for 'Wireless
Nashville', City Paper,
Jan. 17.
Nashville Finance chief says starting
Streamlined Sales Tax in TN 'foolish'
til Congress takes action, Tennessean,
Jan. 16. Tennessean
editorial agrees, Jan. 19.
Naifeh wants to increase use of online
technologies, cable television to give
Tennesseans more direct access to proceedings and
votes of TN House of Representatives, Times
Press, Jan. 16.
NotifyMD President Phil Suiter joins
Vanderbilt Center for Better Health, NashvillePost.com,
Jan. 17.
wins round in battle with CLECs over
charges, NashvillePost.com,
Jan. 13.
Rutherford County ranks tops for
jobs growth among largest counties in the
nation, Daily News Journal,
Jan. 15.
succeeds Hayden as CFO at Private
Business, as firm reportedly struggles,
Jan. 13.
Springs is site of new office for Memphis-based
Interactive Solutions, addressing
e-learning-oriented clients, Tennessean,
Jan. 16.
Nashville Health Care Council
program, The Investment Community's
Outlook for the Health Care
Industry, Jan. 21, 11 a.m., Hilton Nashville
Downtown, speakers including Anne Barlow,
Southwest Securities Inc.; David Dempsey, Avondale
Partners; Frank Morgan, Jefferies & Co.;
Darren Lehrich, Piper Jaffray. For more
information, visit here. back to top
NONT summary began in July 2003. The
Spotlight executive profile series began Feb. 18,
2004. Below are links to the Spotlights to date,
listed by subjects' last names. To view the
news-summary archive, visit here.
back to top
Satellite Tracking of People (STOP)
CEO Logan comments on how technology fights prison
overcrowding, City Paper, Jan.
Last week's NTC Tech Roundtable
panel on "Drivers of Corporate Valuation
for Technology Companies" produced emphasis on
quality of investors, rather than exclusive focus on
valuation, Nash. Bus. Journal, Jan.
BioDTech, leveraging
business-incubator support of TSU and Cumberland
Emerging Technologies, secures license
for manufacturing new biotech product that addresses toxins,
Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 1, Jan.
Judge tosses suit against
iPayment, City Paper, p. 7, Jan.
17. Tennessean, Jan.
15. Release, Jan.
In wake of news of Comcast plans
for IP telephony, Nashville's ISDN-Net
says VoIP customers are coming 'fast and furious',
1E, Tennessean, Jan.
11. Comcast to offer VoIP
in all markets by 2006, but won't dislose 2005
markets for competitive reasons, Knox. News
Sentinel, Jan.
17. See related VoIP
coverage, NONT Jan.
Physical-security concerns give
rise to CCTV, other systems, say ADS
execs, p. 27, Nash. Bus. Journal, Jan.
Ingram Micro offers marketing and
media services, Memphis Bus. Journal,
Nashville area colleges offer
students relatively limited
entrepreneurial-finance experiences,
Tennessean, Jan.
Wireless Online (Louisville) completes acquisition
of United Broadband Networks (UBN), Jan.
18 release. USWO has
been making acquisitions
in the region. In 2003, UBN won Metro Nashville
contract for wireless services for Metro Fire.
churns, does AdMission spin-off, execs
depart, but firm says security will
remain based at Oak Ridge, Knox. News Sentinel, Jan. 13. Release, Jan. 11 here. IPIX CFO Farmer resigns,
NashvillePost.com, Jan. 18. Memphis Angels
contribute to iPIX hosting images for Realtors,
Memphis Bus. Journal, Jan. 14. Release Jan.
13. back
to top
Thomas Conner of MonsterLabs says
believing in what you're doing is key to
dealing with tech-business risks, City Paper,
Jan. 19.
Chris Riddle to VP at Logic Media
Group, Tennessean, Jan. 19.
At Oak Ridge, SAIC partners with
Software Control in competing for renewal of
IT services contract for UT-Battelle,
BWXT Y12 and Bechtel Jacobs, Oak Ridger,
Jan. 11.
Dell Inc. funds
Nashville Public Television tech-tip
spots, Tennessean, Jan. 14.
BellSouth has signed a commercial
agreement to provide wholesale local
phone service to Birch Telecom of the
South in BellSouth's nine-state region,
Commercial Appeal, Jan. 13.
Value unit of Comdata cooking-up gift-card product
for Arby's chain, Nash. Bus. Journal,
Jan. 11.
of KraftCPAs gains certification as IS
auditor, Tennessean, Jan. 16.
Solutions Group announced Monte Sellers
to director-technology; Sean Wilder to
director-bus. development; Bill Arbogast, bus.
mgr., Tennessean, Jan. 16.
Overland left Shop At Home to join Fleet One
LLC (SunTrust) as senior IT product
manager, Tennessean, Jan. 16.
Concepts hopes to penetrate more Loews Hotel
properties with AdQue digital
signage, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 5, Jan. 14, not on
Burnette promoted to SVP IT at Morgan
Keegan, Memphis, Commercial Appeal,
Jan. 16.
Roaten joined inferno as interactive
manager, Commercial Appeal,
Jan. 16.
Network & Software Solutions
(Henderson Hutcherson & McCullough), says Dave
Yap and Lee Bridenstine joined as systems
engineers, Times Free Press, Jan.
16. back to top
Panel provides Bush administration
recommendations for Healthcare IT roadmap, urges
interoperability in effort to avert "islands of
excellence," New
York Times, Jan. 19.
Related, Emerging Technologies in HIT 2005,
Healthcare Informatics, Jan. 05.
Commission on Systemic
Interoperability will work over the next ten
months with the public and private health
sectors "to establish priorities and develop a
strategy and timeline for implementing an
infrastructure that supports interoperable
electronic health-care systems across the nation."
William W. Stead, associate vice chancellor for
health affairs and professor of medicine and
biomedical informatics, comments, Information Week.
Earlier reports, Jan. 10.
Frisse named to Accenture
informatics chair at Vanderbilt, VUMC
Reporter, Jan.
14. Nash. Bus. Journal,
11. Release here,
Digiscript and U.Fla. College of
Pharmacy extend relationship, Tennessean,
CTI Molecular tiff with U.
Pittsburgh over imaging-technology
rewards set to continue with May trial, Knox. News
Sentinel, Jan.
ClientLogic closes
Buffalo office, City
Paper, Jan.
14. ClientLogic is a
leading international business process outsourcing
(BPO) provider in the customer care, fulfillment,
item processing and marketing services industry.
Commission on Systemic Interoperability
will work over the next ten
months with the
public and private health sectors "to establish
priorities and develop a strategy and timeline for
implementing an infrastructure that supports
interoperable electronic health-care systems
across the nation." William W. Stead, associate
vice chancellor for health affairs and professor
of medicine and biomedical informatics, comments, Information
Week. Earlier reports,
First Genetic Trust to Provide
enTrust IT System to support research at
Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
EyeForPharma, Dec. 15.
Earlier related report, VUMC
Reporter (11/04).
reports strong surge in physicians using its
managed-care credentialing, provider
enrolment, hospital-privileging software,
Nash. Bus. Journal, Jan.
health care professionals and other service
providers in search of current research
on developmental disabilities can find
studies using Study Finder,
created by VU Kennedy Center for
Research on Human Development.
Nashville Health Care Council
program, The Investment Community's
Outlook for the Health Care
Industry, 11 a.m., Jan. 21, Hilton Nashville
Downtown, speakers including Anne Barlow,
Southwest Securities Inc.; David Dempsey, Avondale
Partners; Frank Morgan, Jefferies & Co.;
Darren Lehrich, Piper Jaffray. For more
information, write here.
back to top
Link to key in-state government
bid-tracking resources,
here. Also,
see previous issues, here.
Commis. Kisber stresses importance of technology
infrastructure in TN's economic
development, notes West TN is poised for gains in
biotech, other fields, Commercial Appeal, Jan. 19. In recent weeks,
Memphians have been bemoaning what some see as
laggard status. Memphis Council member hints city's
declining bond rating obscured by 'spin',
Commercial Appeal, Jan. 19.
Chattanooga Technology Council will
host a discussion panel of the City of Chattanooga
Mayoral Candidates on January 27, 4 p.m.,
Chattanooga Trade and Convention Center.
State on Jan. 5 issued
317.03-117 for Statewide Payphone Services,
to succeed Cincinnati Bell as contractor,
with proposal due date Feb. 7. Also,
proposals for RFP 329.01-143 Inmate Phone
Services due Feb. 15. Related story: Relatives of prisoners decry
plan to change phone rates, as Corrections seeks
contractors' proposals, AP via Knox.News Sentinel,
Jan. 12.
State government adds website
in fight against
contains links to treatment programs, conferences
and related developments
in Tennessee and elsewhere.
Technology enlisted for security of
President Bush's Second Term Inaugural,
Washington Post, Jan. 10.
Nashville Public Schools struggle with computers,
as Chancery SMS student information
system overloads and outages block school staff
from their duties, The City Paper,
Jan. 17.
Ridge NL could play bigger role helping U.S.
intelligence community develop tools for
intel analysis, Knox. News Sentinel,
Jan. 12.
Memphis-based Networx should open
its books to public scrutiny, given
MLGW's ownership stake, Commercial Appeal,
editorial, Jan. 11. back to top
delegation in Detroit talks with
automakers re hybrid-vehicle
technologies, Times Free Press,
Jan. 13.
may be developing a niche in testing
transportation-security technology under
Safe Skies program, airport is designate for
piloting software, Times Free Press,
Jan. 16.
Magazine poll shows site consultants like
Nashville, Atlanta, others in region, but
pass over Chattanooga, Times Free Press,
Jan. 16.
Scripps Networks has launched a video-rich online
network for the building industry,
HGTVPro.com, Commercial Appeal,
Jan. 13.
Knox. News Sentinel, Jan. 15.
Inventory Locator Services set records for
ILSmart.com support of marine and
aviation logistics, Commercial Appeal,
Jan. 12.
Accuship online logistics firm
relocates to Memphis' technology
corridor, Memphis Bus. Journal, Jan. 7.
Cleveland/Bradley business
incubator finds would-be tenants
lining-up, Times Free Press, Jan. 17.
E-mail keeps families in touch
with soldiers in Iraq, Times Free Press,
Jan. 18.
Horse lover creates online community for
equestrians, horse owners, Commercial
Appeal, Jan. 18.
Remote Backup Systems (Memphis)
announces v8.5 upgrades, Jan.
17. back
to top
State Comptroller says Less than
one-fourth Tennessee students proficient in
Math, NashvillePost.com, Jan. 18.
Report here. Tennessean story, Jan.
at Oak Ridge uncomfortable with association with
bubble-bursting acoustic fusion energy
project, Munger column, Knox. News Sentinel,
Jan. 19.
World (Jan.
12) offers
interview with Jan Zanetis,
director of the Vanderbilt Virtual School, re
success of videoconferencing in the
Oak Ridge National Lab
(UT-Battelle) and the U.S. Air Force
launched Technical Fellowship program
Jan. 12, to help USAF personnel
upgrade tech knowledge and raise awareness of ORNL
research and technology. Release Jan. 14.
student-linking Facebook.com is catching-on in
Tennessee, Knox. News Sentinel,
Jan. 18.
and Technology Certificate program offered through
UT-Chattanooga and Riverbend Technology
Institute, Times Free Press,
Jan. 18.
comes up with technology-literacy
examination, NY Times, Jan. 17.
offers e-learning certification for fast-growing
Homeland Security field, CNET News,
Jan. 11. back to top
Search the News of Nashville
Technology archive for business
intelligence, here.
Malware programs proliferating,
according to Praemunio, Inflow execs, p.
27, Nash. Bus. Journal, Jan. 14.
CIBER seeks to minimize outsourcing
by creating CIBERsite development centers
in U.S. urban areas, beginning with OK City,
release Jan. 13.
Singer Sewing President Gary Jones
says those who sew are now online
community, Tennessean, Jan. 16.
Coffey of US Lec offers advice on
telecommunications options, Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 30, Jan. 14.
FBI Virtual Case File project
failure reported re SAIC, Washington
Post, Jan. 14.
NY Times, Jan. 14.
U.S. finds it easier to export
garbage than to sell advanced technology
products, NY Times, Jan. 14.
Homebuilders' show feature home
technologies, Tennessean,
Jan. 14.
Is an Integration Service Provider
right for you? Hubspan paper outlines the
emergence of the integration service provider.
Registration required, report here. back
to top
( * indicates new or revised
(Jan. 19-20) Tennessee
Cyber-Infrastructure Initiative:
Conference on Computational Applications, papers
invited. Murfreesboro, TN. For further
information, write Penny Morris
or George Garrison.
(Jan. 19) David Williams on
Strategic Planning, Chattanooga
Technology Council, 11:30 a.m., Trade Center, rsvp
20) Excellence in Manufacturing Awards,
cosponsored by Nash. Bus. Journal, LBMC, Nashville
Area Chamber, for details here.
20) InfraGard mid-TN meeting, 1:30 p.m., Belmont
University, speaker Brandon Watkins,
Infrastructure Protection Coordinator, TN
of Homeland Security, re: formation of state's
Defense Advisory Council. For more information
write Brad Lide. (Jan.
21) Nashville Health Care Council program, The
Investment Community's Outlook for the
Health Care Industry, 11 a.m., Hilton Nashville
Downtown, speakers including Anne Barlow,
Southwest Securities Inc. David Dempsey, Avondale
Partners; Frank Morgan, Jefferies &
Co.; Darren Lehrich, Piper Jaffray. For more
information, write here.
25) WiTT monthly meeting, with Alan Tackett and
Mary Dietrich, Directors of Vanderbilt
University’s ACCRE (Advanced Computing Center for
Research and Education) will speak.
Vanderbilt Hill Center, 1231 18th Avenue South,
4:30 p.m. Details here.
(Jan. 25) E. TN Technology Corridor
partners will participate in Energy Efficiency
Technology & Business Fair @
Harvey L. Haynes Conference & Technology
Training Center, Enka Campus, Asheville-Buncombe
(N.C.) Technical Community College. Free,
details here.
25) WiTT's back in action with Alan Tackett and
Mary Dietrich, Directors of Vanderbilt
University's Advanced Computing Center
Research and Education, at Hill Center, 4:30 p.m.
Members: $15 Non-Members $25. For details and
registration here.
25) NE TN Technology Council annual meeting
breakfast with presentation by Mountain
State Health Alliance on healthcare technologies.
For reservations please contact Vivian Crymble at
vcrymble@netntech.org or call
(Jan. 26) E. TN Tech Council, 11:30 a.m., National
Safe Skies Alliance President & CEO
Tom Jensen, and Jeff Cornett, COO/VP-Testing
Register online here.
26) Memphis BioWorks Development Council Speaker
Dr. Andre Maisonneuve, President/CEO,
Validian, on "Open Communication, Mutual
Secure Exchanges" , for details contact For
reservations, please contact Brenda Montgomery.
regional IT leadership conference, Memphis.
28) U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper's (D-5) small-business
government procurement marketing
workshop, Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec. 22.
(Feb. 3) NTC Tech Roundtable,
"Making the call: Java, .Net or Both?!",
presentation by Steve Kukulka,
Area Director, ComFrame. Program registration
* (Feb.
3) U. Memphis event brings tech futurist Erik
Peterson to address Seven
Commercial Appeal, Jan. 12.
(Feb. 10) AITP Nashville program
with Larry McCoy,CIO, Caterpillar
Financial Services, details here.
15) NTC Technology! Nashville 2005. NTC's
annual flagship event. For sponsorship info, write
(Feb. 16) Nashville Capital Network
program on "Organizing Your
Business": Moderator Paul Wallace (American
Healthways); Stuart Campbell, Stites &
Harbison; Paige Davidson, Bass Berry; Carig
Buffkin, Buffkin Assocs.; Jon Billington, Ernst
& Young; Stuart McWhorter, Clayton Assocs. No
charge or advance registration required. 5:30
p.m.-7 p.m., Averbuch Auditorium, VU Owen Graduate
School of Management.
(Feb. 18) Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence
includes TN
Finance Chief Dave Goetz, executives from
Caterpillar Finance,
Boeing and others, and includes presentation on
"Using e-Learning to implement Six Sigma Projects
- Accelerate Implementation and Cut Costs," by Bob
Duthie, Chairman and Founder of Nashville's Duthie Associates,
(Feb. 23) Chattanooga Technology Council
luncheon, David McGee,
author Ford Tough: Bill Ford and the Battle to
Rebuild America's Automaker, 11:30 a.m., Trade
Center. Details here.
(March 16) Chattanooga Technology
Council, 11:30 a.m., Venture Capital Panel.
(March 17) – MTSU Emerging
Technology in Manufacturing event.
here. Contact: Dr. Charles
Russell Chair of Manufacturing Excellence, Inst.
Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies,
College of Basic and Applied Sciences.
23-24) SBA business matchmaking event,
Tennessean, Dec. 18.
Nash. Bus. Journal, Dec. 17.
NashvillePost.com, Dec. 16.
5) Leadership
Music Digital Summit, Belmont Curb
Center, Nashville, details available later this
(May 18) – NTC
Nashville Technology Innovation
Conference will be Wednesday, May 18,
2005, with emphasis on innovations that address
current and emerging technology needs of
enterprises large and small. The unprecedented NTC
event will be at BellSouth Auditorium, downtown
Nashville. Speakers currently confirmed include
execs from Symantec, IBM, Brooktrout, CapGemini,
Tacit Networks, J.P. Morgan. Registration,
sponsorship, exhibit and related details are
forthcoming. Info, write info1@technologycouncil.com
(July 12-15) Tenn.
Valley Corridor 2005 National
Summit, Washington, D.C.
(Aug. 24) – NTC's InfoSec
Nashville 2005 information-security conference
will be Wednesday August 24, with
information-security training Aug. 22, 23, 25, 26.
For further information, write info1@technologycouncil.com
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