Thursday, April 15, 2004 (No. 32)
Editor Milt Capps For
a previous issue or for the date of the next
issue, visit the news archive. |
This Week: Bill
Hapner, CEO Beacon
Technologies |
Readers! To
improve this summary, reply to survey, here.
Notice: Server changes
at NashvillePost.com on deadline resulted in links
to those stories becoming inoperable. The
publisher has granted 5-day free access to the
site for readers of this summary. User name: guest@nashvillepost.com
-- password: nashvillepost . We hope to return to
providing you direct open links, with the next
In Nashville, the
Recording Academy NARAS will convene the first
GRAMMY Town Hall, April 19, with
performers, Members of Congress,
recording-industry execs. Details. Resource.
"Technology! Nashville" spotlighted
rebound in local tech economy,
Tennessean, April 9.
NashvillePost.com, April 9. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 8.
Event participant survey is still
open, here.
Note: Check the NTC
website for announcement of airtimes for taped
broadcast of the April 8th conference on Metro
Government Ch. 3 (Comcast, in Davidson
Employment: NTC
President Condra said this week that rising tech
hiring in the Nashville region has brought
tech-worker shortages, e.g., network engineer,
.Net specialist, C++, Web developer, other
fields. Related Condra
statement, April 8. NashvilleJobsLink.com offers leads on Nashville-area technology
jobs. Direct link to tech
jobs here. NTC member organizations enjoy JobsLink
advantages, details here.
CEO Buddy Bacon departs
Medifax-EDI, following WebMD acquisition,
NashvillePost.com, April 13.
Tennessee F&A top
technology exec Rognehaugh departs OIR,
NashvillePost.com, April 13.
Tennessean, April 14. Gov.
Bredesen comments on OIR, Tennessean, 5B,
April 15.
will be topic of Tennessee Regulatory
Authority forum, April
30, 9:15
a.m.-4 p.m., with representatives from TNTRA,
Vonage, Cisco, Vanderbilt, BellSouth, Comcast,
Medley, Sprint, MCI, Covad, Consumer Federation
and others. Registration form here. For more
information, write travoip@state.tn.us .
NTC's May 6 Tech
Roundtable features Mike Dunne, President, Quanta
Computer Nashville. Dunne will discuss
structure of Quanta, the world's largest designer
and manufacturer of portable computers and their
global approach to total Supply Chain. Quanta
Computer Corporation (Taiwan) boasts more than $4
billion in revenue. Quanta's first U.S.
manufacturing and distribution facility is at
LaVergne. Details and registration
here. back to top
CEO of Beacon
Technologies, Bill Hapner has watched his firm
grow from 45 employees a year ago to the current
88, with revenue up 53 percent in 2003 over
2002 -- on their way, Hapner says, toward the
roughly $12 million he projects for $2004, and $25
million for 2006.
credibility to the projections is the fact that in
2003 Beacon was listed number 173 on the Inc.
magazine "500" list, after logging five-year
growth of 960
Hapner, 37, aims to
make the Inc. cut, again this fall, leveraging
"the convergence of everything" toward IP control
of technologies, and building on Beacon's bundled
and unbundled services, including voice and data
cabling and infrastructure; training; network
development and management; telephony; information
technology; audio-visual systems; and, security
(including alarm, access, security,
A Wabash, Ind.,
native who earned his B.S. in telecommunications
at Ball State, Hapner previously worked Dynacom
Inc., SWC, Safari Technologies and
Beacon's rampant
growth has been steady since the firm was formed
six years ago, spurred by first signing MetLife
and Focus-Concentra Healthcare, and more recently
by such major wins as Metro Nashville Public
Schools, a contract which brings to 275 the number
of Tennessee public schools Beacon has served.
Other Beacon clients include
Bridgestone/Firestone, TVA, Logan's Roadhouse,
Private Business, Gambro and Driversway.com of
Though grateful for
his single lead investor - Charles Blankenship of
Investors Scorecard fame, and three additional
owners among Beacon executives, Hapner says that
he and Beacon "have been blessed" with prosperity.
He then explains he believes that success has
flowed from the firm's adoption of a set of core
values. Topping the published list of those values
is, "Adhering to Christ derived Integrity,
Honesty, and Ethics in Action." In a Beacon
brochure, Hapner says, "Simply put, we strive to
follow the Golden Rule: 'Treat others as you would
like to be treated'." This philosophy, he says,
has led to no more than 2 percent turnover among
his staff in the past six
years. back to top
Progeny Marketing
(Cendant) cuts 57 positions, Nash. Bus.
Journal, April
6. Tennessean, April
7. City Paper, April
Nashville's Globecot
announces Chinese partnership on textile
news and information, April 12 release.
Nash. Bus. Journal, April
Franklin's CentradeX
data-mining tools are international hit
among global trade-watchers; now, TSU, VU, Belmont
partner for education and consulting. Tennessean,
1E, April
Core Business Technology
Solutions, formerly Cincinnati Bell Technology
Solutions, has completed its
management-led buyout, Tennessean,
3E, April 5. Local tech entrepreneurs join buyout
of Core Business Solutions,
NashvillePost.com, April
Rivals.com enterprise
survives a failed IPO by purchaser, now
plans new hiring, new headquarters and move into
other media channels, Tennessean Wmson. AM, April
Systems LLC software firm spawned by
BridgestoneFirestone execs, drawing on
acumen of coaches Farsheed Ferdowsi (PayMaxx) and
Nelson Andrews (Brookside Props.), Nash. Bus.
Journal, p. 8, April 9, not on web.
In Review: 1st Quarter
Business highlights included SCB Computer
Technology sale to CIBER, Tennessean, April
4. Pullback in HealthStream stock seen as
representative of tech trend, Tennessean, April
Telco Inc. is sold to Teco
Solutions III holding company led by Tim
Knox, with Greg and Jeff Wass, in local
Wass family-business sale, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
5, April 2, not on web. Motorola sold assets to
Telco in 2002, NBJ, Oct. 29, 2002, here.
Motorola/PRN (10/02) here.
The stage is set for
competition in Nashville between local
SnappyAuctions and NuMarkets, the
e-Bay-linked online auctioneers, Times
Free Press, April 13. NuMarket investment
Times Free Press, April
10. Related, Knox. News sentinel, March
(further) Universal
Solutions' Nashville office gains in corporate
reshuffling, Nash. Bus. Journal, April
Fear of Terrorism gives
IPIX a lift, Tennessean, April
14. IPIX fortunes improving on stock runup.
Knox News Sentinel, April
12. IPIX partner Abstract Security says phones
ringing off hooks, Knox. News Sentinel, April
12. Commercial Appeal, April
9. More on IPIX stock runup on surveillance
contract, Knox. News Sentinel, April
3. IPIX lands Korea deal for 360-degree
observation, security, biometric support, Memphis
Bus. Journal, March
Nashville's Link2Gov
announces recurring payments access via
PAY1040.com, where taxpayers can make
federal tax payments electronically anytime
(release April 5, background here).
Tangle of Nashville
litigation involves technologies
represented as burning coal cleanly, reducing
human pain, etc., while locking horns among
inventor Holcomb, Demeter Systems, Vanderbilt,
Amway and others in a potential snarl of questions
of rights, conflicts and, of course, "billions,"
Tennessean, April
Chancery Court jury rules
in favor of two IT consultants, following
claims by HCA IT&S that two individuals and
their startup associates unethically used
information gained while consulting to HCA in
behalf of Zycron and CPI. Tennessean, April
PalmGear.com offers new
StreamLync 2.0 software upload
capability, release March 31. Product here.
Tractor Supply shows
1st-quarter sales gain, Tennessean, April
13. Brentwood community happy that Tractor
Supply relocating there from Davidson County,
Tennessean Wmson. AM, April
Claritas Capital adds two
companies to portfolio, NashvillePost.com.
Comdata launches
BusinessLink payment, authentication and
related services suite, Nash. Bus. Journal, p. 12,
April 2, not on web. March
15 release.
Former Adelphia/Hyperion
property renamed Telcove, Nash. Bus.
Journal, April
CompuUSA Software Sales
Strategy, Times Free Press, April
12. back
to top
Tech! Fun: During
Technology! Nashville, April 8, there were prize
drawings. The winners: Conference
Gold sponsor CGI gifted
Jeff Davis, P/M at BMI, with a Sony CLIE Handheld
PDA with Digital Camera; and, Gold Sponsor
awarded Robert Williford of Franklin the Compaq
SR1020NX, and provided Alain DeBois of Nortel
Networks an HP Photosmart 7660.
DigitalDog.com will
redesign Tennessee State University's entire
website, a TSU
spokesman said to NTC today. DigitalDog's SiteDoc
content management system is being employed for
this and other TSU IT work.
Corrections Corp creates
major data center with Sun Microsystems
and Ray Bell assist, release, March 31, here. Related CCA
system information, here. Corporation
of America has completed headquarters data center,
Nash. Bus. Journal, April 2.
Tennessean, April 3.
Provident Music Group CEO
Hemmings has a long history with
technology, Tennessean, April 12.
CIMplify hires Helen Lane
as chief information officer and vp-IS,
Tennessean, 1E, April 2.
Ozburn Hessey names
technology executive Evans to head
operations, City Paper, April 8.
Link2Gov CFO Mimi Vaughn
joins Genesco, Nash. Bus. Journal,
April 9.
Tennessean, 1E, April 10.
Burch to president of
Franklin's MyOfficeProducts.com,
April 7, Nash. Bus.
Cumberland Emerging
Technologies adds board members,
Tennessean, April 11.
Cat Financial launches
large Oracle E-Business Suite project,
NashvillePost.com, April 8.
Cybera inks agreements
with Krispy Kreme, Ruth's Chris,
Nashville's iNet Strategy announced April 5 it will provide
end-to-end IT, communications and security solutions
at Aegis Sciences Corporation, a Nashville-based federally
certified, forensic toxicology lab.
Transportation Specialists
of Memphis cite technology in winning
drayage accolades from Dollar General, Commercial
Appeal, April 10.
Meharry Medical College
opts for American Fiber Systems'
Freedom Ring full-spectrum fiber
optic network in Nashville, BW Release April
Nashville-officed Inflow integrates operations
support with OpsWare to
create iServerCare server-management solution,
release April 1.
Google gets access to
BellSouth homepage, Tennessean,
3E, April 8.
BellSouth's RealPages.com
online yellow-pages directory goes mobile
via deal with go2 Directory Systems, providing
service to Web-enabled wireless phones and others,
Tennessean, 3E, April 1.
Pomeroy nails $58 million
in new IT contracts, Memphis Bus.
Journal, April 5.
ClientLogic says it's
racking-up client wins, April 12
Fleet One opted for
Wilcohess Fleet Card credit issuing,
authorization and billing, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
12, April 2. Also, NBJ,
March 11. Related Fleet One statement,
12/03, here. back to top
Caroline Young joins
Nashville Health Care Council,
Tennessean, April
13. Nash. Bus. Journal, April
BlueCross BlueShield of
Tennessee to reimburse RelayHealth
webVisits as part of value-based
reimbursement program pilot to supports physicians
providing Evidence-Based Care, April 6 release.
WebMD Envoy buys Dakota
Imaging, expanding claims processing and
billing operations, City Paper, p. 11, April 7. WebMD to
pay $40 million for company that will boost
Envoy's growth, NashvillePost.com, here.
HealthSpring signed with
ViPS to used MedMeasures Suite, Nash.
Bus. Journal, p. 12, April 2, not on web. ViPS
Release, March 11, here.
Healthgate EBM Solutions
buyer lands evidence-based medical
guidelines work on Vandy/BlueCross study
on physician reimbursement, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
5, April 2, not on web. Related background
HealthTrio and Availity
will comarket applications to enhance
online service capabilities for health
plans and related services, Nash. Bus. Journal, p.
12. April 2. Also, NBJ,
March 23. HealthTrio release, March 22, here.
Franklin's Passport Health
acquires United Wisconsin Proservices,
April 1 release.
Tennessean, April 2. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April 1.
HMS adds Wyoming
hospitals, Nash. Bus. Journal, April 13. HMS
release here.
Rgl. Med. Center-Memphis
installed ClecStaff from ClecSoft for
nursing-staff management, alerts. Commercial
Appeal, April 2.
Gresham Smith CEO Bearden
mentions process-led design and patient-flow
software for hospitals in Tennessean
Q&A, April 11.
Medicare to compare drug
prices via medicare.com site, NY
Times, April 12.
Question: "So, why has
healthcare almost uniquely failed to invest in
IT?" Washington Post, column, April 14.
Many hospitals resist
computers that could improve patient
safety, NY Times, April 6. back to top
Tennessee lags as
"third-tier" state in leveraging its technology
base, according to Milken report.
Washington Post, March
31. Milken report
and comparison
by state.
Bredesen administration getting high marks for
FastTracks innovation in economic and community
development, Nash.
Bus. Journal and Memphis Bus. Journal, April
Emergency response in Memphis region
being improved by introduction of GPS and
other technologies, Commercial Appeal, April
illustrate the evolution of the
Metro Nashville government website.
Nashvillian Jacob Bornick is accused of
selling nonexistent items via eBay to
more than 600 persons in 48 states who had sought
sports memorabilia, computer games; Tennessean,
April 1, 2B. AP via NY Times, March
East Tennessee courts adopt e-filing
technology, Knox. News Sentinel, April
New TN Department of Mental Health
website, City Paper, March
12. back to top
Largesse of deal to
relocate Nashville's Vought operation stirs some
Texans, Tennessean, April
Profile of the UT Sim Center for
development of computational engineering
systems in Chattanooga, Times Free Press, April
Cordova-based EWR Inc., which provides
electronic receipts for the cotton trade,
purchases eCotton, leading software developer,
Commercial Appeal, April
Emerson Appliance Controls of Sparta
shutters plant, outsources work to Asia,
Tennessean, April
Chattanoogans commit to pro-technology
push, Chattanoogan.com, April
6. Times Free Press, April
7. Editorial praises Chattanooga enterprise
center, Times Free Press, April
Knoxville-based Atmospheric
Glow Technologies, Inc. (AGT)
announced April 13 its new NASDAQ trading symbol
(OTCBB:AGWT). AGT's mission is to advance plasma
technology licensed from the University of
Tennessee Research Foundation known as the
patented One Atmosphere Uniform Glow Discharge
Plasma (OAUGDP(TM)) technology.
2b Interactive web-design firm among
companies graduating from EmergeMemphis
incubator, Commercial Appeal, April
Brain drain: Oak Ridge NL star departs
for No. Carolina, Knox. News Sentinel, April
Leaking seal again quiets OakRidge
reactor, Knox. News Sentinel, April
DeJim Low first minority engineer
honored as Engr. of Year by Chattanooga
Engineers Club, Time Free Press, April
Knology cable build-out lagging in Knox
County, Knox. News Sentinel, April
FedEx fleet includes hybrid
vehicle, Commercial Appeal, March
31. back
to top
Nashville's Center for IT
Education launching industry-education-skills
Exchange, Nash. Bus. Journal, April
Tennessee State
will (4/16) host TN Louis Stokes Alliance
for Minority Participation conference, 9:30 a.m.,
TSU Avon Williams campus. Groups aims to increase
the numbers of degrees awarded to underrepresented
sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics
students. Info (615) 963-5331.
Internet technology, a
walker-lifter for the disabled, devices to help
infants breath and intubated patients
communicate with caregivers -- and, yes, an
automated sorter of Pringles cans -- are among the
48 engineering design projects spotlighted for the
business and engineering community during
Vanderbilt School of Engineering's Senior
Design Day 2004, April 27, 3:30 p.m.,
Featheringill Atrium. Showcase includes designs by
teams from electrical and computer engineering,
biomedical engineering, civil engineering and
mechanical engineering.
Tennessee State Univ.
joins consortium pro-minority participation in
aviation fields, April
1 release.
Adventure Science Center
adds $1.3 million health/science
exploration exhibit, Nash. Bus. Journal,
National "Technology
Student Association Week" begins April
19. Technology Students Association holds
major conference in Nashville in June,
needs dozens of judges to critique students'
technology projects. Conference details
Metropolitan Educational
Access Corp., which operates Davidson
County Comcast Ed-Access channels 9 and 10, needs
volunteers for Website development. To volunteer,
contact Michael Catelano at (615) 579-7616 or
write meac@comcast.net
(Decision-makers: The Ed Access board
of directors. "PEG" Board oversees Ed Access,
The Vanderbilt University
Vision Research Center won a $3 million
grant from the National Eye Institute to
support vision and eye research. Nash. Bus.
Journal, April
Knoxville's Lee Martin,
engineer and mentor-capitalist, comments
on role of non-U.S. graduate and doctoral students
in supporting the advance of U.S. science and
engineering, Knox. News Sentinel, April
Tennessee State Univ.
noted for technology support of students
among miniority-serving institutions, release April
12. Related, Alliance
for Equity in Higher Education issued the
report TSU cites.
Vanderbilt's Television News
Archive holdings to be digitized,
release March
Univ. of Memphis professor
pens database-management textbook,
Commercial Appeal, April
Vanderbilt's R. Wilburn
Clouse, assoc. prof.-leadership,
policy and organizations, presented "What is Going
on with E-Education in Secondary Schools,"
National Conference of U.S. Assn. for Small
Business and Entrepreneurship (1/04,
Can entrepreneurs really
be taught? Universities spend $1 billion
in past decade, USA Today, April
7. back to top
School of Engineering technical lectures and
presentations, schedule update, here.
Compliance software makers hope to
benefit from Sarbanes-Oxley, though the
emphasis is on business processes, AP via
Washington Post, April
Dell Inc. said April 8 that more large
corporations are spending to replace aging
systems, City Paper, p. 13, April 9, not
on web. Related NewsFactor report, April 9, here.
Report projecting Dell as $60 billion company by
2007, BizIT, April 12, here.
Dell has more workers abroad than in U.S., AP via
Knox. News Sentinel and NY Times, April
Music sales seem to continue rise,
despite file-sharing, AP via Tennessean,
10. Related NARA Recording Academy resource:
Resources: Economists say illegal downloading may
not harm music sales, at all. New York Times, April
5. Also, Tennessean, 1E, April 5, not on
Inflow/Nashville IT Security
seminar, May 13, Hilton Suites, details
Franklin's IHL Services reports
European POS shipments rose 5% in 2003.
Release April
Hackers attack university Teragrid
net, April 14, Washington
IRS says electronic filing is setting a
record pace, AP via Washington Post, April
NetContent's Shaun Carrigan tells how
to profit by reselling aggregated news
content, ContentBiz.com, April 5, here.
NetContent gets the nod from FIND/SVP's
Information Advisor newsletter, noted here
"Big media" use technology to suppress
creativity? Copyright forum online
(transcript), Washington Post, April 14, here.
The Coming Barbie Bubble: Barbie
reengineered with text-messaging,
Bloomberg via Tennessean, April 15, 8A, not on
web. Oregon Scientific advances e-Learning with
Barbie dolls, release March
16. Barbie IT infrastructure, here.
Barbie Liberation Organization here.
Seamless toy technology solutions (2/04) here.
Educators and news editors use
anti-plagiarism software to stem growing
problem, AP via Commercial Appeal, April
Microsoft critics says legal system
works too slowly to affect business in
fast-moving technology space, NY Times, April
4. back
to top
And, visit Tennessee's
technology councils'
(TODAY) 3:00
p.m., Dr. Panos Antsaklis, Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame,
"Control of Networked Embedded Systems: Rethinking
Feedback," Featheringill Auditorium. (EECS
Lecture Series)
(April 16) NE TN Tech
Council meeting with Saratoga
Technologies, rapidly growing IT
firm. Details.
(April 16-21) American
Congress on Surveying and Mapping (GIS,
related), Nashville Convention, details.
(April 16) North Highland
sets panel on Program Management Office,
with Joe Degati, SVP/CIO, Cendant
Corporation/Progeny Marketing Innovations; Edward
Scott - EVP/CFO, Caterpillar Financial; Richard
Singletary, AVP Strategy & Planning, HCA
Information Technology & Services, details here.
(April 16)
Tech. Explosion career fair/expo,
Hillsboro HS, Nashville, for info here.
(April 20) Project
Management Institute, Nashville chapter, 11:30
a.m., Ty Tabernick of Ridgewood Resource Gp.,
"Product Usability." Details here.
(April 22) InfraGard and FBI: Protecting
critical infrastructure, with
responses to Infragard threat scenarios from
Nashville Electric Service, Nashville Gas, Metro
Water, Metro Nashville Airport Authority; and,
presentation by Maj. Gen. Jerry Humble, TN Office
of Homeland Security. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Baptist
Hospital Amphitheater, Nashville. Register by
phone (800) 501-4344. Details here.
(April 27) WiTT, Jon Good,
Managing Director of the Cost Management
Group, Symphony Services, discusses
Symphony's moving IT processes to Bangalore. 4:30
p.m., details here.
(April 27) Prof. Douglas
Matthews, Ph.D., U. Memphis, discusses
"Integration of Bio-Medical Research and
Information Technology," noon, $20. details here.
(April 27) 3:30 - 5:30
p.m. Senior Design Day 2004: Engineering seniors
will showcase 48 engineering design
projects from biomedical engineering, mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, computer
engineering and civil engineering. Featheringill
(April 27)
Wireless LAN security and audit,
daylong course, Information Systems Audit and
Control Assn., local chapter, details here. CPE
(April 27) "Light Speed," 8
p.m. CDST, NPT Channel 8; PBS series "Innovation"
explores the emergence of fiber-optics
(April 30)
VOIP will be topic of Tennessee Regulatory Authority
forum, 9:15 a.m.-4 p.m.,
with representatives from TNTRA, Vonage, Cisco,
Vanderbilt, BellSouth, Comcast, Medley, Sprint,
MCI, Covad, Consumer Federation and others. For
more information, see item in Upfront or
write travoip@state.tn.us .
(April 30)
4th annual Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce
Spirit of Innovation breakfast,
Convention Center; details and registration here.
Spirit Award speaker here.(May 6) NTC Tech Roundtable dinner
- Mike Dunne, President of Quanta US,
University Club, Vanderbilt.
(May 5-7) PMI Nashville:
Best Practices in Healthcare Project
Management, HCA Conference Cntr.
(May 7)
PayMaxx is subject of Nashville Chamber's
"Behind the Business" program, 8:30 a.m.
- 10 a.m., preceded by networking, details
(May 12)
NE TN Tech Council meeting, spotlights
healthcare IT in NE Tenn., at Wellmont
Holston Valley OP Cntr., Kingsport. Details.
(May 13)
AITP Nash., Starting Your IT
Business, Bob Chaput -American Tech'y
Grp, details here.
(May 18)
"NTC Tech After Hours," Marriott
Franklin Cool Springs, 4:30 p.m., details
(May 19-21)
Management skills for IT
professionals, with Jay Ress, Tenn.
Economic Development Center (BellSouth Tower).
Details here.
(May 20) Chattanooga
Technology Council luncheon presentation on
Good Link Technologies, enabling remote
users to access E-mail, calendar and applications
on their own networks in a secure manner from the
Palm and PocketPC phone devices using existing
(May 20)
41st Annual State of Metro Address by
Mayor Bill Purcell, Mayor of Nashville,
Convention Center, 7 a.m. registration and
networking, 7:30 - 9 breakfast and program, info
and registration here.
(May 25)
GovTech Tennessee Government Technology
Summit, details, here.
(May 31-June
2) TN Corridor Knoxville/Oak Ridge
Summit, Tennessee Valley Corridor,
(June 3)
NTC Tech Roundtable - Loren Chumley,
Commissioner - Revenue, State of
Tennessee - The Streamlined Sales
Tax Project,
electronic commerce.
(June 4)
Chamber Behind the Business, Robert Henry,
CEO, American Endoscopy Services,
details here.
(July) NTC
Tech Roundtable - "Open Source" panel
discussion, University Club,
(Aug. 2-5)
Synergy 2004: IT education-program reform
conference in Nashville, led by Center
for IT Education at Nashville State Community
College, covering improvement of teaching and
learning, and alignment of IT education with
changing workforce and workplace demands. For more
information, write David McNeel,
director, CITE.
(Aug. 5) NTC
Tech Roundtable, Tim Stafford, CIO,
EdgeNet, University Club,
(Aug. 24)
3rd Annual Nashville Technology Council -
ISSA "Information Security Conference,"
Nashville Convention Center.
(Sept. 23-24)
8th Ann' Tenn. Venture
Forum - hosts: Tech2020, City of
Chattanooga. American Venture
magazine touts success of Tennessee Venture Forum,
page 11, Jan/Feb. 04, not on web.
(Sept. 28-30)
2004 Governor's Conference,
Nashville Convention Center.
(Sept. 28)
Nashville Area Chamber annual "Future 50"
event, Franklin Cool Springs Marriott
Hotel. Reception 5
p.m., dinner/presentation, 6 p.m. Details to be
announced in May.
(Oct. 5-7)
Memphis Musculoskeletal New Ventures
Conference, Memphis Biotech. Fdn,
here. back to top
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